guys im sorry but pls stop with the moding already work on the game with something else besides just doing the party mod its annoying work on the stats codes pls!
your welcome im just still not sure what exact program i should use to convert codes into ards codes
i converted this max stats codebreaker code into action replay i used asm to ards and see if this works edit*2max stats 023FE074 012FFF11 E0000000 00000000 023FE074 E3520003
i no its just all of this charecter party mod stuff is getting kinda boring
guess no ones making max str code ohh well :sleepy:
is there a code for just max STR ?
ok umm where is the INF HP code at ? i mean seriously enough of the mods for a while anyways i found this inf hp code but when i get hit at certain things like at the oogie boogie battle when that hand comes down i get hit from that then its game over so is there any way to fix this hp code ? Inf. HP (FM) 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800
these are for the final mix version but can they be converted to the us version ? infinite HP 20156cd0 24050063 20156cd4 AC82003C 20156cd8 AC820040 infinite MP 20156d04 24050063 20156d08 AC820044 20156d0c AC820048 20156ce4 AC820048
i dont have the final mix version but can these codes be converted to NTSC/U codes ? infinite HP 20156cd0 24050063 20156cd4 AC82003C 20156cd8 AC820040 infinite MP 20156d04 24050063 20156d08 AC820044 20156d0c AC820048 20156ce4 AC820048
if the one given didnt work then i dont think any will so are u saying that the hp code is not hackable ? :(
its ok does anyone else have a proper INF HP for all characters that DOESN'T give inf hp to enemy's ?
ok ive been serching and got till like almost 20 pages so i was geting tired of searching and is there a proper infinite hp code for sora donald and goofy besides the other code where it just gives the enemy infinite hp and also i need the proper gummi ship infinite hp code too sorry if i asked to much.
why has no one been able to get the max strength code yet ? :rockdoversad:
hey guys whats up ? im new here well actully ive been on this site a long time ago so i thought i make a account here well anyways i do have the kh 358/2days and has there ever been a max str yet ?