quote from video 'just released a English trailer'' i wouldn't call it an English trailer if it had final mix Japanese text in it lol xD so basically its not a true English trailer just a sample trailer.
i realy hope final mix jap text will be in english lol it would be weird for the u.s xD lol
guys please stay on topic xD lol anyways i am getting the game myself probably wont get it till next friday so i guess ill have to wait to see for myself.
ive been hearing a lot that there is a voice select between english and japanese voices if its true and if someone has the game which button should i press ? also if it doesnt show up in the menu will it appear when u finish the game ? sorry for a few question in one lol.
usa lol plus i know its region free so i might upload some videos of it on youtube.
i know its going to be in english but i just cant wait till fall lol so i went ahead and import it.
hey guys didn't know ware to put this but just ordered the game ! : D from play Asia ! lol and now i have to wait 21 days with free shipping but hey its worth waiting though lol.
im so glad there is a language options ! for final mix anyways lol. btw i have a hunch that the usa release is september 5th since the game was released one or two weeks after but hey its just a guess since the jap version came out march 28th and the HD remix came out today lol.
im surprised no one has uploaded the intro of it yet lol.
i wonder if he will upload the intro tut. on youtube early lol. hopefully someone will.
ok good plus im also going to get the us version to so ill be gaining trophies all over again ! XD
hmmm if i play this on my american ps3 it wont mess up my trophies since its in japanese ? lol
ohhh woops forgot to look at the date ohh well sorry about that but still kinda close though XD lol
someone already has the game ! although on the downside they mostly talk through most of the video and shows off a bew abillity ware sora throws his keyblade up then slashes sideways ! lol and im preety sure its the remix if not then ive been trolled lol but it does look like it to meXD [youtube]
i know its the new models they used but is it just me or does sora look a bit skinnier ? ._.
now all we need to know is what the disc looks like ; D lol
hmmm true forgot that part lol anyways they need to stop making FFXIII i havent even finished the first one XD lol
i think the reason why for fall release is because of the extra stuff in the final mix version to ware they have to translate it all which also does take time. i have a feeling there will be a verry long line at wal mart at midnight launch becouse of final mix in the usa for the first time XD lol
so from what i read i guess final mix will be included with the us release ? ._. edit : nvm XD it is coming !!! im so glad ill actually and finally will play the final mix version ! : D although i might get the Japanese version as a collectible lol.
idk why but Alice's nose seem a little odd.....but hey it might be just me XD lol