A horse walks into bar. The bartender looks up and asks, "Why the long face?" The horse, being an animal and thus not able to understand the joke, is confused as to why he is in the bar and runs out.
Though I do admit it came on fast Still I do believe that it can last And I will be loathing, loathing you My whoooole liiiiife long!
Totally fake. spdude wouldn't know commitment if it bit him in the rear. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpPE92RpBnY (start it at 0:03)
Every little trait however small Makes my very flesh begin to crawl! Effing B-way ftw
Darn you and your name-changin' ways...
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF--you're a Troper, too?!
What was that about sexy men? I couldn't hear you over the David Tennant.
I'm doin' pretty good, yo. Gettin' ready for some college UP INS!! And I do see that! Congratulations!
...and y'all have effing pins. PINS. Like freakin' Pieces of Flair. PIIIIINNNNNSSSS. Anyhoo, how're you lot doing these days?
Roxie. Because she represents the little bit of lesbian in all of us.
Nice, but let's be honest--no one makes hip remix songs like Gaston.
I'm sure this is a subject that's crossed everyone's mind at least once, but...is the Kingdom Hearts series getting overly complicated? I mean, it started out as a boy, Sora, chilling on an island with his two buds, he gets attacked by an unknown menace, gets a mystic sword, fights the evil (and his best friend for an added twist), saves the girl and the day, then sets out for the sequel. A basic storyline for any video game, plus some Disney worlds and Final Fantasy nods. Then comes Chain of Memories. Essentially, it's Kingdom Hearts all over again, but a little more condensed, plus a trippy castle and some super-secretive bad guys. A little tough to follow at times, but still a fairly good and intriguing storyline. Next on the lineup is Kingdom Hearts II. Again, the basic plot of Kingdom Hearts I, but with the super-secretive bad guys and different worlds. However, also with Kingdom Hearts II came a new guy, Roxas, who turns out to be part of Sora. At first, it doesn't make sense, but as you go along the game, it makes perfect sense. The three Kingdom Hearts games have a good logic around them, which we find out the more we play them, and which can be summed up in a fairly simple way. a) A person loses their heart b) A Heartless is formed from the person c) If they have a strong heart, they make a Nobody via their empty body If you play the games, this makes perfect sense. Then, between the secret ending and a clip from Final Mix of Xemnas talking to a suit of armor, we realize that something a little deeper's going on. In the clip, there's a kid who looks suspiciously like Roxas, and apparently some kind of war going on. However, let's be honest, the first time, we were all mainly drooling over how cool the graphics were and how intense the battle was and how suddenly it didn't matter that Jiminy's Journal took two years to complete. But the second time, we all wondered how these three Keyblade Masters fit into the saga. So then comes 358/2 Days. This game mainly gives us some insight on Roxas' past, brings in a new character, Xion, and explains some of the motives of those super-secretive bad guys, Organization XIII. Then there's a sad ending and everyone cries, but also something interesting. Xigbar brings up that, to him, Spoiler Xion looked like Ven. (Which, by the way, is super trippy.) Granted, I still haven't beaten the game due to my grudge against the Halloween Town level, but I can't avoid spoilers at this point, so I won't. Next comes Birth by Sleep. While still not out here, a lot of us have cheated and gone over to Wikipedia to find out what happens. If you don't know but want to, go check it out. I'm not posting all of it here. So, to summarize so far, I quote one of Ghetto's posts in the Spam Zone. So, to finish up my absurdly and unnecessarily long post, is it just me, or is Kingdom Hearts getting WAY too complicated as it goes along?
Oh, Bueno, you silly she-male :lolface:
You are? Oh, What?, you just get cooler every time I talk to you.
8D When's the wedding?!
I hate you. <3
"You must spread some Reputation around..." FFFFFFFFFFFF-- I love your avvy. I love it from deep within my soul ; ;
Thank you! And no, it's Sharpie and OD on Penny Arcade.
[IMG] He's the black-haired one. And he has a Pac-Man tattoo. On his arm. It's a turn-on.