Faceter. FaceBook and Twitter combined. How wonderful....
Yes, yes it is...
Ok, I was just saying.
Erm, well don't I just have admirers. I only kidd. I'm not that great -.- But seriously, Wtf is this?
I mean they do have a "Like" button so, all we need is to have the ability to tag people in thread and posts.
I don't care. I will post…whateva I want! (atleast while not breaking any rules -.- ) I feel like I should be acting different O_o
Ya exactly
Well there is always that site…
Hahaha, now the trolls will have fun liking everybodies comments!
Hah! I'm not a huge fan, just a moderate fan :3
O hai. This is … different
It's actually kind of. . . . . Alright. Maybe we just need time to get used to it.
Hah, awesome! *sunglasses* Lets do this!
Oh Makaze! What would I do without you. Actually no. I'm just tired and I'm running on no sleep and its freaking hot in here!
Cool story. Wasn't meant for you to "get". Kthnx.
****ing smartass
Hah! I use Skype more than Facebook. Facebook more than Twitter >_<
Yea. It wasn't as bad. I meet up with Olivia and Nicole and we just stayed together. In most of my Block A classes I sit by cute guys. ;-; Its awkward. But anyways, tonorrow I have Product Team and Guitar and Geometry with Sam, Nicole and Olivia so, it's all good. Although there was this one blond chic. I don't know why, but shes in my Geography class and shes just. . . . Annoying as hell!
Today is my first day of high school. I'm actually quite nervous and maybe a little unsure. I don't even know what to feel at the moment. In about an hour, I will officially be a ninth grader. Damn, just the other day I was learning how to walk. . .
o.e .............