Sure! I need to record 'em, but that sounds cool! We can do an audition trade XD
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPP!!!! I should go as the cracky lovechild of Demyx and Axel!!! x3 And be a girl just to confuse everyone
I just got into this, and it's completely eaten up my life. And I'm not complaining. I really love it, and I routinely fangasm over {...}. So, what other Hanna fans lurk on KHV?
BAYBEEEZZZZZ!!!!!!!!! I'd like to cosplay once, but I don't know who I'd cosplay as :\ Prolly Larxene or something.
D: Nuuu!!! No probing!!! ; ; just like pretending that I do c: one knows that... >> << Ba-ha, I've been wearing lipstick lately so I can look like Azula :L
You know you'd go gay for the Dragon of the West >3
And to keep him down. >3 And then there's Iroh, but you already know about him :lolface:
I will be king (queen?)!!! Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!!!!
IDIOTS!! There will be a king!!! >:C
I've always had a thing for animated men... Like Danny Phantom. I'd tap that. Srsly.
8D *fangirl squeal* It's pretty good, getting better as it goes along. Smith's great. Not as great as Tennant or Eccleston yet, but definitely on his way. And bowties are cool. c: REMEMBER THAT ALWAYS WHEN YOU WATCH IT!!! And Amy Pond can whoop Martha silly.
No, fool, we're gonna kill him. Simba, too. >:3
I'm dead srs; when I was 6, Norbert had it goin' on. The crush factor was definitely a three-way tie between him, Ash Ketchum, and Aaron...
Angry Beavers! Angry Beavers!!!!! Do it!!!
YouTube: causing regression in teenagers since 2003 c:
I am THE KHV Tennant fangirl c: I've been onboard since Eccleston, Tennant's my main Doctor, and I'm growing quite fond of both Smith and Troughton. And John Barrowman...I'd tap that.
FOR THE DEATH OF THE KING!!! *Jeremy Irons growl* As a specimen, yes, you're intimidating. c:
D: Watch it. Naow.
Forget the point of this thread, I love you right now, Advent. <3