This. As epic as it would be to have it on TV, I can't really see how it would work out :v
it's probably heart burn or something xD
So am I.. kinda xD
:/gasp: Hey there.
*pity* :c Rawr. ;k; 446~ :3
*stitches tongue* Woof! ;-D 444 8D
*Staple guns tongue to the ground* Neighhh D;;;; 442
*Crash* Haw Haw Haw. o; 440!
*Keyblade!* ...Bebo Hoe? xD D8 438.
Nomura wants a game out roughly every year? Sure, it's good for the fans, but I would rather wait and have a really good quality game that takes a few years than one that's skipping out loads of details and comes out annually. On a random note, I really want Naminé to have her own game. Although, I've been wondering what the heck would she do - hit people over the head with her sketchpad? Nevertheless, it would be interesting to see what Nomura could do with her. Another random note: Anyone else seen Naminé in the latest Dead Fantasy coming out soon? She has two keyblades, and damn - she looks amazing ;c;
Anyone doing anything for it, or is everyone just continuing to do what they usually do?
*Becomes a nobody o:* Bwahaha c; 436
Hopefully it'll come out in the UK soon after c:
Owl City - I loved him until they became so known over here, and people were all "ZOMG, I LUV OWL CITI, FIREFLIES IS DA BEST." He's not as epic now. :c Favourite songs would have to be The Saltwater Room, The Bird and the Worm, Meteor Shower and Rainbow Veins :3
*Crashes into a wall* :g xD 434.
*Zooms in front and takes dog before speeding off again 8D* D': ..Oh, silly me. 432 xD
*gets jetpack 8D* c: Wait. I'm confused. 430? xD
*Chases after* :3 427