Johnathan Gabriel. Are you familiar with this hunk of man-candy?
I...I have a confession to make... Iroh's old news...I found a new man ; ;
Me embracing my inner geek. Enormously.
Please don't be a necrobump... Spoiler I less-than 3 you, Penny Arcade
I want to split my time equally between France and Ireland, with a little England and Scotland thrown in from time to time. And New Arcadia. In the 1920's.
ffffffffffff you're lying!!! You're freaking lying!!! Edit: I hate you, faulty caps lock...
I'm sorry...I wasn't on frequently a year ago...forgive me, Reptar ; ;
So, due to my lack of a life and love of webcomics, I've vowed to myself that I'm going to read every Penny Arcade ever. I've been at it for roughly 3 weeks, and I'm in the 2007's now. Anyhoo, given my rather sudden enamouration of it, I decided it was time to honor it through sketching. So here they are: Tycho Brahe: (Ignore the writing, it's just me telling him how annoying his hair is. I do this frequently with my drawings.) John "Gabe" Gabriel: (Guess which one's my favorite. Go ahead; guess!) Good lord, I love this comic... Edit: Oh, cnc, I guess. If you feel like it...mebbeh...
What? has been since 07-04-2008. Have a nice day. c: long as I get half the money, it works for me! 8D
I see something that I will drink if no one else claims it. And even if they do, I'll prolly still drink it.
They both have A and Y? :L Anyway...who wants a Marauder's game? I want a Marauder's game. Or novella. Or something.
THIS x 1000000000
Stephan started, and swung himself around to the other side of the tree for some cover. He winced; his arm was starting to hurt really badly, but if he let go...he chuckled. If I fall, then I'm done for, he thought, then winced. He didn't have too much farther to go...maybe he could hold on that long...
D: YOU FIEND!!!! ...I want in.
Stephan let out another cry, then clenched his teeth together. He gave a tight smile. "Brats? C'mon, you know better insults than that..." he said hoarsely. He was starting to run low; damn his temper. If he had thought things through, this jerk would probably be dead by now. He looked up at the tree above him, then back to Luke. Right now is where depth perception would be nice... he thought. But...if I'm quick... He quickly spun around and climbed up the tree, cat-like. He was quick, but it hurt; he wouldn't be able to go very high...maybe he could make it just above the agent's reach...
OOC: Y'all post too quick. And LE GASP, Archy! D: BIC: Stephan let out a cry as he was stabbed and another as he was thrown back by Luke's headbutt. He growled as he staggered to his feet, and managed a laugh. "Heh...clever...I wouldn't've thought of keeping a knife in my sleeve," he said, holding his arm for a moment. "Y'know, if I were a lesser man, I'd run right now." He smirked. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not!" He lunged at Luke again, claws out and aimed for his throat.
And place them on poles >3 I think he's throwing the matches. There's an underground Pokemon mafia, you know.
OOC: No you won't. You love me too much XD And DANG, I thought his name was Luke BIC: Stephan let out a cry, then clenched his teeth and dug his claws into the agent's arms. "Not a chance," he growled. "I know you don't listen to my kind, so I'll repeat myself. I've got six damn years-worth of revenge to get out of my system, and it looks like you're the unlucky ******* who gets the brunt of it." He sank his claws even further into Luke's skin. "And I'm gonna start by ripping off your arms."
The bullet grazed Stephan's face, and he automatically felt blood dripping down to his jaw. He hissed, then chuckled. "Aw, now don't do that," he said, grabbing Luke's arms and pinning them to the ground. "I need to keep this pretty face." OOC: I just thought we should satisfy all the yaoi fans and get some guy-on-guy action :lolface: