lol im still using the old codebreaker since my new updated on broke ] : its codebreaker 4.0 lol is what ive been using.
Hey guys is there a all 99 dalmatians code ? just wondering since its not in the misc.code section.
Awesome ! just right after my birthday hopefully it means for the usa to this will be a great birthday present im thinking of getting the 3ds special kingdom hearts version box.
maybe someone can be my pretend gf ? lol :)
i might but my gf is somware else : ( lol ill think about it if i get some free time.
i tried the codes but they did not work on all of the timers just the races. edit: for example like on this part ware u have to destroy all of these in 2 minutes but im always get stuck on this lol.
is there a code ware it will stop the timer on anything besides the races ? i cant find such a code anyware ! lol
just wishing everyone in the community to have a good new year ! : D hope it will be better then last year.
Thank u so much ! u are a life saver ! ^^ and i have no idea what to do in hex and i have a mac computer so idk if there is a program for it haha. +rep ! edit** : woops sorry i forgot it goes to 99999 instead xD forgot the extra number silly me lol
Hey guys havent been on here for 2 years and now im back hopefully lol anyways back to the topic ive been searching for a specific code for this game and i have searched for a long time its called max shiny objects , i found one but it only gives me 999 instead of like 9999 im not a very good at coding so i will just leave to the experts lol. ps. this is the code i found for codebreaker and i have version 4. Max Shiny Objects 2A5B7239 000003E7 but it only gives me 999 though and it wont go up any higher then that when i collect some if anyone is a very good coder i will be appreciated.
hey guys anyone have the inf. hp for the gummi ship ? :/
so when is it going to be released to the public ?
wow i guess i missed alot :/ havent been here for a long time so whats new here ? anyways i do have a question when do i gifto fight terra ? ive done 5 olympic games including the hadeys cup what else do i need to do ? i realy need to try this terra code that u replace him for sephiroth.
happy new year too all kingdom hearts fans ! hopefully this will be a great year for uss !. ps. luxord pls change your tex color it hurts my eyes a little with red and grey D :
ohh so will it work for proud mode then ?
Infinite HP 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 Thanks to the one who posted the code in this thread, but I found it yesterday in the old code thread. Does anyone know how to turn this infinite HP code off? uhh dont mention it but it doesn't work anyways lol code still don't work mate i still die with full hp :(
ive also tryed this code too sorry that i forgot to mention this one HP does not decrease (Final Mix) A00FE000 8C820004 A00FE004 0806891E A00FE008 AC820000 A0166CD8 0C03F800
has there been a working hp code yet where that u wont die at all ? ive tryed 3 hp codes and they dont work at all :( for example these Inf. HP (FM) 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 HP does not decrease (Final Mix) 9C9A6328 90D4E7A1 9C9A632C 0C585EAB 9C9A6330 B0D4E7A5 9C81EF00 1053AFA5 HP it does not decrease 1C9AF328 90D4E7A1 1C9AF32C 0C585EAB 1C9AF330 B0D4E7A5 1C81EF00 105393A5
120B2D3F 0000656C 120B2D26 0000656C does not work for story mode i just tried it. its already ported ? where is it ?
this is the Japanese version of god mode i think it maxes out your strength if any one can convert it to usa version it will be great god mode 02042F0C 000000FF