I'm too lazy. . .
Well, I have a date :3 Spoiler His name is Romeo. . . Spoiler He is my Degu. . . Spoiler All the little boys are going to be jello of my sexy degu bear :D
M ore O pen N apkins K elvin! I E at S nakes!
"You slapped a fish. . . Why did you do that?" "Because I. . . wanted to make seafood." -------------------- ""You cow sack! Your dog spit this evil grunge at me. You know you wanna go dance with me." -------------------- "Do something fruity." "No thank you!" "Well then can I do it?" "Your drunk." "Maaaybe, but whose stopping up? Your dad?" -------------------- "Come on baby don't leave!" We had a connection! You don't have to walk away." -------------------- "Theres a chopped up hooker in my fridgerator. I just wanted some damn pringles!" -------------------- "IMMA GUMMY BEAR, YEA IM A GUMMY BEAR!"
Turn it off and go lock yourself in a closet. . :3
Legend of the Cryptids It is actually a good game. Erm, I can't describe it, but erm, it is basically a card game, battle people with cards. I would not say it is like Yugio (or however you spell it -.- ) I was never good with spelling that. Anywho, I got the app for my iPod just recently and I have grown on the game, I actually like playing it and what not. So basically, I was originally asking, has anyone else heard of this?
Welcome back. Even though I don't even know you, I shall still welcome you :3
Oh hai. Welcome and I hope you enjoy it here. . . And I like your username. Lion King, 'nuff said :3
Oh hai! Welcome, and I hope you enjoy it here.
Yea, how 'bout you not, thats the LAST thing I need >.>
Erm, lolm okie then. .
Yessssssss.. . .
Watch the children play by the fire. . ~~
I am the most boring useless and most pathetic person, ever, in the history of life. I need to die. >.>
Off topic, but Droid, your avatar and Sig make me want to watch the Lion King o.0
Thats an odd contraption you got there :D
I don't knw whether to be offended, hmm, let me think on this. Her shirt must be pretty small. . . .or just. . .God no, the image o.0 Of course you'd look XD Still, I am emotionless. . .
Spoiler I have but when Riku gave her the keyblade or whatever to her so she could help fight, I thought it was just going to be a living in the moment thing. Then a bunch of threads came up on another site asking if we wanted her to be playable character. I honestly didn't want her to be a playable character, but I guess she is probably going to be anyways when ever the next game comes out. . . .
DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED! I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET IT! I feel dumb ; ; Spoiler I'm serious, you will regret it. . . . Spoiler Ok, so maybe a LOT of people could have noticed this, well, Kairi is able to weild a keyblade. I kind of knew it was coming, but I didn't actually think she was going to be a playable character. I was just like, it's happening! I am late on this, but meh, I would rather know late then not know at all.(/spoiler]