what do you mean by that (im sorry if i said something that hurted you)
kingdom hearts ost traverse town extended
that was a wonderful amv it so so fantastic so beautiful so enjoyable :)
the reason i like traverse town in kh1 was because it was so peaceful not fighting, hearing the music (doooo do do do do do dooooooo.....do do do do..do do do do do dooooooooooooo) buying items and talking to people.
are you talking about blank x blank kind of stuff?
YES!!! traverse town #1
so today i saw dexter's rude removal and it wasn't really bad as they say it was what do you think of it?
ahhh..pewdiepie such a wonderful gamer
i like kingdom hearts 2 because of the drive forms and abilities also because of the bosses nobodies and heartless. kh2 final mix is my fav kingdom hearts game of all time even though it was only in japan (pcsx2) the reason i like kh2 final mix is because of the data battles and that terra battle. does kh2 final mix count?
my mom got me it because it had disney characters
yes i was
apollo justice ace attorney
people as in Human beings in general or considered collectively
i have a persona skin
what do you mean by that
??? ???
thank you so much im almost done with my desktop but heres it is
where did you get that persona clock and the twewy thingy
have a movie night with virtual avatars sitting in a movie theater and game night