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  1. Pinekaboo

    Dear KHV

    I love all of you. Genuinely.
    That is all. <3
    No, this wasn't a dare. I'm serious.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Nov 22, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Pinekaboo
    Thanks to Fearless and her mostly unrelated thread, I have begun writing a Pokémon parodyfic.
    It will have the standard Pokémon kinda plot. Maybe.
    I figure KHV members making appearance would be appropriate.
    Want to be in it? Just let me know what kind of role you'd like. If you can't think of anything, I'll just assign you something, either fitting or just at complete random.
    Come at me, bros.

    EDIT: Here, have a preview paragraph.

    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Nov 21, 2011, 64 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Pinekaboo


    Now all in the first post!

    As I nervously venture outside of the RP and Spam zones, I will go ahead and say that this was the very first piece of serious writting I ever did. I had attempted to write things before, but nothing of this scale.
    I'd also like to state that I began writting this almost six years ago now, and my writting style has changed a fair amount. That'll probably be visible within the text itself.

    That said, on with the show.

    The two of them ran around the corner as fast as they could. The skyscraper they were in shook.
    “It’s getting closer,†echoed a voice from the radios they were both carrying, “get out of there, fast!†A low rumbling could be heard from the floor above.
    “Keep going down, Derek, we’ll be on the bottom floor†said the voice again.
    “Don’t be stupid, get out of here. Me and Hannah can handle ourselves, just go!†replied Derek. The two of them kept running. They got to the seventh floor when Hannah tripped. Her leg was bleeding slightly. Derek turned to help her, and saw the shape across the hallway. It was the thing they were running from.
    “Go! Save yourself!†cried Hannah, she was obviously still very scared.
    “I can’t leave without you.†Derek replied.
    “Yes you can, just go.†The shape was getting closer. Derek ran to her and picked her up, putting her on his shoulder. He looked up and saw it, now less than ten metres away. Derek practically jumped down the stairs, and as the creature followed it hit the wall, bringing down the ceiling on it’s self.

    The rumbling stopped, but faint footsteps could be heard from above. The footsteps seemed relaxed, almost as if nothing was happening. Derek took a moment to examine Hannah’s leg. It had been cut on glass, a large amount of which was still embedded in her flesh. He ripped a section of his shirt off and used it to cover the wound.
    “Why did you do that?†asked Hannah, “why did you risk your life for me?â€
    “Because we’re partners†replied Derek. Another shockwave rippled through the building. This one was more intense than the first, in that it caused the next staircase to collapse in on itself. The two of them watched in despair, as their only exit was blocked with rubble. They heard more rumbling, and the creature smashed out of the rubble.
    “I told you not to try and stop me, now you’ll pay the price.â€


    Jay opened his eyes and saw the ceiling. The dream he just had still echoed through his mind. He had never seen those people before, yet he dreamed of them. Confused, he got up and looked around. He was in a shelter.
    “When will this all stop, eh?†a man said, from the next bed “When will he stop?â€
    “When will who stop?†Jay asked. “What am I even doing here?â€
    “What, you hit your head or something? I’m talking about Darkness†Jay just looked at the man, still obviously confused.
    “You honestly don’t know who I mean, do you?†the man looked puzzled. “Well, you’ll find out soon enoughâ€. The man walked off, further into the shelter. Jay, although still confused, shrugged it off and walked to the entrance of the shelter. He was about to open it when a girl, about the same age as him, ran in front of him.
    “What are you doing? You do know that if you open that door we’re all going to die, right?†she asked.
    “What? Why?†Jay had no idea what was happening. The girl sighed.
    “Come with me, I’ll show you exactly why†she turned around and walked into the next section of the shelter, of which Jay became more and more convinced that it was actually an military base. Jay walked after the girl until she stopped, in front of some sort of screen. Jay stopped next to her. The girl started pressing some buttons, and pointed for him to watch the screen. It flickered until a video faded into view. Buildings were slanted, cars upturned and fire everywhere. A single, tall, shadowy figure stood at the top of one of the buildings. Jay gasped; how could something like this have happened? The shape jumped down, and walked towards where the camera had obviously been. As it approached, it pulled back its arm. In a single second, a black ball had appeared in its hand. It put its arm straight forward, releasing the ball, which flew straight towards the screen. The screen fuzzed out.
    “That’s the last recording we got of him. Me and some others have been trying to find a way to sabotage his plans, but so far we’re not doing good…â€
    “Him? That thing…†Jay paused “that thing’s human?â€
    “He was, now we’re not so sure†they stopped talking. A strange noise came through the system of tunnels. The girl turned around to see what it was. According to the electronic map that was on the wall, entire sections were being damaged. She looked at Jay, as if to ask him if he knew anything. He obviously didn’t, as he looked equally confused.


    “You’ll find out soon enough†the man told Jay. “Sooner than you think, boy†he added. The man turned around and walked further into the shelter. He stopped at the entrance to the training room. He opened up the door, though he was obviously not going to train. The man was quite old, at least fifty, and had greying hair and a moustache to match. He was very skinny and had such a face, that it seemed as if it was changing in the light. Through the doors, there were two men, both in their mid-twenties and a woman who was in her thirties. All three of the people looked at the man as he walked in, they obviously could tell something was wrong about him. The woman walked up to him
    “Sorry, you’ll have to leave, this room is for defence personnel only†she said.
    “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought I came in here for something, but I’ll leave you in peace†He began to walk out of the room. “Oh yes! I remember what I came in here for†his face appeared to ripple and his voice deepened, “I came here to destroy you!†It suddenly became apparent that his skin didn’t just appear to be rippling, it actually was. His skin slowly changed into a black, shadowy substance and his eyes turned a deep red. “I’ll make this quick†the man said, if he could still be called a man.


    “Those were explosions!†the girl said, “but we don’t have explosives here…†she began to think. An echoing laugh filled the shelter with fear. “I know that laugh†she turned to face Jay, “we need to get out of here. Now†The two of them ran to the main entrance of the base and opened the doors wide. Jay was hit with the sudden realisation of what was taking place. The sky was covered in an orange glow, buildings lay shattered and broken on the ground and the ashes of things that were once living were scattered against every surface.
    “What happened here?†Jay asked “How could something like this happen?â€
    “There’ll be time for explanations later, right now we need to get to the next base and warn them about what happened in this one†she looked around. “This way, hurry†The two of them ran as fast as they could, towards one of the buildings. The building was quite small, but not as damaged as most of the others. Inside was empty, except for a large circle that appeared to have been drawn on the floor. The girl stepped into it and beckoned for Jay to follow. He had just got his left foot inside when a wall was smashed open. A black, human-shaped object was floating where the wall was, and the girl panicked.
    “Get in now! Quickly!†she shouted at Jay. He jumped in just as the floating thing flew towards him. A bright green glow shone up from the circle. The creature was knocked back by it as the girl and Jay slowly faded into nothingness.
    “You won’t get away from me every time, children. One day I will get you.†The shadow called, fading away.


    The two of them arrived in another building, this one not damaged at all. All around the building was a light green glow, which was probably the reason that nothing had been damaged. Jay noticed that there where more people here. Five other people, including the girl that saved him stood against a wall.
    “I never quite introduced myself, did I?†the girl said, “I’m Hannah Lapine, this is Ethan Blaydon, Amy Mayes, Derek Greene and Swiftâ€

    The people referred to were all so different, it was hard to believe they were working together. Jay took a moment to take in their appearances one by one. They were all of average height and build, but each with obvious characteristics. Hannah had deep, brown eyes, dark brown hair and gave a first impression of a stern and determined person. Derek was the only person in the group that had coloured skin, though rather than brown it looked a dusty grey. He had green eyes and no hair. Ethan looked quite calm for someone who lived in such an environment and had a somehow warm blue tint to his eyes, and pitch black hair. Swift was more difficult to examine. Though it was easy to see his physical traits, his eyes looked cold and grey, with his unmoving face appearing to have had all emotion slowly torn away. His hair was hidden by a hooded brown cape that appeared to have a mind of its own as it fluttered slightly in an improbable breeze. Amy was the one that instantly caught his attention. Her short blond hair and blue eyes instantly captivated Jay’s thoughts.
    “There aren’t any more than this of us, but we manage somehow†Jay ripped his eyes away from Amy.
    “Bad news Han†said Derek “the teleportation platform you just used has been completely destroyed. There’s no way to send him backâ€
    “Send him back? Why’d we want to do that?†Hannah asked. “Seriously, sending him back would do no good. He’ll have to stay hereâ€. She looked at Jay. “That is, if you don’t have anywhere else you’d rather be?â€
    “Not really, with that thing around I can’t think of any other choice but to stay here.†He replied, although the real reason behind the answer was looking at him from the other side of the room.
    “Then it’s settled, he stays here†said Ethan out of nowhere. “We better get his training started!†Jay was taken aback from what he had just let himself into.


    In the city’s main skyscraper, the sound of metal upon concrete could be heard. As the sound got louder and heavier, so did the shadows in a partially obscured corner increase in size. A strange sight to any ordinary man, a black robotic body walked around the corner, half covered in the radiance of the full moon outside. The robot was around 6 feet tall, the average height for a human male. It stopped, turned and looked at the corner where the shadowy figure that was Darkness now stood.
    “You made it in time I see.†Darkness said, with a voice full of restrained anger. But this anger was not the robot’s to have.
    “I did. Did the others not?†The robot spoke. Its male-inspired mechanical voce spoke.
    “Wrong†spoke another voice, this one sounding somehow more pleasant.
    Sure enough, a brown haired male revealed himself from the shadows, showing very little emotion.
    “And our supposed ally?†The robot spoke. “Where is he?â€
    “Still proving useful.†A fourth voice spoke. Through the marble archway walked a gigantic man, his eyes partially glazed as they looked between the three other beings in the room.
    “For now.†He finished.
    “Ah, Demon.†Darkness said, sounding oddly happy to see this man. “I’m pleased to see you made it on time for once.â€
    “Always like to surprise you my lord, always like to surprise.†The man known as Demon said.
    “So what’s the unexpected meeting for?†the robot asked.
    “We are here to discuss the group of rebels that plague my new empire. They must be dealt with†Darkness replied.
    A look of confusion spread among the other participants. Demon was the first to speak.
    “Surely a few ordinary humans aren’t a threat to us?†he questioned.
    “It has changed now. He is with them.†Darkness answered, sounding uncharacteristically concerned.
    “Here?†the brown-haired man asked.
    “Calm yourself, Scope. He is here, yes. But the transfer has left him without his memories. He doesn’t know what it is that he came for, as well what has happened in recent events. If we could capture or kill him before he remembers-â€
    Demon interrupted.
    “Then we can avoid any large-scale conflict, correct?†he said. Darkness just nodded, and then faded away into the shadows from which he came. The group scattered as soon has he had gone, leaving only the robot behind. Its black armoured arm rose to the side of its head as words appeared in its visual sensor.
    ‘Mission: Eliminate rebels. Eliminate allies if necessary’
    It spoke with a single toned voice as it nodded.
    “Mission confirmed, no-one gets in my way.â€


    The white walls of the circular room were suddenly alive with neon coloured lines. Jay stood in the centre, awaiting the first training exercise.
    “Alright, let’s see what you can do.†Ethan’s voice came over the comm. system.
    A group of these lines formed together and formed a wire-frame figure of a human. It unsheathed a sword, also made of the lines, and approached.
    “Don’t worry, the room has a special shield that prevents injury. Something that would normally kill you will only render you unconscious.†Ethan said confidently. “Although it would still be best to win, those things can give you a nasty shock if they get you.â€
    “Alright, I’ll give it a shot.†Jay said, with a slight aire of confidence about him.
    “For this trial, imagine you’ve been surprised by it, without your weapon. When I did this trial the first time, I tried to take its weapon. It worked but I still failed, what will you try?†Ethan said again. His words were doing little to help Jay’s confidence.
    The enemy raised its weapon.
    The blade swung down, narrowly missing Jay’s left foot. Jay threw a punch at it, staggering it slightly. This didn’t last long as it soon recovered and took another swing, this time hitting him square on the right shoulder.
    “Gah!†Jay clutched his shoulder. “Those things hurt!†The enemy again raised its sword, preparing to strike. Jay instinctively grabbed the weapon and pushed it back. The enemy, unprepared for such a manoeuvre, swung its arms further back, impaling itself from behind. As it let go of its weapon, Jay jumped over its head and thrusted quickly with his right leg. The sole of his boot hit the swords hilt, propelling it harshly through the enemy’s body. The entire room was filled with a robotic-sounding scream as the enemy divided back into the neon green lines of light, and returned to the walls. There was a moment of pause, and for a second Jay thought he had made a mistake.
    “Well done.†Hannah’s voice finally echoed over the comm. “Join us in the lobby when you’re done cooling off.â€


    “That was the first time it’s been done!†Ethan roared. “The kid did it the first time!â€
    Derek stood up from his seat. Amy gasped. Even Swift turned around to check Ethan’s expression.
    “In all seven years of being here, there’s never been anyone that could do that test the first time. It took me until my third.†Swift said, still revealing no emotion.
    “He did.†Hannah said sternly. Derek rose from his seat and looked through the glass in the door leading to the practise room.
    “That kid sure is something…†He said.
    “Ethan, bring up the statistics of the fight†Hannah quickly said. Ethan did as instructed and brought a screen down, which featured the statistics of the fight Jay just had. Derek turned and looked at it for a moment. He reeled back in shock. He raised an arm to point at the screen.
    “Th-that’s impossible!†he stuttered. “He’s…â€
    “Quiet, here he comes!†Ethan said excitedly, returning the screen back to its original position.


    Two weeks after Jay’s first training session, Derek made everyone join him in the briefing room. After some initial difficulty finding it, Jay joined them and purposely sat down next to Amy. Derek looked around, nodded to himself and then began to explain what he wanted.
    “Alright, so you guys have all seen the huge tower on the outskirts, right?†Derek asked. Everyone nodded slightly.
    “Good. But what we didn’t know is that it’s actually one of the main facilities where Darkness gets his soldiers. We don’t know where they’re being recruited from, but we do know that taking it out will slow him down.â€
    “Then that’s where we’ll come in.†Hannah interrupted, standing up. “We’re gonna meet up with the second team and make a nice crater.â€
    “Team 2?†Jay asked suddenly.
    “For most of our missions we need to do two things at once, so we’ve split into team 1, that’s us, and team 2. Team 2 consists of Ethan’s two sisters, Aria and Ruri, a guy called Ratud Traya and the group leader, Corona Drago.†Amy explained.
    “Aria and Ruri specialise in team tactics, Ratud seems to be incredibly lucky when things go badly, and Corona is our special operations and demolitions expert.†Hannah finished. She quickly headed over to a console against the wall and pressed a green button on the top.
    “Alright, we’ll move out in one hour. Make sure you have everything you need and wait at the main entrance. As usual, we’re only going to have one chance at this.†Hannah announced.
    “Just be careful out there.†Derek said, as everyone else began to leave the room.


    Jay walked into his assigned room and picked up his things. Over the course of two weeks, he had gathered a few weapons and other objects that would be useful on this mission. He also had the double-sword that was given to him for training with, and he had gotten quite good with it. He stopped for a moment, the fact finally got him; this would be his first time where he might need it outside of training.
    “I’d better make sure I don’t let anyone down†He said to himself, before picking up the bag of things he would need and heading for the main entrance.

