Just keep refreshing the page. At least thats what I do. If not, I close down the whole window and use Google to click the sotes link. But I'm always difficult so.
*cue sad Titanic song* I'm sorry for your loss.
Sitting behind the computer screen trying to figure out half the stuff discussed around here. Because I'm such a dumb ass :lolface:
But those water spiders are a bunch of bad asses. Prepare for a fight!
I want to say yes, but my mind tells me to say no. No, no. I just posted because I was bored. :3
Whoa thats a lot for ne to handle!
Wait what??
Well then teach away!
Agh! I don't believe I've ever watched this before.
Oh ghee. "Learning" something and I have no less than 12 hours before school. Well done.
The only two posts that actaully succeeded in putting a smile on my face.
Apparently talking about throbbing dicks.
I have no idea what you are talking about man.
Psst! Try not to be so insensitive to the sensitive. :3
What is going on with you KHV? Mathematical threads. "Dear ----" threads. Soft core porn threads!! What is this? I don't even. . .
Whoa, what the fuck did I just walk into!
I'm not at all a particular fan of SoKai. I don't even have a concrete reason why I'm not a particular fan of them. Maybe it's just Kairi. I dislike her for some reason. I have always been a solid fan of Roxas x Naminè and Aqua x Terra. To me, Sora x Kairi just seems a bit silly.
Molli stood in the street. Her eyes wide and her breath quick. She tried to not make this a bigger scene than ehat already was. Molli saw the two boys faces. Startled, paniced. Maybe even shocked. Molli tried to calm her breath. She couldn't bare seeing anybody getting hurt. Especially since they were brothers. Molli looked over at Eva who was freaking out over the incident. Then she quickly looke away and onto the black street. Although Mollis' thoughts were bursting with action, her body and movement were as still as stone.