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  1. Janime6


    What sounds better Kingriku or Jasper Cullen (as a username)?

    I hate you KingRiku, for doing that.

    This thread will also fail.​
    Thread by: Janime6, Feb 4, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Janime6
    I wanted to do this. :)

    Oh, and the reason I have this for both the US and EU version, is because the codes work for both.

    *I will update when I get more codes*

    The following are in Action Replay DS format, but if you want them in RAW do this with the start number:
    0 / 2
    1 / 1
    2 / 0

    Now for the codes.

    Game ID: YIVE-387874A8 (U) (I do not know the EU Game ID, if you do please post it)

    Gold/Casino Coin/Mini Medal Mods
    Gold mod

    Gold in Bank mod
    020c7dd4 XXXXXXXX

    Casino Token mod ~janime6

    Mini Medal mod ~janime6
    020C7Ddc XXXXXXXX

    Experience Multiplier
    exp x4
    9212821A 00003008
    0212821C 00806CC0
    D2000000 00000000

    exp x 64
    9212821A 00003008
    0212821C 01806CC0
    D2000000 00000000

    exp x 256
    9212821A 00003008
    0212821C 02006CC0
    D2000000 00000000

    Change Language
    22109E4C 0000000X
    (X = 0 = Japanese, 1 = English, 2 = French, 3 = Dutch, 4 = Italian, 5 = Spanish)

    Miscellaneous Codes
    Push Select to see all monsters drop items in "The Big Book of Beasts"
    94000130 FFFB0000
    C0000000 000000D1
    220ec666 00000001
    Dc000000 00000006
    D2000000 00000000

    Push Select and UP for Day Time
    94000130 FFBB0000
    120d0998 00000100
    D2000000 00000000

    Push Select and Down for Night Time
    94000130 FF7B0000
    120d0998 00000900
    D2000000 00000000

    no random battles, hold Start for battle
    220c761f 00000001
    94000130 FFF70000
    020c761C 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    equipment restriction lifted
    12012FA0 000046C0

    Walk Through Anything In Town (Hold A)
    0204CED4 BA000012
    94000130 FFFE0000
    0204CED4 EA000012
    D2000000 00000000

    Hero Mods
    Character mod ~janime6
    220C88ae 000000XX

    Gender text mod (1 = Male, 2 = Female) ~janime6
    220C88b0 0000000X

    Picture mod mod (1 = Hero, 2 = Heroine, 3 = Ragnar, 4 = Alena, 5 = Kiryl, 6 = Borya, 7 = Torneko, 8 = Meena, 9 = Maya, a = Healy, b = Soldier, c = Harp Dude, d = Oo-something, e = Hank Hoffman jr., f = Tom Foolery, 10 = Zenithian Lady, 11 = Sparkie, 12 = Psaro) ~janime6
    220C88af 000000XX

    Level mod ~janime6
    220C88ba 000000XX

    Strength mod (Affects Attack) ~janime6
    220C88c8 000000XX

    Resilience mod (Affects Defense) ~janime6
    220C88ca 000000XX

    Agility mod ~janime6
    220C88cc 000000XX

    Wisdom mod ~janime6
    220C88cd 000000XX

    Current HP mod ~janime6
    120C88cf 0000XXXX

    HP mod ~janime6
    120C88d1 0000XXXX

    Current MP mod ~janime6
    120C88d3 0000XXXX

    MP mod ~janime6
    120C88d5 0000XXXX

    Luck mod ~janime6
    220C88d7 000000XX

    Experience mod ~janime6
    020C88b4 XXXXXXXX

    Item mod 1 (XX = Item Digit) ~janime6
    120C88e4 000000XX

    Item mod 2 ~janime6
    120C88e8 000000XX

    Item mod 3 ~janime6
    120C88ec 000000XX

    Item mod 4 ~janime6
    120C88f0 000000XX

    Item mod 5 ~janime6
    120C88f4 000000XX

    Item mod 6 ~janime6
    120C88f8 000000XX

    Item mod 7 ~janime6
    120C88fc 000000XX

    Item mod 8 ~janime6
    120C8900 000000XX

    Item mod 9 ~janime6
    120C8904 000000XX

    Item mod 10 ~janime6
    120C8908 000000XX

    Item mod 11 ~janime6
    120C890c 000000XX

    Item mod 12 ~janime6
    120C8910 000000XX

    No Heroine Mods Yet

    Ragnar Mods
    Level mod ~janime6
    220c92d2 000000XX

    Current HP mod ~janime6
    120C92E6 0000XXXX

    HP mod ~janime6
    120c92e8 0000XXXX

    Current MP mod ~janime6
    120C92Ea 0000XXXX

    MP mod ~janime6
    120c92ec 0000XXXX

    Luck mod ~janime6
    220c92ed 000000XX

    Strength mod (Affects Attack) ~janime6
    220c92e0 000000XX

    Resilience mod (Affects Defence) ~janime6
    220c92e2 000000XX

    Agility mod ~janime6
    220c92e4 000000XX

    Wisdom mod ~janime6
    220c92e5 000000XX

    Experience mod ~janime6
    020c92cc XXXXXXXX

    No Alena Mods Yet

    No Kiryl Mods Yet

    No Borya Mods Yet

    No Torneko Mods Yet

    No Meena Mods Yet

    No Maya Mods Yet

    I just started making mods for this game yesterday, so don't blame me for not having all the mods for every character, I will get to that.

    As for the Item Digits and Character Mod Digits, I will supply them later, sorry. ;D
    Thread by: Janime6, Jan 1, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  3. Janime6
    haha no staff xD

    plan our attacks, why would we want to beat tem up? O.o

    Thread by: Janime6, Nov 15, 2008, 79 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Janime6
    Hi! I am Jacob (User name: janime6, but call me whatever [janime, janime6, Jacob, janni-chi, anything xD]:3), and nice to meet you all.

    I have been here for a little while, but i mainly only post in the code vault, but i am widening my posting range, and just noticed this area. xD haha.

    I live in the united states :3
    I am 14 years old, and love anime (naruto, bleach, death note, inuyasha, etc., but i am also a constant cartoon network-er xD).

    and...I AM A BOY!
    Thread by: Janime6, Oct 18, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Janime6
    i like aqua teen hunger force, meatwad rules XD
    i like his dance
    Thread by: Janime6, Sep 4, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)