Maybe SpongeBoob has itnout for you ;-;
I am bored out of my mind. Thanks for asking. You?
Yes, I have noticed how my first chapter is short. I've even noticed in my writing how the firsy chapter I write is always the shortest. As for the typos, I apologize for that. I thoughy I caught them all when I re-read through them. I plan to make notes. As I am working on it now. I wrote this off hand. No thinkin was really involved when I wrote this out. I tried to stay simple yet have the reader be taken in. Normally I tend to grt carried away and will eithet go ahead or just jump all over the place. I am simply working on this now. Thanks for your feedback. Gives me somehing to improve on.
Penguins!!!! I'm presuming their penguins. Or just some really fat and fluffy cats! Wait, is that a donald wanna be?? What just happened?? O.o
Oh you did not steal what I always say! D; Anywho, some of your school dates are making me insane. Just saying €.€
Annah - Soo, whens this supposedly "Bring Pain and Fear" scene supposed to happen?? -Ohyea! Thanks for joinging the group and forgetting to say Hi to probably the bestest and most awesome personHmm, besides Terra and Cloud. Now get out!! Spoiler Heh, I jus plaayinn=^_^=