    When Jay got there, only Swift was waiting for him. He looked around for the others before Swift explained.
    “They already left; I’m only here to lead you there.†He said, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.
    “They left already? Why?†Jay asked.
    “Because, although you may think otherwise, you are late.†He said, very sternly.
    Jay didn’t understand, he had taken less than five minutes to prepare himself, Hannah had said they had an hour. He was about to voice this when Swift interrupted his thoughts.
    “We need to get this done as soon as possible, everyone was ready other than you, and with the others there, one extra person is hardly a necessary asset. Now, if you’re ready, we’re going.†He said.
    Jay nodded and followed as Swift opened the main gate, and it was then that Jay saw for himself what the world had been reduced to. His immediate thought was that he was too late, although he instantly realised he had no idea what he meant by that. He stopped and looked up at the buildings that he could visualise as being a beautiful sight against the sky, now grey and red with what was quite obviously human blood. Jay couldn’t believe how bad it was. He wondered just how he had missed the horror of the city when he had been led from the first shelter. He was about to ask Swift about what had happened, when an unfamiliar voice spoke out.
    “First sight of the outside world huh? I reacted just the same.†It said.
    “Corona. It’s been a while.†Swift said, as the young woman stepped out from behind a building nearby.
    “It really has, hasn’t it! I remember the last time we teamed up, which isn’t really surprising since that was my first time with any of you guys!†She said, laughing slightly to herself.
    “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with everyone else?†Swift replied, although he didn’t seem to really mind her being here instead.
    “I heard you had a rookie with you, so I came to say hi.†Corona said, her short hair seemed to shudder slightly as the wind changed direction.
    “Well, as much as I’d like to, we can’t just stand here all day. Let’s get going.†Swift looked back at Jay. “Stay close.â€
    “Uh, yes sir.†Jay said, purely by accident. Corona just giggled quietly to herself.
    “Alright, we should be there in ten minutes, providing we don’t get slowed down.†Swift said. “Let’s get moving.â€

    The outline of a tall building, completely unscathed by anything, stood clear against the horizon. Jay kept up with Swift to the best of his ability, with Corona easily staying at Swifts side. She slowed down slightly, allowing Jay to catch up with her. Looking at him for a moment, she motioned towards Swift.
    “You’ll have to forgive him for being like he is. He doesn’t know how to behave around friends.†She said.
    “Yeah, I noticed.†Jay replied, “What’s his problem anyway?â€
    Corona looked at Jay, and then at Swift, who was getting closer to the building faster than they were, but not by much.
    “He’s hunting down one of Darkness’ generals. A man they say is stronger than Darkness himself.†She answered.
    “But why?†Jay questioned again. “Why would anyone go out of their way to find someone who is less than Darkness in rank?â€
    “I don’t know.†Corona confessed. “And he tells me everything else. I think it must be really deep for him to behave the way he does.â€
    “We’re here.†Swift called to them both.

    At the side of the insanely tall structure was Ethan, and two young girls who Jay could only assume were the twins. Ethan was talking to Swift, and one of the young girls was likewise talking to Corona. Jay was approached by the other young girl. She looked quizzically at him.
    “Who the hell are you?†She asked quickly.
    Swift, who had finished talking to Ethan, turned towards them.
    “New guy. Introduce yourself if you like.†He said, sarcastically.
    The girl faced Jay again.
    “I’m Aria. The girl over there is my sister, Ruri and you already know Corona I guess.â€
    Ethan walked over to Jay.
    “Don’t take so long on your next assignment, Han gets impatient quickly.†He said, “Alright, in any case let me fill you in. Everyone is on separate floors of this building, placing high explosives in critical points in the structure. Ratud and Han are in the underground levels, and neither of them are responding on the com. We’d like you to go down there and let them know that the other charges are set.â€
    Jay nodded at him and Corona pointed out a set of stairs on the outside of the building that looked like it led to the understructure of the building. Jay slowly walked down the stairs, soon reaching the bottom of the set. He soon located another staircase, heading further down, and descended down them into the pitch-blackness of the underground section.

    The stairs went down further than he expected. Jay was sure he had taken at least one-hundred steps so far, and there didn’t appear to be an end anytime soon. The curve finally became obvious, the staircase was spiralling downwards.
    “No wonder they’re not responding, they probably couldn’t see the com, never mind answer it.†He said to himself.
    Suddenly, Jay heard an odd noise coming from below him. He broke into a run, taking two or three steps at a time before arriving on what he hoped was the only underground floor. He began to hear strange moaning noises, like someone having a horrible nightmare. He looked around for a moment, before remembering his weapon. Taking it from his back, he activated the orange flow of energy, lighting a good part of the area around him. He instantly saw a gruesome face in the light which, after making Jay fall back, disappeared. Jay saw no sign of any movement, so he nodded to himself, deciding it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. He got back to his feet, and slowly moved his blade from side to side, shining the light all around. He saw a shape in the shadows, nothing like what he had just seen, but like a foot. Then he saw the person it was attached to.
    “Hannah!†Jay exclaimed, raising her to her feet.
    Hannah moaned a little. She was uneasy on her feet, and had a slight bloodstain on her face. Nevertheless, she seemed okay.
    “Jay? Never been more glad to see someone late than now.†She said, with a strange sense of fear in her voice.
    “What happened to you?†Jay asked her, noting the bloodstain on her face.
    She shivered a little.
    “Something was hiding, it was in the shadows. It was hideous, but at the same time it looked human.†She said, sounding oddly fearful.
    Jay was reminded of the face he saw when he entered. Had he seen it too? Then he remembered his full objective.
    “Where’s Ratud?†He asked her quickly, sounding almost uncaring but also determined.
    “He went further down, I think he might be in trouble, I heard him saying something on the com and then he stopped in mid-sentence.†She explained. She was sounding more and more afraid.

    Jay noted a pair of metal doors that looked like they could be doors of an elevator. Slowly and cautiously, he entered it and, upon pressing a button with a downward arrow, began descending further underground...
    As the steel doors screeched open upon stopping, Jay couldn’t help but feel that something was different. He stepped out, and immediate saw just how different the underground section was. Gigantic metal columns held up the ceiling, which looked as if it was miles away from the mesh-wire balcony that Jay stood on now. The sounds of gushing steam and metal hitting metal filled the entire underground factory that was hidden below the skyscraper. Jay looked over the side of the platform and saw huge conveyor belts moving chunks of metal towards two robotic ‘arms’ that proceeded to weld, cut and clip these pieces together, with small, black, robotic soldiers being the end product. Jay stared intently as what appeared to be an entire platoon of these creations were placed onto a low-sided lift, and ascended upwards towards the surface.

    It was then that Jay realised a horrible truth. Detonating the building above would cause no damage to the underground structure; only quicken the soldier’s exits. He reached for his hand-held radio to tell the others, but then remembered that there was no signal this far below the ground. He sighed, and then walked further along the balcony, trying to find something he could do. He suddenly remembered Ratud, and looked around for any sign of him. Aside from what appeared to be a control console, he could see no sign of anything. He walked up to the console, and looked it over a few times. He saw that there was a single button that looked important, a large circular button with a red X painted onto it. Without hesitation, he pressed his palm onto this button.

    As the button depressed, a long, horrible, scraping sound echoed around him. He looked over the edge again, and this time saw the conveyors were no longer moving. Then, another scraping sound made him turn his head towards the elevator he had seen just a moment before. It was descending again, rapidly. It hit the ground with a heavy crashing sound, spewing dust and incomplete robots all around the building. Jay smiled for a second, thinking that he had just disabled an entire factory single-handed. His smile faded as hundreds of deep, red shapes appeared from the dust. Although the factory had indeed taken some damage, it had also activated the surviving metal soldiers. Their heads jerked upwards, looking directly into Jays eyes, which were now filled with far. The robots raised a previously unseen rifle, and a blue dot appeared on each one’s weapon. Jay spun around, facing the elevator that he had used to descend to this level, and saw that it was no longer on the same floor that he was. He was trapped.


    The peak of the factory skyscraper was quiet. The flat, open surface was a welcome change to the rocks and chasms in the mountains above. A single, thin staircase led from the building to its rooftop, and four tall towers stood like silent sentries on the corners. Ratud had not gone further underground; he had gone further up the skyscraper. He stood, quiet as the four towers, and looked down off the side. He could see the tiny dots that were his comrades. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps. As the footstep grew closer, Ratud turned to see the source of this noise. Swift approached the newcomer to the group and, upon arriving at his side, said four simple words.
    “I don’t trust you.†He said.
    By the time Ratud had turned again to reply, Swift was gone again. The young man turned to face the edge of the building again, and couldn’t help wondering if Swift had really been there.

    Ugh, I hate my old writting style. -.-
    I have more to post, but I don't really want to send it out all in one go just yet.
    Still... comments and critisism, as well as everything else, are all welcome.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Nov 12, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Pinekaboo

    What Kind...

    What kind of Pokémon are you?
    How do you do the things you do?
    Share with me your secrets deep inside
    What kind of Pokémon are you?
    Are you loyal through and through?
    Do you have a heart that's true?
    What kind of Pokémon are you?

    Take your NORMAL type like Jigglypuff
    Against the GHOSTLY Gengar the battle's real tough
    Yeah, thunderbolt's a great ELECTRIC attack
    'Til you get GROUND down by a Marowak

    Don't you BUG me with a Caterpie
    For a FLYING type the win's easy
    Good Luck with Muk and POISON gas
    Make one wrong move and it'll kick your GRASS

    What kind of Pokémon are you?
    How do you do the things you do?
    Share with me your secrets deep inside
    What kind of Pokémon are you?
    Are you loyal through and through?
    Do you have a heart that true?
    What kind of Pokémon are you?

    Reach higher with FIRE--go Flareon!
    Think twice about ICE to be number one
    WATER's in order if you wanna to be slick

    Mewtwo's the best bet when you get PSYCHIC

    Hitmonlee's the key for your FIGHTING mood
    And you can ROCK 'n roll with a Geodude
    Dratini comes first when you choose DRAGON
    But evolution's the solution if you're gonna win!

    Keep on training so you're stronger and faster
    Just can't stop 'til your power I master
    My plan is this ...gotta' catch them all!
    Get 'em in my Pokéball
    What kind of Pokémon are you?

    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Nov 9, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Pinekaboo
    Suddenly Silent Hill makes more sense.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Nov 7, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Pinekaboo

    While revealing literally nothing about the games themselves, Masuda's statement is the very first confirmation that Ruby & Sapphire Gen V remakes will happen. I expect that this announcement will be met with mixed results, what with Gen III claimed by some to be when the series jumped the shark, but personally I'm glad for the confirmation.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Oct 13, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. Pinekaboo
    With the assumption that at least some of you believe in spirits and such, I ask; do any of you have any personal experiences with ghosts, or other spectral entities? Whether they're your own experiences or those of somebody you know, they're equally acceptable.

    I'll start with something of my own:
    In the basement of my workplace there's a bricked-up doorway that leads even further down, into the underground cave network that my city happens to be built on. Now, the brickwork has a hole through it, just large enough to look through, but not enough to see very far, so we at least know that it does lead into those caves. Now, that might not be entirely relevant, since we have no idea where or when the ghost may be from, but it at least sets the scene a little.

    Various things have happened throughout the year that the store has been open. Just minor things really, nothing worth mentioning. Except for recently. Thing is; these 'not-worth-mentioning things' always happened downstairs, in the basement, or occasionally on the ground floor. But there's also a first floor, where a lot of things are stored, and where most of the staff-only areas are.

    The manager, who isn't the type to be easily scared, went to check the entire store with a co-worker near closing time, just the other day. Things went perfectly fine, as normal, and she told the co-worker that she'd carry on alone while the co-worker finished what they had to do on the ground floor.

    Going upstairs, checking every room, no problems at all. Got to the electrical room, checked it, it was fine, and turned out the lights before turning to leave. And that's when she heard a sound; like four almost snarl-like breaths, and then silence again. As one would, she thought nothing of it at first, just had another quick check to see if she'd knocked anything; she hadn't. Turned to leave again, and it happened again; that same sound. She checked everything nearby to her to see what sound it made when knocked, and nothing made a sound anything like it. She quickly decided that she was getting out of there and giving up on doing the check alone, waiting for the co-worker to finish before they continued.

    While that may not sound like much on its own, that same sound was heard just the very next day, in a completely different room (still on the first floor), and still with no possible source, by somebody else. Add to that the chiming of china mugs that he heard while completely alone in the building, and there's definitely something going on.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Oct 10, 2011, 24 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. Pinekaboo
    Everybody has their own methods of typing, presentation, colour preferences, and more, which are visable to others when they observe your posts.
    But what about the non-visible aspects to your posting? Specifically, time.

    My query here is this; how much time, on average, do you spend writing out a single post?
    How long do you think should be spent on posts? Is there an optimum amount of time?
    Do you often have issues with others posting during the time you writing out your own post?

    Anything else not mentioned relating to the time spent on posts or on the creation of RPs is equally valid here.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Oct 3, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  9. Pinekaboo
    What's the first thing you do?
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Sep 26, 2011, 35 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pinekaboo
    I'm not normally very emotional about works of fiction, but the ending just got me.
    It was... beautiful...
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Sep 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pinekaboo
    Link to the the ooc thread here.

    Rules and description can be found at the ooc thread. Please leave all applications, discussions, questions, and large ooc notes there. Smaller ooc notes are fine here. For Official characters; you are allowed to post videos here alongside your post (in spoiler tags please!), so long as they are directly related to the content of the post (such as combining sequences or finishing moves). Musical tracks are also permitted by both Official and Original characters, so long as is appropriate for the moment and only done infrequently. Enjoy~!


    The streets of the peaceful, cultured city were quiet, occupied only by a steady-paced convoy of unmarked trucks, which cruised down the otherwise unoccupied highway at a regulated speed, all seemingly in synch with one another. They drew little attention, so little that anybody watching would instantly be alerted to the strangeness of their movements, and how unnaturally they seemed to match one anothers speed perfectly.
    Each of them were identical to the next, with not even a single marking there to distinguish them from one another, none of them having even a single dent or unclean spot on their surface.
    Their journey down those long, open highways simply continued, ignoring the existence of any and all other existences on their path.
    Indeed, these vehicles were quite suspicious.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Sep 17, 2011, 149 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Pinekaboo
    Link to the RP thread here.


    There are many universes in existence, each of them unique, and each of them with their own story. A great hero could die in one reality, yet live as a villain in another. A man could be a legend in one, yet be completely unknown in another. The possibilities are endless.

    This is just one of those universes.

    The world we live on is incredibly diverse. A Rainforest can survive next to a harsh desert, which in turn can border along an ocean. The Earth is almost perfect; having natural resources to spare, and a stable atmosphere with little chance of change. It is no wonder then that countless invaders and tyrants vie for it. But invaders, tyrants, all villains are opposed, and it is those heroes that our story will follow.


    This is an RP that takes inspiration from the crossover series ‘Super Robot Taisen’. The series features Mecha and their pilots from various series’, as well as original characters, and has their respective plotlines feature alongside one another. Scenes such as Getter Robo fighting alongside Gurren-Lagann are commonplace.

    This RP will not follow any of the Super Robot Taisen storylines. It exists within its own continuity, meaning that both official characters and your own will be available. Each character will have their own Mecha, which will have its own name and abilities. Some characters may actually be their own Mecha, such as sentient robots.

    You do not need to know anything about any Mecha series to take part.

    Regarding the Setting
    Everyone has always lived on the same planet, but their own 'worlds' are instead just different regions on the planet. OC's can be from anywhere, and official characters will be from an area that mostly resembles their world the way it was in the source material (Gurren-Lagann's would be mostly barren, for example.)
    I'm going to advise people to have official characters stories either just starting out, or starting from the beginning at a point where an Arc begins. (E.g. Gurren-Lagann could be brought in from pre- or post-timeskip with no problems) But that's not set in stone; anyone can be half-way through a fight when they're introduced, I'm fine with that too if they really want to. The idea is to leave room for character development and upgrades however.

    Regarding Characters
    There are two types of characters, Original and Official, which should be self-explanatory. There will be plenty of times when people have to be outside of their mechas, so it'd be a good idea to have somebody human or at least human-sized, though I won't stop anyone who wants to be different (E.g. a Transformer, where they technically are their own mecha)
    Since a lot of background characters simply won't be there, other characters in the story will have to fill those roles (E.g. Non-pilot love interests), however characters or machines that combine with the base Mecha will be counted as equipment rather than a separate character (E.g. Goldymarg from GaoGaiGar, who becomes the Goldion Hammer finishing move).
    Size of the mecha isn't really an issue. No matter what, there will be enemies tough enough that size will hardly matter at all.
    Two pilots can be assigned to the same mecha as a single character/mecha combo, but only if the mecha itself would normally allow it. (E.g. Gurren-Lagann can have two pilots, but Eva 01 cannot) If you want an OC to have a co-pilot, just do it, but they would also have to be an OC.

    About Mission Control
    Many organised pilots have their own Mission Control, a person or group of people that offer advice and perform duties other than piloting in order to help, such as Gusty Galaxy Guard (GGG). Some of these characters are related to the plotline, such as Kotaro Taiga, but others may not be despite still being needed to exist. For the sake of convenience, anyone is able to take control a minor Staff Member when one needs to exists, so long as it is not breaking the rules.

    The plot will begin following characters original plotlines, but with the other player characters stories running alongside it. Eventually an original plot will take root, bringing with it new challenges and depths that will require teamwork and determination from your characters.
    Bare in mind that this while this RP will undoubtedly include a high level of combat, that is not its focus. The characters, how they interact with one another, and solving the plot that will take route is.


    1. No Godmodding or Powerplaying, though sometimes I may have to for plot purposes. Sometimes I will ask somebody else to do so too.

    2. You may now have as many characters as you wish, whether Staff or Pilot, but ensure to keep track of them.

    3. Obey the site rules as well as mine.

    4. Be available to contact outside of the RP threads. Sometimes I will need to tell a specific person to do something without alerting others. Make sure there’s some way I can do.

    5. Romance is allowed, but let’s try to keep it appropriate. PG-16 at the most. Kissing is fine, and some implication of going further is fine, but keep it clean.

    6. 20-words minimum on all posts. If you can’t think of much to say, add details about what you have said or done.

    7. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are all somewhat important. Spelling mistakes are fine, but keep yourself understandable in order to avoid confusion.

    8. I am in charge of this RP. If you disagree with a decision I make, I will be willing to discuss it via PM, but do not cause an argument.

    9. Write ‘Taisen’ somewhere within your post as proof you have read all of the rules.

    10. With the permission of the owning RPer, a character is able to use another character's Mecha instead of their own for a brief time (unless there is some kind of physical restriction preventing them from piloting it). Staff characters are also able to do this, with the same rules.

    11. If you are going to be unable to post for an extended amount of time, let me know. If somebody falls too far behind without prior warning, it will interfere with other members ability to post, which is unfair.

    Mecha/Character forms

    Pilot Name:
    Appearance: <Place images in spoiler tags>
    Series: <Name of series or ‘Original’>
    Sex: <Male or Female>
    Abilities: <If applicable>
    Weapons: <If applicable>
    Personality: <Keep it brief, people can change>
    Paired with: <Name of their Mecha>
    Bio: <Your characters backstory, up to before they appear in the story>
    Other information: <Anything else relevant>

    Mecha name:
    Appearance: <Place images in spoiler tags>
    Paired with: <Name of Pilot>
    Bio: <Anything mentioned in Pilot’s Bio can be omitted>
    Other information: <Anything else relevant>

    Character Name:
    Appearance: <Place images in spoiler tags>
    Abilities: <If applicable>
    Personality: <Keep it brief, people can change>
    Organisation: <What is the name of their organisation? Leave blank if none>
    Bio: <Your characters backstory, up to before they appear in the story>
    Other information: <Anything else relevant>

    Accepted Characters and Mecha:
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Guy Shishioh (Evoluder Guy)
    Series: King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL
    Age: 22
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Enhanced strength, speed, endurance due to becoming an Evoluder, a super-human
    Strength increases proportionate to the level of his courage due to merging with a G-Stone.
    Can perform fusion with PhantomGao to become GaoFar, a human-made recreation of GaiGar that is superior to the original.
    Technopathy, the strength of which also increases with courage.
    Weapons: Will Knife; a blade with variable sharpness depending on its wielders will.
    Personality: Kind and caring, courageous, unforgiving of those that hurt his friends.
    Paired with: PhantomGao/GaoFar/GaoFighGar
    Bio: After a shuttle accident left him needing to be converted into a cyborg, Guy wound up fighting against the extra-terrestrial machine species, the Zonders, eventually leading him to fight against the Primevals, a similar set of 31 beings. After chasing them to Jupiter, Guy and his allies managed to defeat the Primevals but not before losing his father. Upon returning to Earth he faced down one final enemy, the new machine species Zonuda, the defeat of which caused Guy to become an Evoluder, with a human-like body once more.
    Other information: Tends to act like a Big Brother figure to others. Works for Gusty Galaxy Guard (GGG or 3G).
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: GaoFighGar
    - Able to cloak itself in order to become invisible.
    - Can still turn invisible.
    - High speed/agility.
    - Can perform Final Fusion with GaoMachines to form GaoFighGar.
    - Can perform ‘Hell and Heaven’ finishing move.
    - Has several G-Stone powered combat abilities.
    - High durability/strength.
    - Can create Program Rings that increase power of certain moves.
    – Phantom Claws
    - Several tools with different uses, such as Dividing Driver, Gattling Driver, and Dimensional Pliers.
    – Goldion Hammer weapon/finishing move.
    Paired with: Guy Shishioh
    Bio: Created after Galeon left Earth in order to provide Guy with continued use of a Mechanoid, PhantomGao was made by GGG to be superior to the alien creation in most ways. GaoFighGar is an upgraded version of GaoGaiGar, with each of its constitutional parts upgraded to be more practical than before.
    Other information:
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Abilities: None
    Personality: Hot-Blooded, fair, determined
    Organisation: Gusty Galaxy Guard (GGG, or 3G)
    Bio: As the leader of Gutsy Galaxy Guard, Kotarou Taiga has been alongside Guy Shishioh since the young man first joined as a cyborg. He used to be a hero in his own right, leading a four-man band as the Gold Tiger, but the death of two members of the group put a swift end to it. It is his armour as the Gold Tiger that inspired the design of Guy's own armour, though the latter is a far superior design.
    Other information: His approval is technically required for most equipment to be used by GaoFighGar, however he has always trusted Guy's judgement and aprroved anything the Brave requests.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Loralee Skalla (Lora)
    Series: Original
    Age: 17
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: Seemingly infinite stamina(?)
    Weapons: None
    Personality: High-spirited, enthusiastic, somewhat single-minded
    Paired with: None yet (Genesis)
    Bio: Having lived a regular life for 17 years, Loralee nevertheless became fixated on the frequent mech battles that took place around the world. She has often been refered to as crazy or misguided in her wanting to pilot, but is determined to make her dream a reality.
    Other information:
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: Genesis
    Abilities: Seemingly able to mimic the special abilities of other mech/pilot combos
    Weapons: Seemingly none
    Paired with: None yet (Later Loralee Skalla)
    Bio: Was created by an unknown party, for an unknown reason. very little is known of the machine.
    Other information:
    Pilot Name: Amber "Keeko" Jacobs
    Series: Original
    Age: 17
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: Combat Expert, Flexible
    Weapons: Dark Gray Steel Jericho 941 Handgun "Steel Hearts".
    Personality: When outside of battle, she's very big on pranking and jokes. She's also dependable, sweet, and a bit of a tomboy sometimes. Though, in battle, she and Blue~ are a very serious team, not focusing on anything but their target.
    Paired with: Blue~Bird 013
    Bio: She's lived a normal life, but that stopped two years ago when her family disappeared two years ago, leaving behind their family Mecha, Blue~Bird 013. Ever since, the girl and machine have been inseperable, looking for clues about their family.
    Other information: N/A
    Mecha name: Blue~Bird 013
    -When combined with Amber's gun, Steel Hearts, gains a firearm.
    -Can fly. Top Speed: 200 MpH.
    -Sword/Katana built into right arm
    Paired with: Amber Jacobs
    Bio: The Jacob's family Mecha, Blue~ has been in Amber's life forever. Was created by her father, but that's all that Amber really knows about it.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Pilot Name: Ren Yuuki
    Series: Orginal
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Able to think quickly in tough situations
    Weapons: Concealed dagger, katana
    Personality: Calm and collected.
    Paired with: Wing Zero Custom
    Bio: Ever since he was shipped off to a training facility use for the training of a new mobile suit pilot, life for Ren was no stop training. When the day came for who would be chosen, the facility was attacked and destroyed. Unlike the ones who either escaped or was killed, Ren survived by piloting the Wing Zero Custom and escaping.
    Other information: Has a strong mental capacity to use his gundam.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Mecha name: Wing Zero Custom
    Abilities: Zero System- Allows using to see thousand of outcomes depending on the enemy. (Will be downgraded to avoid god-modding)
    Weapons: Beam Saber, Machine Gun, and Twin Buster Rifle.
    Paired with: Ren Yuuki
    Bio: Due to the strong mental capacity needed to properly use it, a training facility was created to see who was capable of operating it to its full potential
    Other information: In order for the Zero System to be used, the pilot must have a strong mental capacity. The Large wings in the front also function and shields.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Pilot Name: Allen Gray
    Series: Original
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Good with computers
    Weapons: Small Handgun
    Personality: Easy-going and fun-loving, but can also be reckless.
    Paired with: Gundam X (GX)
    Bio: Raised as a supposed computer genius, Allen was always around computers. Whether it was creating software or hacking into private files. When the day came he found his gundam, he had hacked through a secure firewall meant for keeping him out until he was ready.
    Other information: Always has his laptop with him.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Mecha name: Gundam X (GX)
    Abilities: Satellite System
    Weapons: Satellite Cannon, Shield Buster Rifle, Large Beam Sword, Torso Vulcan, Beam Rifle
    Paired with: Allen Gray
    Bio: Being hidden from Allen by an Extreme layer of Firewalls that only he could hack, it was left under the compound his was raised at.
    Other information: The satellite cannon can only be activated via satellite that only GX can use.
    Username: Destiny's hand
    Name: Trish Charday
    Abilities: Very athletic, can hack into many computers.
    Personality: She's calm, collected, a computer genius and not very excitable. She hates people that think about them selves all the time, and is very dependable. She seems to be a Motherly figure to Carter.
    Organisation: Gusty Galaxy Guard (GGG, or 3G)
    Bio: Born into a rich family, Trish usually gets what she needs in a cinch. She works with Guy and Kotaro, and later on with Carter and Amber too. She knows a lot about computers, but doesn't seem to know about piloting a mecha.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: Destiny's hand
    Pilot Name: Carter (Last name not known)
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Very strong, combat expert
    Weapons: Silver Sword, or his Double Steel Colt Anaconda .44 Magnum double-action revolvers.
    Personality: He's shy, but very sarcastic when you get to know him. He's also smart, A little out there, and hates it when people tease him.
    Paired with: Red★Flame (After joining Amber)
    Bio: He doesn't have much of a backstory, since a terrible car accident a couple of months ago gave him amnesia. All he remembers was his first name, his family and a girl helping him to the hospital. After this, he applied for a job as a staff member with Trish, who became a Motherly figure toward him.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: Destiny's hand
    Mecha name:Red★Flame
    - Can shoot some kind of pink energy out of hands
    -Seems to able to fly
    -Can shoot fire out of body
    -Built in Firearm
    -Claw like hands
    Paired with: Carter
    Bio: Unknown Builder, has been experimented on by Trish and Carter. Nothing else is known about this mysterious Mecha.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: Webhead
    Pilot Name: Bit Cloud
    Series: Zoids: New Century/Zero
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: A very skilled pilot. Bit also has great eyesight, being able to distinguish a Zoid from two miles away.
    Weapons: None.
    Personality: Happy, fun-loving, and rarely sad. Bit is extremely loyal to his friends, risking his life to protect them.
    Paired with: Liger Zero (Jager/Panzer/Schneider)
    Bio: Bit had a relatively boring childhood, so boring, in fact, that he never talks about it simply because 'there's nothing to talk about.' As a young teenager, he became a junk dealer, buying and selling Zoid parts. He one day wandered into a battle field where his truck caused a Zoid from one of the teams, Blitz Team, to trip, causing them to lose the battle. Feeling apologetic for their loss, he ventured into their hangar to apologize, but the angry pilots tied him up with Liger Zero, a sentient Zoid that refused to let anybody pilot it. Strangely enough, Liger Zero freed Bit and let him board it. The Blitz Team offered Bit a position in their roster, which he instantly took. He soon became their star pilot. With the Blitz Team, and their tactician and other pilot, Jamie Hemeros, Bit placed high in the Zoid Battle Commission Tournament and defeated the evil Backdraft group. After the tournament (I.E., for this RP), the Blitz Team broke up in good grace, each to hone their skills and accomplish personal goals. Bit and Jamie kept the name of the Blitz Team and travel together, along with their newest recruit, "Kara," to battle all of the Zoids they can become better pilots.
    Other information: Wiki Link
    Username: Webhead
    Mecha name: Liger Zero (Jager)/(Schneider)/(Panzer)
    Appearance: Liger Zero, Jager, Schneider, Panzer.
    Abilities: Liger Zero's main weapon in his default form is his Strike Laser Claw, a strong physical attack capable of ripping through armor. Both Panzer and Jager forms have this ability. Liger Zero is known for his agility as well. Liger Zero also has a dual-barreled Shock Cannon, for distance shooting.
    Liger Zero's most useful ability is his Changing Armor System, allowing the Zoid to change his armor with either his Jager, Schneider, or Panzer's armor. Each armor gives him a different specialty.
    Liger Zero Jager = This blue armor greatly increases Liger Zero's speed and maneuverability, with two large Ion boosters on his back. It has mini guns attached to its face and retains his Strike Laser Claw and Shock Cannon. Unfortunately, it is lightly armored and can't take much damage.
    Liger Zero Schneider = Though unable to use Strike Laser Claw, the orange Schneider's armor comes with seven laser blades, allowing the Schneider to cut through almost anything. It has improved speed and acceleration. Schneider is able to aim either 5 or all 7 of his blades forward for its strongest attacks though the Seven Blade Attack damages the armor.
    Liger Zero Panzer = The green Panzer armor is a living tank. Though its maneuverability and agility is highly decreased, Panzer is made for heavy-artillery. It comes with a great number of missiles and two powerful Hybrids Cannon. It's wrapped in thick armor that offers great protection.
    Weapons: Look at the above slot.
    Paired with: Bit Cloud
    Bio: Liger Zero is an Ultimate X Zoid, given such a great artificial intelligence that it learns during battle and has its own personality. It was found by the Blitz Team's leader who saw its rarity, but it gathered dust for years since it wouldn't let anyone pilot it. However, for an unknown reason, it allows Bit to pilot it.
    Other information: Click here for Liger Zero's Changing Armor System. Liger Zero Wiki Link
    Username: Webhead
    Pilot Name: Jamie "Jimmy" Hemeros

    Zoids: New Century/Zero
    Age: 14
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Jamie is young and lacks developed skills. When piloting Zoids, he usually provides tactical information, rather than directly partake in combat. Until obtaining the Raynos, Jamie had never flown beyond the speed of sound, and in the battles he does partake in, he is usually quickly shot down.
    After he becomes the Wild Eagle for the first time, his skills increase greatly and he becomes more confident. When piloting as the Wild Eagle, he an incredibly successful pilot, defeating several elite Backdraft solders, even when outnumbered or outgunned. However, "the Wild Eagle" is much more arrogant and reckless than Jamie, and in the latter episodes, this leads to him being caught off-guard and defeated on several occasions.
    Weapons: None
    Personality: Jamie has two personalities. His default "Jimmy" personality is timid, quiet, but intelligent. He loves his Zoid and spends a lot of time polishing it. He's used to being ignored, especially when he's giving tactical advice. When traveling at high enough speeds, Jimmy becomes the Wild Eagle, a more arrogant, but highly skilled pilot. He blacks out when he becomes the Wild Eagle and usually doesn't remember what happens when he's blacked out.
    Paired with: Raynos
    Bio: Jimmy's father, the first "Wild Eagle," was a Raynos pilot until an accident caused him his pinky. Jimmy was taken in by the head of the Blitz Team as a backup pilot and tactician. When his first Zoid was traded away for a Raynos without his consent, Jimmy was lost since he was too scared to use the Raynos' high speed capabilities. However, the day came when he did and he broke the sound barrier, becoming the second Wild Eagle. After the Blitz Team split up, Jimmy joined with Bit to keep the Blitz Team name and become a great pilot in his own right, without having to rely on the Wild Eagle.
    Other information: Wiki Link. Even though his name is Jamie, it was pronounced "Jimmy" in some dubs so I'll use Jimmy as a nickname and that's what I'll call him. Jimmy also functions as the main staff, despite his age, along with Kara.
    Username: Webhead
    Mecha name: Raynos
    Appearance: Click here
    Using its extreme aerodynamic...ness, the Raynos can break the sound barrier, however, this makes it incredible difficult to fly.
    Weapons: Storm Claws, Spike Claw, 3-Barrel Beam Cannon, and a Vulcan Cannon system.
    Paired with: Jamie "Jimmy" Hemeros/The Wild Eagle
    Other information: Wiki Link
    Username: Webhead
    Name: Kinetic Assisting Robotic Automaton (K.A.R.A.)/Kara
    Appearance: Click here. Click here for her Mecha form
    As Kara, she is able to transform her feet and left arm into their Mecha forms, allowing her to fly and shoot laser beams. She also has super strength. She has the ability to transform to a gundam-sized Mecha with the same abilities.
    Personality: Kara struggles with her "programmed" personality, that of an emotionless, technical, and cold robot, and the personality she's trying to gain as a person.
    Organisation: Blitz Team
    Bio: Kara was built by an evil scientist as both a weapon and an assistant. He programmed her to be emotionless and called her an assisting automaton as opposed to an automated assistant to emphasize that she was a robot built to assist, not an assistant who happened to be a robot. The authorities soon found the scientist's hidden lab and attempted to arrest him, but he fought back using his inventions. KARA was his trump card. He used her Mecha form to fight back, but he was killed in the chaos. Without anyone to cancel her order, KARA continued to fight the authorities, eventually taking flight. She was chased by jets, who managed to shoot her mecha form down. She crashed and went offline, reverting to her human appearance. She wasn't found, due to the fact that the authorities were looking for a giant mecha, for years. Jimmy and Bit stumbled upon her and she awoke, with no memory of her past, save for the acroynym given to her as a name. Bit invited her to join Blitz Team. It wasn't long before she realized she could transform into a mecha. Realizing she wasn't a Zoid, Bit and Jimmy decided to keep it a secret from everyone else and made her their official staff.
    Other information: Her "uniform" is part of her body, built onto her. She pilots the Hover Cargo when Jimmy isn't around. The Hover Cargo serves as both a home to the Blitz Team and a garage for their Zoids.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Nono
    Series: Diebuster (Gunbuster 2)
    Age: Presumed to be 16/17
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: None(?)
    Weapons: None(?)
    Personality: Optimistic, Somewhat simple
    Paired with: <To be revealed>
    Bio: Hailing from a rural community in the countryside, Nono is a simple and clumsy girl with a big dream: she wants to become a 'Nonoriri', which seems to refer to a mecha pilot. Of course, dreaming of being a pilot and actually becoming one are two entirely different things, as she soon finds out upon reaching the city. Even after landing a somewhat dead-end job as a waitress in one of the city's bars, Nono stubbornly holds on to her ideals, despite the chiding of her boss and the bar's regular patrons.
    Other information:
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Pilot Name: Gai Ikari
    Series: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
    Age: 20ish (it's never stated really)
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: He can turn into GokaiSilver (which is needed to use his mecha) where he gains the ability to turn into any previous Sixth Ranger from Super Sentai (but only the ones on his phone-morpher).
    Weapons: GokaiSpear
    Personality: Hyperactive, goofy and a general fanboy for Super Sentai
    Paired with: GoJyuJin
    Bio: Shortly after gaining his powers as GokaiSilver he sought out the space pirates of Gokaiger to join their crew as it's sixth ranger. While trying to join them he figures out how to summon the Super Sentai Ultimate Powers he possesses, which come in the form of his transforming mecha. However, during battle with an assault commander of their enemy, The Zangyack Empire, he is warped by his opponent's special attack to another continent far away from the other Gokaiger.
    Other information:
    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Mecha name: GoJyuJin
    Appearance: (excuse the toy images. There's not many good images on google)
    Abilities: It is able to change forms. It's default forms are the three listed above. It always appears as GoJyuDrill when summoned as this lets it hide inside time. It can also use the powers of Super Sentai Sixth Rangers for finishing moves and other effects, such as new forms.
    Weapons: A drill that is either on the front of itself (GoJyuDrill), a drill for a tail (GoJyuRex) or a drill for an arm (GoJyuJin). As GoJyuRex it also has claws on it's hands and feet as well as razor sharp teeth with which it can bite. It also has a fire breathing weapon from it's mouth. As GoJyuJin it has the Rex head as it's other arm which can be used for biting attacks. As GoJyuJin, it can use finishing moves with Ranger Keys being inserted inside the cockpit. With the default three keys (TimeFire, DragonRanger and AbareKiller) it can project GoJyuDrill and GoJyuRex beside it and do a triple drill attack that produces a spiraling projectile of energy.
    Paired with: Gai Ikari
    Bio: It was created by the spirits of AbareKiller, DragonRanger and TimeFire but they decided to let Gai figure out how to use it for himself meaning it still has many secrets.
    Other information: If the images suck for information here's a video
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Simon
    Series: Gurren Lagann
    Age: 14
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Possesses a lot of 'Spiral Energy' Although he is unsure how to tap into it and is also rather unaware of it at first.
    Weapons: The core drill around his neck if that counts.
    Personality: Unsure, timid, easily inspired. (This later changes drastically)
    Paired with: Lagann, Gurren Lagann (with Kamina and Gurren)
    Bio: As a boy, Simon is physically underdeveloped for his age, standing at little more than 4-feet tall. He wears a long sleeved blue and red jacket and short brown pants, topped with a pair of yellow and red goggles and brown work shoes. He has indigo hair and wide eyes with small pupils, and his iris color was eventually revealed to be an almost the same color as his hair. Simon also ties on shin splits and sports a cloth waistband, and the Core Drill hangs from a fastened leather string around his neck. Originally, Simon wore a dusty brown cloak, which eased his passage through the narrow tunnels of the underground, but this cloak was blown off by the wind during the initial escape from Giha Village.
    Though valued as one of the most skilled diggers in Giha Village, Simon is ignored by the adults and snubbed by the girls, who consider him disgusting because of his peculiar habits and odd smell. Lacking parental figures to help him mature, along with his fear of earthquakes, Simon is plagued by low self-esteem and has many cowardly tendencies. Even after his friendship with Kamina, he continues to act cowardly and doubts his own abilities. However, Kamina's inspirational speeches gives Simon just enough confidence to endure his fears and to accomplish something.
    Other information: Simon and Kamina count as co-pilots and therefore only take one character slot.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Kamina
    Series: Gurren Lagann
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Badass manly speeches that can inspire even the lowest to reach their true potential, and the regular abilities induced by extreme ham and the power of wearing sunglasses indoors.
    Weapons: A badass long Katana.
    Personality: Loud, confident, badass, fatherly, caring, ham.
    Paired with: Gurren, Gurren Lagann (With Simon and Lagann)
    Bio: a young man from Giha, a subterranean village, who dreams of leaving the underground and going to the surface, a place which he alone believes he saw as a child. Possessing a seemingly arrogant personality, Kamina is very passionate about his goals and will pursue them without a trace of fear, hesitation, or sometimes sense. This attitude often manifests itself in dramatic speeches which have the power to rally all those who hear them to his call. As his first act of notoriety, Kamina forms "Team Gurren" and convinces his "soul-brother," Simon, to help him with his plan to drill through the roof of the village and get to the world above. However, the plan fails. Kamina willingly takes the blame for disrupting the peace and is jailed by the village chief. At night, Simon breaks him out to show him an extraordinary artifact he unearthed, only to be interrupted by a large Gunmen that crashes through the village's ceiling. A young girl sharpshooter named "Yoko" descends from the surface and ends up joining Kamina and Simon as they pilot the newly unearthed Gunmen Kamina names "Lagann". Together, they defeat the invading Gunmen and reach the surface in the process.
    After the trio breaks through, they meet many enemies and friends as they continue forward. The once two-member "Team Gurren" expands to the size of an entire resistance force aiming to overthrow the Beastman Empire. Kamina leads this force and names it "Team Dai-Gurren".
    Other information: Simon and Kamina count as co-pilots and therefore only take one character slot.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: Gurren Lagann




    Abilities: Lagann Impact, Sunglasses, Giga Drill Break. In general... lots of drills from seemingly nowhere.
    Weapons: Lagann can merge with other Mecha, Drills, Sunglasses... More Drills and the power of bullshit effectively.
    Paired with: Simon and Kamina (later... ??????)
    Bio: Look at the above Bio's for Simon and Kamina
    Other information: Gurren and Lagann count as parts to Gurren Lagann and therefore are classed as a single Mecha.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: Goldymarg
    Abilities: Incredible durability, transforms into Goldytank, can transform into Marg Hand and Goldion Hammer for use by GaoFighGar
    Weapons: Cannon in Goldytank mode
    Paired with: Guy Shishioh
    Bio: Goldymarg is a super-AI robot, with his AI based on one of Kotarou Taiga's old teammates, Geki Hyuma. He is reckless and stubborn, but his durability means that he can afford to be. In Marg Hand mode this durability is used to protect GaoFighGar from the recoil that the Goldion Hammer gives off when used.
    Other information: Counts as part of GaoFighGar
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Shinji Ikari
    Series: Rebuild of Evangelion
    Age: 14
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: None
    Weapons: None
    Personality: Somewhat cowardly, longs to be noticed by his father, unconfident
    Paired with: Eva 01
    Bio: At the age of three, Shinji lost his mother to the Eva-01 Contact Experiment. He was there to witness this, causing a trauma that had lingering effects upon him. Perhaps because he has had little meaningful contact with others, Shinji has difficulty controlling his emotions and seeing nuance in them. Gendo abandoned Shinji shortly Yui disapeared into Eva-01, sending him to live with his "sensei". Shinji resents Gendo for this, even though it was he who ran away the last time they met, three years before. He was recently called back to Tokyo-3 by his father, Gendo, in order to do something, though the message was vague...
    Other information:
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: Eva 01
    Abilities: AT Field
    Weapons: Several large-scale weapons created to destroy Angels
    Paired with: Shinji Ikari
    Bio: Eva-01 was produced by the Hakone branch of Gehirn as the Evangelion Test Type model. Unlike the other Evas, she was generated directly from the body of Lilith, and is consequently referred to as Lilith's "offspring" or "clone". On a physical level, Eva-01 has the same characteristics as an Adam-based (i.e., any other) Evangelion. Eva-01 received Yui Ikari's soul as a result of the Contact Experiment with her 10 years ago, though the cyborg has only recently been "completed".
    Other information: Occassionally falls into a "Berserk" state. The cause is related to her pilot, Shinji.
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Character Name: Gendo Ikari
    Abilities: None
    Personality: Cold, Focused
    Organisation: NERV
    Bio: Gendo Ikari is the Commander of Nerv, the husband of the "deceased" Yui Ikari and the distant father of Shinji Ikari. Originally known as Gendo Rokubungi, he changed his family name to Ikari after marrying Yui and was then appointed as head of Gehirn and later NERV, by Seele. Along with sub-commander Kozo Fuyutsuki, Gendo is responsible for the defense of Tokyo-3 against the Angels, and for aiding in the completion of the Human Instrumentality Project. Gendo summoned his son to Tokyo-3 in order to serve as a replacement pilot for Eva-01. It was once rumoured that Gendo had approached Yui for nothing but her talent and her affiliation with Seele, but it seems that he truly loved her. Though he appears cold and distant, Gendo's primary motivation is in fact love: his goal in working on the Human Instrumentality Project is to reunite with his beloved wife, even if it means hijacking Seele’s plans.
    Other information: He appears to have absolutely everything planned out ahead of time.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Pilot Name: Akira
    Series: Original
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Excels in hand to hand combat.
    Weapons: handgun
    Personality: Energetic and cold at times
    Paired with: Impulse Gundam Series (Later Destiny Gundam)
    Bio: When Akira was 15, his hometown was attacked by a group of Zaku's. In an attempt to get away his family tried to flee to the nearest shelter, but they were killed by debris from and destroyed building. Seeing this he wanted revenge against the enemy so, blinded by rage he began to pilot a new brand moble suit that his military was in the process of making and used it to completely destroy the Zaku's. Realizing what he had done , he left his home with the moble suit. Hoping to leave all the despair behind him.
    Other information: He doesn't let this tragic event affect his personality.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Mecha name: Impulse (Force, Sword, and Blast)



    Abilities: Variable Phase Shift Armor
    Weapons: Impulse

    2 20mm CIWS (Located in head, All forms)

    Folding Razor anti-armor knife (All Forms)
    Force Impulse

    Mobile Shield (All Forms)

    2 Vajra Beam Saber

    High-energy Beam Rifle

    Sword Impulse

    2 Excalibur anti-ship swords

    Fash Edge Beam boomerangs
    Blast Impulse

    2 Kerberos high-energy long-range beam cannons

    2 Quadruple Missile Launchers(Located on Shoulders)

    2 Defiant beam javelins
    Paired with: Akira
    Bio: Planed to be use as a new weapon to give them the edge in a war, the military attempted to begin producing these. But there were never able to build more than one or find a suitable pilot prior to the attack.
    Other information: Is able to switch to another form during combat. Forms comes froms combining the core splendor and the matching silhouette
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Pilot Name: Zhane
    [​IMG] The one on the right
    Series: Original
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Can quickly adapt to any situation
    Weapons: none
    Personality: Strong-willed and Determined
    Paired with: Strike Gundam (Later Freedom and Strike Freedom)
    Bio: During the devolvement of the Impulse, designer also made another one in complete secret. In order to make sure it works, he needed a test pilot, and that where Zhane came in. Upon receiving a letter from his brother he left to become the test pilot and later the actual pilot of the Strike.
    Other information: Carries around a pendent that he got from his brother.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Mecha name: Strike gundam (Aile, Sword, and Buster)



    Abilities: Phase Shift Armor
    2 Igelstellung 75mm Multi-barrel Anti Air CIWS (Located in head, All Forms)

    2 Armor Schneider Combat Knife (All Forms)

    2 Beam Saber
    57mm High-energy Beam Rifle

    Schwert Gewehr Anti-ship Sword

    Panzer Eisen Rocket Anchor

    Midas Messer Beam Boomerang

    Agni Hyper Impulse Beam Cannon

    Anti-ship Vulcan Gun

    2 Gun Launcher
    Paired with: Zhane
    Bio: Due to the fact that it was built in complete secretly, no on excpet it's builder knows the full extent of the Strike.
    Other information:
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Character Name: Shane
    [​IMG]The one on the left
    Abilities: Is able to quickly to repair anything that he's designed.
    Personality: Calm and calculated.
    Organisation: GGG
    Bio: As the creator of the Impulse and Strike, he needed someone to pilot the Strike in case the military he made the impulse for found out about the Strike. So he turned to the only person he could trust, his younger brother.
    Other information: Along with the Strike, he also had a battleship made in secret which he pilots.
    Username: Longn4
    Pilot Name: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Mech piloting, Mech gunnery, basic repairs, small arms, gardening
    Weapons: x1 .38 caliber revolver, x1 vibro-dagger, x1 survival knife, x1 small SRM launcher stored beneath pilot seat of his mech
    Personality: opportunistic, cowardly, "dishonor before death", honest
    Paired with: "Skeeter" custom use pack hunter light mech
    Bio: A former slave soldier to one of the many pirate bands who plagued the periphery star systems that bordered the inner sphere. Carlos was originally one of red jack Ryan's "anti-mech" warriors, little more than desperate men with rags and outdated rocket launchers, who were thrown at Ryan's enemies enmasse to "soften up" enemy mechs. That was until the forces of the Wolf clan came and slaughtered Ryan's pirates and enslaved any who survived the intial blitz.
    Initially, Carlos took this turn of fate in stride after all one master was as bad as the next. His time as a Wolf clan bondsman changed those thoughts and eventually the young man began to take the clan's ways as his own, though the cowardly streak that had been beaten into him during his days with the Red Jack pirates was something that not even the clan could completely purge from him. Under the tutelage of his mentor Natasha Kerensky he learned how to turn this fear into cautious cunning, and eventually became a mechwarrior respected for being able to take down much heavier and much more powerful mechs with his hit and run style of combat.
    During a skirmish above the Earth's atmosphere the Skeeter was caught in a explosion that sent it plummetting towards the Earth. By pure chance a random comet flew beneath the falling mech shielding it from the worst of th re-entry. While lucky to survive both Carlos and his mech are in bad shape.
    Other information: Carlos is a rather ardent and talented gardener. During his initial period with the cwolf clan he was assigned to their agro-facillities as "obedience training". To everyone's surprise he naturally took to the task, and has kept a micro-garden in is quarters ever since.
    Username: Longn4
    Mecha name: Skeeter
    Abilities: While lightly armored the Skeeter can use its agility and high performance jump-jets to evade enemy attacks, and the enemy all together if need be. A integrated ECM suite is capable of intercepting or scrambling hosstile communications and detection systems, while the mech's own advanced comm system allow it to serve as a spotter for artillery.
    Weapons: The production model came fresh out of the factory with an integrated extended range particle projection cannon, which is capable of sending electrified blasts of plasma from a longe range. The reinforced endo-steel claws that tip the packhunter's hands are useful for ripping away armor plates and gouging out exposed components. Carlos added a wrist mounted flame thrower which is fed directly by the mech's fusion reactor, and has installed a small laser cannon into the Skeeter's chest as an emergency ranged weapon.
    Paired with: Carlos Pham von Heinrich
    Bio: A customized Packhunter. About a ton of armor was stripped off of the already fragile mech to make room for all of the technolgical goodies and gadgets Carlos had installed to make it more suited to his piloting style.
    Other information:
    Username: Destiny's hand
    Pilot Name: Rei Ayanami
    Series: Rebuild of Evangelion
    Age: 14
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: N/A
    Weapons: N/A
    Personality: Rei is an enigmatic figure whose unusual behavior confounds her peers. As time progresses, she becomes more involved with the people around her. Outwardly, Rei can seem somewhat cool and aloof, yet, she can easily be confused by emotions, and is somewhat detached from her own.
    Paired with: Eva 00
    Bio: Rei Ayanami is the First Children and exclusive Pilot of Eva-00. Officially, Rei Ayanami is fourteen years old, but it is stated that all records of her background have been erased. Unusually for a child her age, Rei lives alone in an decrepit apartment. Rei attends Tokyo-3 Junior high school and is a member of Class 2-A.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: Destiny's hand
    Mecha name: Eva 00
    Abilities: AT Field
    Weapons: Different large weapons used to destroy Angels.
    Paired with: Rei Ayanami
    Bio: As is the case for all the Evangelions, except Eva-01, the method of Eva-00's creation is not known. It is known, however, that she was the first working prototype after many failures. Whether the creation process was perfected with Eva-00, or if something new was tried would be pure conjecture. Although Eva-00 was the first working Evangelion out of a very long line of failed prototypes, it was not the first Evangelion to engage in combat with an Angel. That honor belongs to Eva-01. Eva-00 went berserk during an activation test 21 days before the Fourth Angel, Sachiel, arrived. During the incident the entry plug was ejected, possibly by the Eva itself, resulting in serious injuries to the pilot, Rei Ayanami.
    Other Information: N/A
    Username: NutheadBros
    Pilot Name: Kouji Kabuto
    Series: Mazinger
    Age: Somewhere between 15-19 years of age
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Super Alloy Z [On Pilot Suit]: Makes the user immune to bullets and somewhat heat-resistant
    Weapons: Photon Gun [fires a smaller anti-personal version of a photon beam]
    Personality: Hot-blooded, Determinative, Agressive
    Paired with: Mazinger Z
    Bio: An average high-school student whose parents were "deceased". He lived with his brother and his grandfather before the latter died during an attack by Dr. Hell and his forces. Kouji inherited his grandfather's creation simply known as Mazinger Z and has battled against Dr. Hell's forces since
    Other information: none
    Username: NutheadBros
    Mecha name: Mazinger Z
    Abilities: Super Alloy Z [Entire Outer Armor]: Makes almost inpenatrable to all attacks
    Weapons: Rocket Punch [Forearms], Breast Fire [Chest], Rust Hurricane [Grill], Photon Beam [Eyes]
    Paired with: Kouji Kabuto
    Bio: A machine created and designed by the late Juzo Kabuto using the combination of a Photon Engine to power Mazinger Z and all of it's weaponry and Super Alloy Z on the outside armor. With the power one can either become a Devil or a God using it. It's 18 meters tall and 20 tons.
    Other information: A Plider is required to operate, In addition it cannot fly without a Scrander attached to the back and loses speed underwater without a Scrander attached although the weapons have less effectiveness underwater
    Username: LongN4
    Pilot Name: Miranda O'Connel
    Series: OC
    Age: 20
    Sex: Female
    - Professional Pyrotechnian (can make, handle, and operate fireworks)
    - Decent cook
    - can make a fire using practially any junk that is nearby
    - expert in treating burns
    - Mid-level Brazillian Ninjpo practioneer (Smokebombs, Machinery, and Traps speciality)
    Weapons: Miranda always keeps the folloing on her person at all times
    x1 minature flamethower disguised as a Zippo lighter
    x1 multi-tool
    x4 black-powder bombs
    Personality: She has an in-born tendancy to nurture and care for others. Despite this caring nature she possesses a quiet strength and an inner fire just waiting to be let loose. She has a gentle if somewhat firm way of dealing with others.
    Paired with: Mechanical Inferno Hanabion!
    Bio: Born in the STATES Miranda was raised by her parents. Her father Frank was a master of Brazillian Ninpo and the defender of the STATES. Her mother Caeli O'connel was an Irish pyrotechnician famed for her fireworks. As her father was always dashing from one place to another on some half insane quest to "save the STATES", and her mother was likewise on tour spreading the wonders of her fireworks throughout America the little Miranda while not tied to anyone place in particular eventually came to regard the whole of the United STATES as her home. Also since her parents where always off doing there own thing Miranda was often left alone to take care of the family's lodging and occasionally one of her parents if they ever got injured in their work this led to her developing a patient and nurturing personality.
    Eventually this roaming lifestyle came to an end as both of her parents passed away due to natural causes, however before they passed her parents left Miranda with two things. Her father left behind a ancient scroll containing the teachings of his clan and with that his title as the defender of the STATES! Her mother on the other hand taught the young woman the art of fireworks giving the Miranda a means of feeding herself, and bringing joy to those she protected. Five years after their deaths Miranda has fused the two arts together to give birth to her "partner" Hanabion.
    Other information:
    BGM - My Glorious Days!
    - Fireworks
    - Silly people
    - Festivals
    - Spicy Food
    - Those who spread misery and despair
    - Hyper Weapons
    Username: LongN4
    Mecha name: Mechanical Inferno Hanabion!
    Can generate and control fire
    -Fire Clone substitution technique (Bunshin lvl1, 15% to completely avoid attack, deals damage if activated during melee attack)
    -rocket-powered jumps - can't fly but can jump long distance by using Fire Ninpo
    Heart of the Amazon - mystical ruby from the Amazon rain-forest that responds to pilot's emotions, serves as the super robot's power source
    Fire Enrobing Panther's Claw - Covers arms with mystical flames that can be used to enhance strikes. melee range, high accuracy ,moderate damage, moderate criticial
    Justice Flint - Shoots a stream of sparks from the super robot's fists to disorient and blind opponents. moderate range, high accuracy, negligible damage, low critical, SP: lowers accuracy and evasion
    Scorched Eagle Talon - Generates knives of self contained fireworks to be thrown at the enemy with explosive results. moderate range, moderate accuracy, moderate damage, high critical
    Plague of Flame, Fire locust (Map) - Hanabion creates a "hive" of fire in its hands before launching it skyward directly above itself. After reaching acertain point in the sky the hive explodes and sends rockets down towards the battlefield. As each rocket is guided by Miranda's Chi friendly fire isn't normally a problem. moderate range, high accuracy, moderate damage, low critical
    Burning Caiman Bite - Suumons a spike of lava below an enemy to impale and hold an enemy in place, a sword of fire and sparks is summoned in Hanabion's hands as it jumps down at the impaled enemy from above for the coup de grace. short range, moderate accuracy, high damage, high critical
    Finishing Move OH SAY CAN YOU SEE?! YOUR DOOM'S DAWNING LIGHT! - The Hanabion overloads itself with the energy of a million fireworks and rushes forward to tackle the enemy. If it catches its enemy it jumps high into the sky and releases the stored energy in a massive explosion with the unfortunate mech or kaiju at its center. moderate range, low accuracy, very high damage, high critical
    Secret Killing Move Wildfire Bloom (locked)- Summons three other shadow clones which are used to generate a tornado of fire, as the enemy is sucked up into the cyclone the Hanabion strikes at it from all sides each strike setting off a small explosion of brightly colored sparks. As the enemy reaches the top of the tornado a final burst of flame, smoke and light causes the cyclone to "bloom" into a flower to eulogize the fallen foe. short range, high accuracy, extreme damage, high critical
    Paired with: Miranda O'connel
    Bio: A Super Robot created from the skills of Brazillian Ninpo and the secret arts of Irish-American fireworks.
    Other information: N/A
    Username: NutheadBros
    Pilot Name: Domon Kasshu
    Series: G Gundam
    Age: 20
    Sex: Male
    Abilities: Martial Arts
    Weapons: None
    Personality: Brash, Impulsive, Emotional, Impatient, Strong Sense of Justice
    Paired with: Shining Gundam
    Bio: Being trained by the Undefeated of the East and dubbed the "King of Hearts" Domon enters the fight not to gain the power to rule over everything but rather to uncover the truth behind his brother and the monsterous Devil Gundam and to free his Father from a frozen prison
    Other information: None
    Username: NutheadBros
    Mecha name: Shining Gundam
    Abilities: Super Mode, Shining Finger, Shining Finger Sword, Hyper Mode
    Weapons: 2x Head Vulcans, 2x Beam Sabers, Machine Cannon, 4x Shining Shot
    Paired with: Domon Kasshu
    Bio: Dubbed GF12-017NJ the Shining Gundam was built for the 13th Gundam Fight representing Neo-Japan. Using a combination of both the Mobile Trace System and the Emotion Energy System it allows for more fluid and concentrated fighting but also depends on both the Physical and Mental condition of it's pilot and the condition of the unit. In addition the Core-Lander functions as both an escape and a pivitoal part of piloting the gundam itself
    Other information: The Core-Lander is considered to be external equipment
    Username: NutheadBros
    Character Name: Rain Mikamura
    Series: G Gundam
    Age: 20
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: Medical Sciences, Robotic Engineering
    Personality: Sweet, Gentle, Clever, Tough, Loyal, Faithful
    Organisation: None really
    Bio: Domon's Partner, Best Friend, and Engineer behind the Shining Gundam. Compared to Domon she is more of the flip opposite of him....the other side of the coin so to speak when having to deal with a hot-blooded young man. In addition to all that she was the one who had taken the picture which Domon carries around in his search for his brother and the Devil Gundam...but could things be deeper than what they seem?
    Other information: She is also a Field Medic
    Username: Marushi
    Pilot Name: Pamela Peters
    Appearance: Green eyes, long black hair, she is very pale and rather small for her age. Always wears red and black.
    Series: Original
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: Can fight in hand-to-hand combat, having studied Kyokushin Karate. She is a genius when it comes to techology, but is rather blonde about things that happen around her, and she is somewhat telepathic if she knows someone well enough.
    Weapons: When she is seperated from her Mecha, she has a miniature version of a red beam saber, that she made herself when she was eleven, it's black and gold and even though it isn't very powerful, she likes to use it and it holds sentimental value to her.
    Personality: Sarcastic and cynical, she is very blunt and says exactly what she thinks, but also generally likes people until they give her a reason to dislike them. She's very mischevious and loves a good joke, even if the joke is at her expense.
    Paired with: Stone Heart
    Bio: Pamela grew up in a land ruled by a corrupted government, and when she was eleven, her parents were killed in a "Terrorist" attack. She found the rebellion, but realized that they had been framed. So she joined them, and was trained in combat and technology until she was fifteen, when she was accused of being a spy for the government and murdering her mentor, whomshe respected and regarded as a father. She escaped their base by stealing one of their planes, and lived on the lam for three years, hunted by the governmet for her dealings with the rebellion, and hunted by the rebellion for murder and spying. She then started customizing the stolen plane to make a Mecha, stealing whatever she needed to complete it. She made quite a reputation for herself as a villian and a doublecrosser, and came to be the most feared individual in the country, until she finally finished her Mecha and decided to leave in search of a better life.
    Other information: Even though Pamela never intentionally would do anything villianous, she found that it was actually pretty fun to be considered one, so she encourages the wild stories that crop up about her murderous past, usually finding them amusing to hear and sometimes, fun to start.
    Username: Marushi
    Mecha name: Stone Heart
    Appearance: A giant humanoid robot made of odds and ends and painted red and black, with gold accents. It is disproportioned, the arms are longer than usual, with fists that are even larger, and the head is a thick glass dome situated between the high shoulders. Inside the head is the base of operations, just a plain white floor, the walls and ceilings are made with bulletproof glass, twelve inches thick, and there are sensors all around, so whatever the pilot does, the Mecha does.
    Abilities: Can withstand inordinate amounts of heat, and can use it's fists to bore through ground, making tunnels in the earth. It aso can fly.
    Weapons: Usually is just manipulated to fight like the pilot, but sometimes is turned on autopilot, in which case it is programmed with basic attack skills, utilizing its large hands to deal damage to its foes.
    Paired with: Pamela Peters
    Bio: Invented by Pamela when she was fifteen, Stone Heart was created out of a stolen plane and anything else she could get her hands on, usually anything big enough to make a good addition to him. He's made of several small planes, helicopters, cars, trucks, and even a few TVs. Eventually, Stone Heart began to show a bit of personality of his own, and sometimes causes glitches to happen to frustrate Pamela, usually jokes consisting of lying down when she wants him to fly, skipping when she wants him to run, stopping in midair when she wants him to go faster, sometimes even flying backwards.
    Other information: None
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Pilot Name: Marida Cruz
    Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    Abilities: A Cyber-Newtype, meaning that she is somewhat telekinetic and telepathic. Skilled in military martial arts.
    Weapons: N/A
    Personality: Relatively cold and harsh, though much different towards the one she refers to as 'Master'.
    Paired with: Kshatriya
    Bio: A female pilot of the Neo Zeon remnant forces "The Sleeves", she refers to Captain Zinnerman as "Master" and loyally carries out his orders. Marida also sees herself in the ideal of misconceived notion that Newtype are to serve as weapons. Marida also seems to have a deep loathing hatred for the concept of the Gundam, as when one appears her objective changes to completely and thoroughly annihilating it.
    Other information:
    Username: DarkTraitor
    Mecha name: NZ-666 Kshatriya (AKA: Quad-Wing)
    Abilities: Powerful thrusters on each of its wings allow it fly easily, even within atmosphere. Has a Psyco-Frame enhanced cockpit, which helps to focus and empower the Newtype abilities of its pilot.
    - 6 x Beam Saber
    - 2 x Beam Vulcan Gun
    - 24 x Funnel
    - 12 x Mega Particle Cannon
    Paired with: Marida Cruz
    Bio: The Kshatriya is an improved model of the NZ-000 Quin-Mantha developed by Anaheim Electronics. The Kshatriya is much smaller than the Quin-Mantha but has equal firepower. This is accomplished by the four large shoulder binders similar to that of the Quin-Mantha, each binder storing a pair of mega particle cannons, beam saber holding sub-arms and six funnels. The main body of the Kshatriya also has four mega particle cannons and two beam sabers. Also, the beam gatling gun used by the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam originally belonged to the Kshatriya. Although the Kshatriya lacks the "mega particle deflection system" seen on the NZ-000, an I-field barrier generator was installed instead. Its original psycommu system was also replaced with a more effective psychoframe. Although the Kshatriya is a massive mobile suit it has fairly good mobility thanks to the thruster-mounting wing binders. The Kshatriya was stolen by remnants of Neo Zeon called "The Sleeves" and is Marida Cruz's personal unit.
    Other information: Head Height - 22.3 meters
    Enemy Profiles
    Name: Gimlet
    Paired With: Gimlet Empereur
    Paired Appearance:
    Series: King of Braves GaoGaiGar FINAL
    - As Gimlet Empereur its parts can reconfigure themselves, giving the machine at least 20 different combinations.
    - As long as the parts still exist, Gimlet Empereur can reform itself even if damaged heavily.
    Information: The borderline insane, high-ranking member of BioNet Corporation, Gimlet essentially just wants to profit in any way possible, humane or not. After an encounter with Guy Shishioh of Gutsy Galaxy Guard, he underwent an emergency transformation into a Metal Cyborg, designed for combat via the use of the Gimlet Empereur, which gained even more power through the use of its Q-parts.
    Name: Angels
    Series: Evangelion
    Abilities: Each is absolutely unique.
    Weakness: Red, orb-like 'Core' somewhere on/within their body
    Information: Spawned from the First Angel, Adam, the Angels defy various physical laws with their mere existence, and only violate it further in different ways depending on the individual.
    Name: Sachiel
    Series: Rebuild of Evangelion
    - Amphibious
    - Can fire cross-shaped explosions from its second face's eyes
    - Can increase muscle mass in its arms instantly
    - Levitation
    Information: The Angel of Water, Sachiel, is the first Angel to be taken on in direct combat, and the fourth to be seen by human eyes. It is the most humanoid of all Angels, and also the weakest, though is still a match for a single Evangelion. Its very existence seems to violate the laws of Conservation of Mass.

    Reserved Characters/Mecha
    Mari Illustrious Makinami - Rebuild of Evangelion (Provisional Eva Unit 05)
    Renton Thurston - Eureka Seven (Nirvash)
    Eureka - Eureka Seven (Nirvash)
    Anenome - Eureka Seven (TheEnd)

    Wanted Characters/Mecha
    Asuka Langley Soryuu/Asuka Langley Shikinami - Neon Genesis Evangelion/Rebuild of Evangelion (Eva Unit 02)

    Applications should be posted in this thread.
    Please keep OOC posts in the main thread to a minimum when possible.

    Special thanks to both TheAstarion and Destiny’s hand for helping me with the ideas.

    If you have any questions, talk to me via VM or PM, or mention it here in the OOC/Discussion thread.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Sep 14, 2011, 54 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Pinekaboo
    Do you take the Red Pill, or the Blue Pill?
    Choose wisely, KH-Vids.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Sep 12, 2011, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Pinekaboo
    Let me start by making clear that my explanation is purely my point of view. It's likely that this post will show the other person, who I'll use a false name for just in case, in a negative light. That's not intentional, I'm just unable to phrase it in a neutral way.

    On to the actual topic.
    I was in a relationship years ago with somebody who wound up breaking my heart and leaving me for somebody else. Because of this, and also because of the way it was done, I fell into depression. I hid it from most people, not wanting to draw attention to it, but that turned out to be a mistake, since it wound up increasing my feelings of issolation, with which I had problems anyway. Things were getting steadily worse.
    Skip ahead a few months, and by sheer chance I meet somebody whom I shall call Callum. Callum and I became friends pretty much instantly, despite my usual shyness, when we discovered we had a great deal many things in common. Since this was during the Summer Holidays, we spent entire days talking and having fun. It took a while, but eventually Callum pulled me out of the majority of my depression, and while I still have bouts of it occassionally, I'm far better now than I was back then.
    We continued this friendship for three years, maybe longer, I lose track. We used to have arguments every once in a while, and we'd fall out for the rest of that evening, but by the next day we could fairly easily appologise to one another and carry on. Callum was literally the greatest friend I had ever had; willing to listen, a terrible sense of humour that I found funny anyway, and all round nice guy. Even after he began going to University and our time together became more limited, we remained strong friends, treating each other as though we were actually related. We were always able to talk about absolutely anything, and neither of us minded.
    But a short while ago, things went massively downhill. We were still great friends, but talked less and less, as he became busier and busier. Fair enough, such is how things work, we weren't letting it affect us much. We eventually had another argument, which I saw as fairly minor at the time, which ended when both of us wound up saying something fairly harsh, and Callum claimed that he no longer wanted anything to do with me, whereupon he blocked me over messenger.
    "Okay," I thought, "we'll spend some time apart, let ourselves cool down from it, and talk it over when we're ready, just like we always do."
    Apparently not, since Callum has erased every form of contact we had with each other. Facebook, Xbox Live, various websites, everything. It's never gone that far before, and since he refuses to speak to me at all, I can't explain myself or try to talk things over, like I normally would. When I last tried, it got worse, with him immedeitly being aggressive towards me despite it having been almost a week, and I ended up just having to drop it entirely.

    My main problem here is; I'm afraid that I've lost him forever. I don't make real friends easily, and I can often be difficult to understand since my mind tends to work strangely, but despite that Callum has been my friend no matter what for years, and always understood me. I've constantly lost decent friends over my years, but losing somebody as close to me as he... I don't think I'd be able to handle it without falling back into my depression. And while I have another close friend who is keeping me going, I can't stand the thought that I might really lose Callum forever, especially not under these circumstances.

    Any advice concerning what I can do will be appreciated.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Aug 18, 2011, 19 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  15. Pinekaboo
    You all said it could not be done, but observe!
    I have gained access to it! Look in awe, for I am accessing the internet of another world!
    And the best is yet to come; I have discovered an evil that surpasses even Dio's!

    The internet is glorious!
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Jul 27, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pinekaboo
    Having seen Bushy-Brow-1992's (now just Bushy Brow) last two vlogs, and having found my (still charged after 2 years of disuse!) camera recently, I decided to hop on board the internet bandwagon of vlogging. Forgive the fact that I'm shamelessly advertising my self right now, and please check it out just to see what you think/give me tips/sue Bushy.


    And yes, I'm aware of how redundant most of what I say is. It's intentional.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Jul 26, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Pinekaboo

    Of Essence

    Of Essence

    OOC Thread is here.

    An old legend tells of an ancient object, called The Essence, that was created by the Gods themselves in order to house their combined power. The legend doesn't say why they did it, but it does state that the moment they brought it into existence, they regretted and fear what they had done, because anything that possessed such power would become stronger than any god, and be able to shape the world however they wished. Knowing this, they tried to destroy it, and when that failed, they instead sealed it deep within the Earth, giving the very last of their power to ensure that no life could ever reach it. Then, the Gods faded away, leaving the world and humanity to live without interference.
    Very few truly believe that legend as anything more than a story for children.
    But The Essence is real.


    The lantern hardly lit the cave at all, with everything more than just a few inches away completely veiled in the blackness of the underground. It felt like days had passed since the two of them had entered the cavern, when in truth it had only been a few hours. The natural twisting nature of the cavern made sure that light would not be cast far regardless, and so they pressed on slowly, as if the weight of the earth above them were bearing ever down on them. The feeling began to lift, however, when the man in front thought he could see a faint glow spattered over the cavern wall around the next corner. He handed the lantern to his companion as he strode forwards to confirm what he saw; that the hours in the darkness weren't playing tricks on him. It was then that he cracked a smile, before he even saw it. Instinctively, he knew his prize. The twisting, winding cavern had come to its end, giving way to a great, grand chamber. Any man-made attempt to create anything like it would have been an insult to the Gods themselves, he thought. "Mr. Craze, we have reached... the goal." Rhevin threw his arms out, revelling in the place's sheer existence. His grasp encompassed the whole chamber, a narrow rock walkway to the central focus, a coruscating, pulsating... thing that seemed to warp the world around it imperceptibly but undeniably. The entire area seemed to buzz with life, but it was different, unfamiliar. Rhevin took a step towards the pulsating focus of the chamber, and the buzzing became louder. With each step the sound became louder. With each step it became clearer. This was more than just a noise; there was something within it, unclear and distorted. Like the rest of the noise, it grew louder and clearer the closer Rhevin drew to the object before him. It wasn't long before the voice seemed like it was being spoken directly into his ears.
    "WE, THE ESSENCE, FIND YOU, RHEVIN ALASTAIR KURSE, WORTHY OF US. BUT YOUR TASK IS YET INCOMPLETE." it came, revealing something that even he hadn't predicted; The Essence itself could think! This was unprecedented... this changes everything! He turned to his companion, who hadn't moved from the entrance yet. The younger Craze boy was always difficult to read, but right now he seemed particularly strange.
    "Mr. Craze, I believe I'll need your assistance in relocating this object to my laboratory."
    Instantly, Swift's eyes flashed an even brighter yellow, and his grip on the lantern tightened.
    "That's not why we're here." The Auran stated, matter-of-factly. "We have to seal it away. It's too powerful to be thrown into a lab for testing!"
    "...Craze, you disappoint me." The huge scientist replied, his formerly-excited face now showing little but contempt. "I thought you of all people would understand what this could mean for us. A perfect, infinite energy source! Think of the possibilities!"
    The younger man paused for a long moment, seemingly wanting to believe Rhevin’s words. He looked down slightly, not meeting the genius's eyes.
    "Where ever there's power... wars will be fought over it. That's not something that'll change because we want it to." His serious voice took on an almost-pleading tone. "If we destroy it, nobody else will have to die for a fable! That's what I said before, and that's still what I believe!"
    Without saying a word, Kurse unsheathed the huge warsword from his back, his eyes fixated on Swift, knowing that if he wanted to take this power, Craze would have to die. Swift reacted immediately, releasing Soul, his own warsword, from its place on his back.
    Crystal struck steel, and then steel hit crystal, but neither gave way to the other as the two greatswords clashed time and time again. Even against an Auran, Rhevin was incredibly formidable, stopping even the strongest of blows that Swift could muster. It seemed hopeless for both sides, as the slamming of the blades against each other caused nothing but echoes in the grand chamber, doing nothing but spurring the other to continue the fight.
    Finally, the younger Craze gained the upper hand, if only for a moment, as his much faster reactions transformed what would have been just a dodge into the perfect opportunity to flank the much stronger combatant. Leaving nothing to chance, the young Auran forced all of his energy into his weapon as he threw it into the air, the green crystal of the weapon giving off an almost-blinding glow. Time seemed to slow down as he reached up to snatch it back from the air, swinging the blade, and the energy along with it, directly at Rhevin, who spun around just in time to intercept the blow with his own sword...
    The steel blade of Rhevin’s weapon shattered completely. Shards of it were scattered, flying in every direction. Rhevin himself was also launched by the sheer, absolute force of the attack, being slammed into the wall opposite and immediately losing consciousness. Swift had won.
    After a moment’s respite, Swift approached the center, where The Essence waited. He too heard the voice becoming louder and clearer as he approached, but unlike with Rhevin, he ignored its words, intent on destroying the object once and for all. He raised Soul above his head, ready to slash straight through it and...
    Nothing. The sword struck a translucent orange, crystal-like barrier that suddenly stood between him and the power’s source. The barrier hadn’t a single scratch on it, and Swift knew that this was what The Essence had meant. ‘Your task is yet incomplete’. Something would have to be done, likely outside of this chamber, in order to bring down the barrier and expose the object for either use or destruction. There was no further reason to stay in the chamber. Leaving both the unconscious Kurse and The Essence behind, Swift made his way back through the cavern, picking up the lantern on his way. He would return another time, when he had figured out just how to finish what he had begun.


    It’s now a year after the incidence in The Essence’s chamber. Swift has been working on finding a way to break the barrier, and is close to discovering how, but news has just reached him that Rhevin is now gathering followers, determined to reach and take The Essence before anybody else can stop him. Knowing that his task has now become a race, Swift and his brother, Demon, now must recruit their own followers, or stand no chance against Rhevin’s uprising.
    This is where you come in. You are the recruits, of both sides. Your morals, past, and even present don’t matter, so long as you are capable and willing to help a side to reach The Essence first. The sides might have been labelled as ‘Heroes’ and ‘Villains’, but in truth it’s all about The Essence, and what you want to happen to it. Will it be destroyed, or will it be used?


    1. No Godmoding or Powerplaying, though sometimes I might have to for plot purposes. Sometimes I’ll ask somebody else to do so, too.
    2. Two original characters are needed to join. This is one for each side, ‘Heroes’ and ‘Villains’. This is also the limit, though temporary and minor characters do not count towards this. I also have 4 major characters, though this is strictly for plot purposes, and others may also have a third character for plot purposes, though these will be given out by me and Bushy-Brow-1992.
    3. Real people can be very fickle, so your character can change sides if their opinion changes enough, though it will have to be okayed by me. For the same reasons, you do not have to stick to the personality you’ve written down 100%, as that’s mostly just so I know what to expect.
    4. Obey the site rules as well as mine. Annoying players is one thing, but being kicked off the site is seriously bad.
    5. Romance is allowed, but let’s try to keep it teen-ish. Let’s say PG-16. Kissing is fine, and some implication of going further is fine, but keep it mostly clean.
    6. 20-words minimum on all posts. If you can’t think of much to say, add details about what you have said or done. You have two characters that can be doing separate things, so there’s really no excuse.
    7. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are all important. So long as it’s understandable, it should be okay, but too many mistakes and it will look messy and unprofessional, which will make you look messy and unprofessional. Which am bad.
    8. Remember, I'm in charge. Not to be harsh, but no one argues with my decisions. I will be willing to discuss things via PM, but other wise, sit back and enjoy the ride.
    9. Bushy-Brow-1992 is considered a semi-mod in this RP, so he also has some power here, however... I am the one in charge, and so his decisions can be overruled by me, though that is unlikely to actually happen.
    10. Write ‘cookie’ somewhere in your first post as proof that you’ve read all of the rules.

    Regarding OC’s

    Your OCs will have a trait of some sort that will attract their recruiter to them. Be this a supernatural power, exceptional skill, or something else is up to you, but make sure that the character is genuinely capable even if alone.
    Powers may include anything that you can think of, so long as it doesn’t break any of the previously mentioned rules. A power of any kind will need to justified, however, so ensure it’s not something completely ridiculous. Just being able to use magic requires no explanation, mages are fairly common in this word, though explaining what types of magic they can use is required. For example, if your power is to transform into a bear, why are you able to? Is it magical based, a curse perhaps, or something completely different?
    Remember; Alignment refers to what you want to do with the Essence, not your actual morality. Villains want to use the Essence, Heroes want it to not be used. Jerky heroes, and kind-hearted villains are both perfectly fine.
    Though your characters will definitely join the faction you've specified for them, they may not be part of the faction at first. The group, or somebody from it, will seek your character out to recruit them, in order to add an extra touch of realism. Unlike most rules, this is negotiable, though some characters will likely need to be recruited due to their backstory, or for other reasons.

    One last thing: If you want to you are permitted to make your character an Auran, capable of utilising life energy like Swift can. Should you choose to go for this, there are some things that you will need to know.

    - Aurans age at a slower rate than other humans, making them appear younger than they actually are.
    - You may have a crystal that generates life energy, as Soul does, but this isn't required. It will be smaller than a greatsword, but any size from a ring gem to a longsword is fine, and it may be any type of weapon or accessory you choose.
    - Aurans are able to sense other nearby Aurans. The sensitivity of this depends on the individual.
    - All Aurans have access to at least one demon form, but you may not have more than two (a third can be added later, if you wish). The main trait, and the appearance of the form are up to you.

    OC Forms:

    Age: (Minimum of 14, with the exception of Suki Amera.)
    Alignment: ('Hero' or 'Villain')
    Appearance: (Images should be placed in spoiler tags.)
    Personality: (Brief overview of your characters attitude. Does not need to be stuck to 100%.)
    Bio: (Your characters backstory/origins.)
    Power/Ability: (Choose whatever, but don't godmod.)
    Weapon: (Optional, but useful.)
    Ultimate Move/Ability: (Essentially your character's Limit Break.)
    Other: (Any other relevant information.)

    Regarding the Setting

    This RP is set in an original universe, with an original storyline. The planet is very similar to Earth in terms of climate, but its geography is entirely different, as are the names of similar areas. While most of these places will be named by me, I am actually very poor at coming up with names and may ask a player to invent one for me at times.
    Several different landscapes and climates may be visited during the course of the RP, and once a major area is visited I will add a brief description of the area to the first post in order to prevent confusion.

    Regarding Ultimate Moves/Abilities

    Your ultimate ability will be unavailable at the beginning of the RP, with very few exceptions. The ability will be gained at some point throughout the story, and once gained can be used at any time. I will discuss with you when and how you obtain your ability, and this will be negotiable.
    However, the move or ability is not something to be used all of the time, and while I'll leave it to your own judgement as to where and when it is used, you must avoid using it in excess. Doing this is in violation of Rule 1.


    It's fairly likely that the players in this RP are humans themselves, so little explanation should be required. While there isn't a specific statistic, certain humans may inherit the ability to control life-energy, and are named Aurans.

    Having evolved from serpents, Medusas are snakelike in both nature and personality. They have the lower torso of a snake; the abilities to hypnotize, poison, petrify, take a humanoid appearance, and unhinge their jaws. Men are rare, but not seen in their tribes. Instead, the women become pregnant by age (differs depending on the woman) and lay eggs. Medusas are able to procreate with other races, but the Medusa traits greatly diminish and becomes recessive to the other half.
    Half-human, half-Medusa children do not have a Medusa form with a tail or claws, but keep unnaturally-colored skin, unhingable jaws, and the ability to hypnotize.
    Medusas live in small tribes or clans, but are adapted to all climates. They can be found in the hottest deserts, the deepest rivers, the tallest mountains, darkest caves, or largest forests. They are gypsy-like in nature and have high mystical perception. A Medusa's bite does not petrify the entire body, only the area that was bitten. Unpetrification is a painful, but possible medical procedure. Medusas tend to torture their victims by biting separate areas of a body rapidly so the body can still move but starts to weigh too much due to the stone or by biting the joints so a victim can't move. They are rarely seen in cities or towns, but it isn't uncommon.

    Lycankin, or "Tribesmen", are, on average, larger than humans, but not inordinately so. Their distinguishing features are animal ears and a tail, usually the same colour as their hair. They also have pronounced canine teeth and sharp claws that they tend to keep sheathed; using them as weapons is a taboo in their society. They tend to weigh more than a human of the same proportions, owing to an increased muscle mass and bone density. They usually live in tribes away from humans, but are still a common sight in towns and cities. The tribes themselves put up an uncivilised facade to stop people being nosy, but in reality they just don't want their women to all end up as maids, and all their men to end up as bouncers. Adolescents are allowed to leave their tribe permanently, and other tribes usually welcome new blood. Some, however, just end up getting lost in a city and staying there. To see a Tribesman outside their villages over the age of 30 or below the age of 15 means you've found one such person, or their offspring.

    This is the actual RP Thread. OOC posts should go in the OOC thread, but I will allow short OOC posts here so long as they are short and relevant to the current events. Play nice, and have fun.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Jun 24, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Pinekaboo
    Of Essence

    RP Thread is here.

    An old legend tells of an ancient object, called The Essence, that was created by the Gods themselves in order to house their combined power. The legend doesn't say why they did it, but it does state that the moment they brought it into existence, they regretted and fear what they had done, because anything that possessed such power would become stronger than any god, and be able to shape the world however they wished. Knowing this, they tried to destroy it, and when that failed, they instead sealed it deep within the Earth, giving the very last of their power to ensure that no life could ever reach it. Then, the Gods faded away, leaving the world and humanity to live without interference.
    Very few truly believe that legend as anything more than a story for children.
    But The Essence is real.


    The lantern hardly lit the cave at all, with everything more than just a few inches away completely veiled in the blackness of the underground. It felt like days had passed since the two of them had entered the cavern, when in truth it had only been a few hours. The natural twisting nature of the cavern made sure that light would not be cast far regardless, and so they pressed on slowly, as if the weight of the earth above them were bearing ever down on them. The feeling began to lift, however, when the man in front thought he could see a faint glow spattered over the cavern wall around the next corner. He handed the lantern to his companion as he strode forwards to confirm what he saw; that the hours in the darkness weren't playing tricks on him. It was then that he cracked a smile, before he even saw it. Instinctively, he knew his prize. The twisting, winding cavern had come to its end, giving way to a great, grand chamber. Any man-made attempt to create anything like it would have been an insult to the Gods themselves, he thought. "Mr. Craze, we have reached... the goal." Rhevin threw his arms out, revelling in the place's sheer existence. His grasp encompassed the whole chamber, a narrow rock walkway to the central focus, a coruscating, pulsating... thing that seemed to warp the world around it imperceptibly but undeniably. The entire area seemed to buzz with life, but it was different, unfamiliar. Rhevin took a step towards the pulsating focus of the chamber, and the buzzing became louder. With each step the sound became louder. With each step it became clearer. This was more than just a noise; there was something within it, unclear and distorted. Like the rest of the noise, it grew louder and clearer the closer Rhevin drew to the object before him. It wasn't long before the voice seemed like it was being spoken directly into his ears.
    "WE, THE ESSENCE, FIND YOU, RHEVIN ALASTAIR KURSE, WORTHY OF US. BUT YOUR TASK IS YET INCOMPLETE." it came, revealing something that even he hadn't predicted; The Essence itself could think! This was unprecedented... this changes everything! He turned to his companion, who hadn't moved from the entrance yet. The younger Craze boy was always difficult to read, but right now he seemed particularly strange.
    "Mr. Craze, I believe I'll need your assistance in relocating this object to my laboratory."
    Instantly, Swift's eyes flashed an even brighter yellow, and his grip on the lantern tightened.
    "That's not why we're here." The Auran stated, matter-of-factly. "We have to seal it away. It's too powerful to be thrown into a lab for testing!"
    "...Craze, you disappoint me." The huge scientist replied, his formerly-excited face now showing little but contempt. "I thought you of all people would understand what this could mean for us. A perfect, infinite energy source! Think of the possibilities!"
    The younger man paused for a long moment, seemingly wanting to believe Rhevin’s words. He looked down slightly, not meeting the genius's eyes.
    "Where ever there's power... wars will be fought over it. That's not something that'll change because we want it to." His serious voice took on an almost-pleading tone. "If we destroy it, nobody else will have to die for a fable! That's what I said before, and that's still what I believe!"
    Without saying a word, Kurse unsheathed the huge warsword from his back, his eyes fixated on Swift, knowing that if he wanted to take this power, Craze would have to die. Swift reacted immediately, releasing Soul, his own warsword, from its place on his back.
    Crystal struck steel, and then steel hit crystal, but neither gave way to the other as the two greatswords clashed time and time again. Even against an Auran, Rhevin was incredibly formidable, stopping even the strongest of blows that Swift could muster. It seemed hopeless for both sides, as the slamming of the blades against each other caused nothing but echoes in the grand chamber, doing nothing but spurring the other to continue the fight.
    Finally, the younger Craze gained the upper hand, if only for a moment, as his much faster reactions transformed what would have been just a dodge into the perfect opportunity to flank the much stronger combatant. Leaving nothing to chance, the young Auran forced all of his energy into his weapon as he threw it into the air, the green crystal of the weapon giving off an almost-blinding glow. Time seemed to slow down as he reached up to snatch it back from the air, swinging the blade, and the energy along with it, directly at Rhevin, who spun around just in time to intercept the blow with his own sword...
    The steel blade of Rhevin’s weapon shattered completely. Shards of it were scattered, flying in every direction. Rhevin himself was also launched by the sheer, absolute force of the attack, being slammed into the wall opposite and immediately losing consciousness. Swift had won.
    After a moment’s respite, Swift approached the center, where The Essence waited. He too heard the voice becoming louder and clearer as he approached, but unlike with Rhevin, he ignored its words, intent on destroying the object once and for all. He raised Soul above his head, ready to slash straight through it and...
    Nothing. The sword struck a translucent orange, crystal-like barrier that suddenly stood between him and the power’s source. The barrier hadn’t a single scratch on it, and Swift knew that this was what The Essence had meant. ‘Your task is yet incomplete’. Something would have to be done, likely outside of this chamber, in order to bring down the barrier and expose the object for either use or destruction. There was no further reason to stay in the chamber. Leaving both the unconscious Kurse and The Essence behind, Swift made his way back through the cavern, picking up the lantern on his way. He would return another time, when he had figured out just how to finish what he had begun.


    It’s now a year after the incidence in The Essence’s chamber. Swift has been working on finding a way to break the barrier, and is close to discovering how, but news has just reached him that Rhevin is now gathering followers, determined to reach and take The Essence before anybody else can stop him. Knowing that his task has now become a race, Swift and his brother, Demon, now must recruit their own followers, or stand no chance against Rhevin’s uprising.
    This is where you come in. You are the recruits, of both sides. Your morals, past, and even present don’t matter, so long as you are capable and willing to help a side to reach The Essence first. The sides might have been labelled as ‘Heroes’ and ‘Villains’, but in truth it’s all about The Essence, and what you want to happen to it. Will it be destroyed, or will it be used?


    1. No Godmoding or Powerplaying, though sometimes I might have to for plot purposes. Sometimes I’ll ask somebody else to do so, too.
    2. Two original characters are needed to join. This is one for each side, ‘Heroes’ and ‘Villains’. This is also the limit, though temporary and minor characters do not count towards this. I also have 4 major characters, though this is strictly for plot purposes, and others may also have a third character for plot purposes, though these will be given out by me and Bushy-Brow-1992.
    3. Real people can be very fickle, so your character can change sides if their opinion changes enough, though it will have to be okayed by me. For the same reasons, you do not have to stick to the personality you’ve written down 100%, as that’s mostly just so I know what to expect.
    4. Obey the site rules as well as mine. Annoying players is one thing, but being kicked off the site is seriously bad.
    5. Romance is allowed, but let’s try to keep it teen-ish. Let’s say PG-16. Kissing is fine, and some implication of going further is fine, but keep it mostly clean.
    6. 20-words minimum on all posts. If you can’t think of much to say, add details about what you have said or done. You have two characters that can be doing separate things, so there’s really no excuse.
    7. Grammar, punctuation and spelling are all important. So long as it’s understandable, it should be okay, but too many mistakes and it will look messy and unprofessional, which will make you look messy and unprofessional. Which am bad.
    8. Remember, I'm in charge. Not to be harsh, but no one argues with my decisions. I will be willing to discuss things via PM, but other wise, sit back and enjoy the ride.
    9. Bushy-Brow-1992 is considered a semi-mod in this RP, so he also has some power here, however... I am the one in charge, and so his decisions can be overruled by me, though that is unlikely to actually happen.
    10. Write ‘cookie’ somewhere in your first post as proof that you’ve read all of the rules.

    Regarding OC’s

    Your OCs will have a trait of some sort that will attract their recruiter to them. Be this a supernatural power, exceptional skill, or something else is up to you, but make sure that the character is genuinely capable even if alone.
    Powers may include anything that you can think of, so long as it doesn’t break any of the previously mentioned rules. A power of any kind will need to justified, however, so ensure it’s not something completely ridiculous. Just being able to use magic requires no explanation, mages are fairly common in this word, though explaining what types of magic they can use is required. For example, if your power is to transform into a bear, why are you able to? Is it magical based, a curse perhaps, or something completely different?
    Remember; Alignment refers to what you want to do with the Essence, not your actual morality. Villains want to use the Essence, Heroes want it to not be used. Jerky heroes, and kind-hearted villains are both perfectly fine.
    Though your characters will definitely join the faction you've specified for them, they may not be part of the faction at first. The group, or somebody from it, will seek your character out to recruit them, in order to add an extra touch of realism. Unlike most rules, this is negotiable, though some characters will likely need to be recruited due to their backstory, or for other reasons.

    One last thing: If you want to you are permitted to make your character an Auran, capable of utilising life energy like Swift can. Should you choose to go for this, there are some things that you will need to know.

    - Aurans age at a slower rate than other humans, making them appear younger than they actually are.
    - You may have a crystal that generates life energy, as Soul does, but this isn't required. It will be smaller than a greatsword, but any size from a ring gem to a longsword is fine, and it may be any type of weapon or accessory you choose.
    - Aurans are able to sense other nearby Aurans. The sensitivity of this depends on the individual.
    - All Aurans have access to at least one demon form, but you may not have more than two (a third can be added later, if you wish). The main trait, and the appearance of the form are up to you.

    OC Forms:

    Age: (Minimum of 14, with the exception of Suki Amera.)
    Alignment: ('Hero' or 'Villain')
    Appearance: (Images should be placed in spoiler tags.)
    Personality: (Brief overview of your characters attitude. Does not need to be stuck to 100%.)
    Bio: (Your characters backstory/origins.)
    Power/Ability: (Choose whatever, but don't godmod.)
    Weapon: (Optional, but useful.)
    Ultimate Move/Ability: (Essentially your character's Limit Break.)
    Other: (Any other relevant information.)

    Regarding the Setting

    This RP is set in an original universe, with an original storyline. The planet is very similar to Earth in terms of climate, but its geography is entirely different, as are the names of similar areas. While most of these places will be named by me, I am actually very poor at coming up with names and may ask a player to invent one for me at times.
    Several different landscapes and climates may be visited during the course of the RP, and once a major area is visited I will add a brief description of the area to the first post in order to prevent confusion.

    Regarding Ultimate Moves/Abilities

    Your ultimate ability will be unavailable at the beginning of the RP, with very few exceptions. The ability will be gained at some point throughout the story, and once gained can be used at any time. I will discuss with you when and how you obtain your ability, and this will be negotiable.
    However, the move or ability is not something to be used all of the time, and while I'll leave it to your own judgement as to where and when it is used, you must avoid using it in excess. Doing this is in violation of Rule 1.

    Accepted OCs:

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Name: Swift Craze
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Hero Leader
    Personality: Courageous, Sometimes reckless, Determined.
    Bio: Swift is an Auran, born with the ability to channel his own life energy into both offensive and defensive states. After losing his parents at the age of seven, Swift began hunting for the man he thought responsible, his own brother. It took twelve years, but Swift eventually caught to Demon in skill, only to find he wasn't responsible at all. He and his brother teamed up, finally avenging their parents deaths, and ending their long hatred for each other. Since then, Swift has worked alone as a moral mercenary, using his Auran abilities to protect others. After hearing that Rhevin was building a small army to take the Essence, he quickly moved to form a resistance in order to ensure that such a powerful object isn't used for the wrong reasons.
    Power/Ability: Can channel life energy from himself or Soul into energy-based magic. Is also capable of taking on the a weaker version of the strength Demon Form. Due to his harsh, self-imposed training, he has great reaction times.
    Weapon: Soul (Greatsword made from a special crystal, filled with a near-infinite amount of life energy that an Auran wielder can use instead of their own.)
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Aura Burst; Uses a huge amount of the life energy in Soul in order to unleash a blindingly fast flurry of physical blows.
    Other: Leader of the 'Heroes'. Demon Craze's brother.

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Name: Demon Craze
    Age: 30
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Hero
    Personality: Blunt, Sometimes aggressive, Protective of those close to him.
    Bio: Like Swift, Demon is an Auran, born with the ability to channel his own life energy into several abilities. After the death of his parents, Demon was taken in by a man who claimed to be a friend to his father. He was trained by the man for twelve years, believing Swift to be behind the death of their parents, until Swift caught up to them, and the real killer was revealed to be Demon's mentor. Having then teamed up with Swift to get revenge, their feud had finally ended. Since then, Demon has lived a quite solitary, simple life until Swift approached him recently once again, asking for his help in gathering a group to counter Rhevin's.
    Power/Ability: Great strength, Access to three seperate Demon forms; Strength, Agility, and Flight.
    Weapon: Pair of matched swords.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Fused Demon Form; Exactly what it sounds like, a combination of all three Demon Forms, capable of flight, stronger than the power form and as agile as Agility form. Is also much larger and uses massively more energy than the regular forms, with Demon only capable of holding it for a few minutes at a time.
    Other: Swift Craze's brother, and Suki Amera's unofficially adoptive father.

    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992
    Name: Suki Amera
    Age: 13
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: Hero
    Appearance: Refer to Banner ---->
    Personality: Suki is a sensitive, caring young girl, but was always regarded as different by everyone around her and as such was often ignored like she never belonged. Because of this, she can be timid, and not too wise when it comes to people since she has essentially always been alone. She is incredibly close to Demon now however.
    Bio: An orphan girl who has grown up on the streets, she doesn't know to this day what happened to her parents and why she became an orphan. She had only the clothes on her back and the blue ribbon in her hair, which the only possession of her mothers she actually has. On the streets and in the orphanage, she was always regarded as being different by everyone and was often ignored like she didn't belong. Either that, or she was picked on horribly or called a freak, since something about her just emitted an overwhelming power.
    Having one day suffered some particular abuse and insults after she had simply used a healing spell to help one of the other Orphan's who had in turn become scared at her display of magic, Suki left the Orphanage upset... she ran at the time feeling more scared, upset and alone than ever.
    She was unfortunate enough though to happen across two slave traders... they saw Suki as a prize and were going to claim her for their own... Suki, was completely unable to resist... and was ready to resign herself to her sad, cruel fate.
    But it seems her fate was about to change as that was when she met him... Demon Craze. He quickly dealt with the two slavers, leaving them heavily beaten and barely breathing. Silently, he observed the small girl noting that something seemed different about her and sensing that she was all alone in the world. He was the first to treat Suki like a normal person... and now, she looks at him almost like a father figure.
    Power/Ability: Suki has a vast and surprisingly powerful control over magic. She isn't limited by type and her spells are pretty strong considering she has no former training. As such, having never had anyone to teach her, her skills are still pretty basic and she has much to learn. The reason behind why she show's such promise in the magic arts is a mystery.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Awakening - Increases her power by a massive amount, though the method through which this is done will not be described for spoiler purposes.
    Other: Is something of a unofficial Daughter to Demon as she views him as a father figure.

    Username: TheAstarion
    Name: Merin Astarion
    Age: 19
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: The Aura Rangers! Insistent terminology, go! With your true strength, carve your own path to our combined glory! (‘Heroes’)
    Tall for a girl, around 5'9, though this is about average for females of her clan.
    Personality: Merin is usually carefree, and easily distracted by trifling matters she deems to be serious business. She does, however, relish a good fight, and regularly spares strong opponents on the promise of a rematch later. She makes friends easily but completely fails at keeping in touch, and assumes that every relationship can be resumed as if the last contact was yesterday. She's childish when she can afford to be, but when the chips are down, she shows her other side...
    Bio: While she appears to be a girl from the Tribe, she's actually from one of the larger cities. Whether or not she was born there isn't something she cares about, it's home when she's there and that's good enough for her. She has more affinity for towns than the wild, which makes contact with Tribesmen difficult and embarrassing.
    Power/Ability: Aside from general armed and unarmed combat prowess and athletic ability, she's an adept healer and elemental mage. She enjoys exploring ways to combine them in combat.
    Weapon: Twin Aurasabers, focused through her own Soulstones. Think air blades, lightsabers or whatever. She can also lock them together into a double saber, but tends not to. Since they're focused through soulstones, the blade intensity is directly linked to her emotions; if she's not trying to kill you she probably won't be able to.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Omega Cannon - Contains all the elements of magic within a small sphere until they're in perfect harmony... then lets rip. The ultimate omnielemental attack for nailing elemental weaknesses.
    Other: Likes winning, nearly winning after a good fight, and sweets. Her dad is an inventor and runs a small company, for which she runs deliveries. She doesn't really have a goal, but wouldn't complain if she found one.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Ren Yuuki
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Hero
    Personality: At most times Ren is pretty much calm and Collective, but he can be reckless and rush right into thing if he's not focus. One of the few times he could get blinded with rage is if Vincent begins to mock him.
    Bio: Ren pretty much had a normal life, a good family and friends. The only problem was that he had a special power that even he didn't know much about. It never would’ve been awoken if Vincent had never tried to kill him. Even though Vincent manages to take out his left eye, the pain from it was enough to release his powers and cause Vincent to stop him from finishing the job.
    Power/Ability: Can channel electricity through his body and focus it at any specific point or fire it out of the palm of his hands
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Thunder Spark- If the conditions are right, Ren can momentarily gain control of natural lighting.
    Other: Often likes to stare at the sky.

    Name: Rubira 'Ruby' Sumona Curas
    Age: Appears to be in late 20s.
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: Hero
    Her true form^ minus the snakes in her hair. She also has fangs and claws, not teeth and nails.
    She can also turn into a human form where her tail becomes legs and her claws/fangs become nails/teeth. In the human form, her skin color stays the same and the scales of her tail become silk-like pants on her legs.
    Personality: Sadistic, but mysterious. Rubira likes to keep to herself, especially when it's about anything personal to her, but she loves to find out details about everyone else and use it to manipulate them. She loves inflicting pain and is quite evil in personality. She has a strange fondness for cookies.
    Bio: Rubira is a Medusa, a sub-race of humans that evolved from serpents instead of primates. Medusas are very few in numbers compared to humans and rarely seen living in the most hidden parts of deserts, mountains, forests, and in some cases, underwater. Mystical in nature (think gypsies) and sadistic in personalities, they are an extremely rarely-seen race. While her past is shed in mystery, Ruby left her tribe to stop the Essence from being used, seeing it as an affront to the planet itself, the gods themselves, and creation as a whole.
    -Enhanced strength and speed in Medusa form.
    -Mild hypnosis in human form (only making someone easier to convince) and extreme suggestion in Medusa form, but only with close eye contact.
    -Venom. Any living material she bites turns to stone around the area. If she spits the venom, it acts as a corrosive acid.
    -Ability to turn into a humanoid female.
    Weapon: N/A (unless you count her claws, fangs, and tail).
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Gorgonic Wrath. Each strand of hair turns into a separate snake that can stretch extremely far, biting everything in sight.

    Username: Jayn.
    Name: Merrisa Levaunt.
    Age: 21.
    Sex: Female.
    Alignment: Hero.
    Appearance: Here.
    Personality: Logical, calculated, serious.
    Bio: Merrisa Levaunt devotes a large part of her life to finding ways to better the world. Her goal is to make the world a place where science outdoes magic. She wanted nothing more than the end to the "The Essence". She lives by a code of conduct and preforms within the limitations of what is excepted.
    Power/Ability: She'd really prefer to stick with weapons, but she is trained in several forms of hand-to-hand combat.
    Weapon: She prefers using gun, traditional (though messy), but in actuality would probably prefer not to fight at all.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: N|A
    Other: I'd really like a cookie right now. Though that's totally not relevant.

    Username: terminallyCapricious
    Name: Nano Chen
    Age: 14
    Sex: Unknown (Either a boy or a girl)
    Alignment: Hero
    It's the one to the left
    Personality: Elegant and polite. Will reach out to others easily. Feels as if they should serve humans and holds them in the upmost regard.
    Bio: A bastard child between a Human and a Lycankin. Was raised outside of the tribes and forced into a life of restraints by their human mother. It became evident that they were not allowed to be in any form of relationship or contact with people of it's own age or species.
    Power/Ability: The power over Souls.
    Can take out, heal, seperate, consume, switch, ect. souls.
    All Nano needs is direct contact to do so although this takes an INCREDIBLE ammount of energy and normally one direct attack to a soul will cause him/her damage.
    Weapon: None.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Judgement Breaker.
    Where all of the souls in the area are sent into the afterlife. This also kills the user as well.
    Nano only knows that it has this move because it preformed it once before; but The Power of Love revived him/her.


    Username: DarkTraitor
    Name: Rhevin Kurse
    Age: 39
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Villain
    Personality: Usually reasonable, Charismatic, Dedicated.
    Bio: A skilled fighter, and an incredibly well-respected scientist, Rhevin has been a massive force behind the progression of mankind for the past 25 years. After Swift defeated him one year ago, he seems to be more and more focused on claiming the Essence, to the point of conducting less-than-ethical experiments to assist him in getting it. He has recently started gathering an elite group together in a final attempt to take the Essence for himself and his experiments.
    Power/Ability: Great strength, Incredible intelligence.*
    Weapon: Greatsword
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Unknown as of yet.*
    Other: Leader of the 'Villains'. Anya Kurse's father.
    *Some information has been left out for plot purposes.

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Name: Veiran
    Age: Appears 19
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Villain
    Personality: Loyal, Un-Selfish, A natural leader.
    Bio: Created by Rhevin as a counter to Swift's own abilities, Veiran is a clone made from the DNA of thousands of different humans, all chosen for particular traits. He's aware of his status as a clone, but chooses to serve Rhevin of his own free will. Due to an accelerated growth, his DNA is unstable and prone to degrading unless regularly treated.
    Power/Ability: Unmatched reaction times and reflexes, above-average movement speed.
    Weapon: Single-handed Katana
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Degradation; Grants an incredible boost to his already impressive speed, but leaves him with little energy afterwards.

    Username: Bushy-Brow-1992
    Name: Anya Kurse
    Age: 18
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: Villain
    Appearance: Refer to banner ---->
    Personality: Cold, calculating and loyal to no one but her father.
    Anya doesn't care about anyone or anything but achieving her father's goals. As such, she will do anything necessary in order to achieve them, no matter what sacrifices must be made, even if it means herself.
    Bio: Anya is Rhevin's daughter. Nothing more than that is known, not even the identity of her mother.
    • Enhanced Strength - Anya is a lot stronger physically than most normal people.
    • Enhanced Speed - Anya is a lot faster physically than most normal people.
    • Enhanced Defense - Anya is a lot more durable physically than most normal people, her skin being stronger than even the strongest of elements.
    • Enhanced Magic - Anya is strong magically and has a vast and powerful control over many types of magic.
    [​IMG] She uses two of these which she holds in a reverse style grip.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Glint - Her eye's turn white and she gains the ability of increased visual perception allowing her to move against most attacks at extreme speeds. If she sees an attack, she can pretty much dodge/block it perfectly in an instant. She is also able to pretty much read her opponent(s) so well that she can practically predict their moves.
    Other: Rhevin Kurse's Daughter.
    The reason for her abilities are a mystery.

    Username: TheAstarion
    Name: Sorceress Nightshade Troquin
    Age: 31. Maybe.
    Sex: Female
    Alignment: 'Villains'
    Personality: She is calm and collected at all times, eerily so. It is difficult to know sometimes if she is aware of the danger around her, until she brutally puts all threats to rest in what is quite often a single strike.
    Bio: Her goal is to extend her control over Space-Time to halt the expansion of the universe, to avoid the End of Time, however it may come. Immortality, in her mind, is useless without a universe to support it, and eternal life beyond the End of All Things would be a fate far, far worse than death. While not immortal herself, she is not incapable of achieving it.
    Power/Ability: She is the quintessential sorceress. Her area of expertise is spacetime manipulation, and she specialises in the space part. While she can manifest physical force in battle, it's often easier for her to simply not be there... or for her opponent to find themselves elsewhere. Fighting is for barbarians who can't use magic, after all.
    Weapon: Planning. She doesn't enjoy the attention that comes with a Death Sword of Death. She carries a dagger with her, but only uses it as a utility.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Absolute Zone: Void to the Stars - Nightshade opens a portal to a known place in the universe... which sometimes can only end badly for all. Spewing the heart of a star into someone's path can put a dampener on their day.
    Other: She may or may not be Hemlock's real daughter, and it may or may not matter. She follows Rhevin on the chance that his proposed experiments will show something interesting for her purposes. She is more than willing to share the fruits of the quest, unlike most traditional villains, simply because she doesn't care if others get their wish. If this idea of hers fails, she will find another way. She doesn't seem to take pleasure in anything, and does only what she sees is necessary.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Vincent Rucksal
    Age: 19
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Villain
    Personality: Fill with curiosity once Vincent finds something that interest him, he never stop in testing its limits until it either fails him or he get bored with it. Once he see Ren though he forget about whatever the goal he has is and focuses entirely on finding the extent of Ren’s powers.
    Bio: Unlike Ren, Vincent life wasn’t all that good. Due to that fact he was part of an experiment use to give humans super-natural abilities he wasn’t allowed to see his family for and while. As time went by he became a wander, doing whatever it took too survive, even if it meant killing.
    Power/Ability: Due to the experiment, Vincent can move any in-animate object or turn it into a weapon by concentrating.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Using a vast amount of energy, Vincent can create a giant Knight out of anything around him.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Red Robin (LilBueno)
    Name: Agile Verge
    Age: 23
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Villain
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Lazy. He's only serious when it's relating to the Essence.
    Bio: Agile was a normal Auran growing up. In fact, the only notable thing people knew about him was that he was an Auran. He was often told he was a waste of the Auran blood, due to his slacking. In reality, he was simply 'bored with this dull ball we call a planet.' Even though he was a slacker, he always hoped to be remembered. He wants to change the world. While bored with the world, he does have the best interest of people in heart. Which is why he believes the Essence should be used to benefit mankind.
    Power/Ability: His crystal (residing on his necklace) gives him the ability to control his own gravitational field. He uses this to decrease his weight for added speed, increase it for added strength, or to direct his personal gravity towards a wall in order to walk on walls/ceilings.
    His Strength Demon Form is slower than Agile in his normal form, but its massive strength makes up for it.
    His Speed Demon Form is weaker physically than his normal form, but is able to move quick enough for him to be nothing but a blur.
    Weapon: Blitz-a sword that changes shapes with his Demon Forms.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Mega-G. Agile's Ultimate Move lets him change the gravity in the surrounding area in an instant. He uses it to shoot opponents high into the air at high speeds and then increases the gravity to send them slamming down to the ground just as fast. He's unable to move while he does this.
    Other: (Any other relevant information.) N/A

    Username: Jayn.
    Name: Shayne "Galaxy" Dawn.
    Age: Appears around twenty.
    Sex: Female.
    Alignment: Villian.
    Appearance: Here.
    Personality: Sarcastic, bitter, impatient.
    Bio: Galaxy's past doesn’t matter much anymore. When she was younger, she was a driven and determined girl. She was heading to the top of her field of study. She was considered a genius, having accomplished more at the age of 20, with her expertise in science and her ability to absorb information like a sponge. But within this intelligence and study, she began to fall into somewhat of an obsession. She began to see just how useful a power such as this could be to humanity, until eventually, it was less of a selfless conclusion and more an addiction. Not to mention, while studying and working in the labs, she was startled, accidentally dropping a syringe of a foreign substance--which happened to land on her wrist. She began to change, into something even she didn't understand.
    Power/Ability: She is able to harness light, as an energy force.
    Weapon: She usually prefers to jump back and forth between shaping the energy into that of a gun-like weapon, and using it as a sword. Though she can shape and utilize it in whatever way she wishes.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: In the midst of a battle, if she can stay calm enough, she can steal the light source from an entire area and harness however she wishes. (in a non-godmoddy way, of course. ;3)

    Username: terminallyCapricious
    Name: Yoppei
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male
    Alignment: Villain(?)
    Personality: Incredibly hammy, but nice to say the least. He'll help out the needy and refuse to fight anyone who is unable to fight.
    Will grab a microphone to scream out his 'evil' plans which normally consist of much less heinous things than he normally does. In other words; he won't mind slaughtering an army of soldiers but there is nothing more evil than stealing from a store. Hitting his berserk button will normally lead to things such as HUGE DRAWN OUT SPEECHES OF GOOD AND EVIL to all. Hero or Villain.
    Bio: Bored. That's the only reason he joined the Villain's side to begin with.
    Power/Ability: Music which can control anyone who hears it into doing whatever he feels like. Only for amusement's sake.
    For fighting, he uses his...
    Weapon: A very amazing-looking guitar(see pic above) with bladed ends.
    Ultimate Move/Ability: Meltdown



    It's fairly likely that the players in this RP are humans themselves, so little explanation should be required. While there isn't a specific statistic, certain humans may inherit the ability to control life-energy, and are named Aurans.

    Having evolved from serpents, Medusas are snakelike in both nature and personality. They have the lower torso of a snake; the abilities to hypnotize, poison, petrify, take a humanoid appearance, and unhinge their jaws. Men are rare, but not seen in their tribes. Instead, the women become pregnant by age (differs depending on the woman) and lay eggs. Medusas are able to procreate with other races, but the Medusa traits greatly diminish and becomes recessive to the other half.
    Half-human, half-Medusa children do not have a Medusa form with a tail or claws, but keep unnaturally-colored skin, unhingable jaws, and the ability to hypnotize.
    Medusas live in small tribes or clans, but are adapted to all climates. They can be found in the hottest deserts, the deepest rivers, the tallest mountains, darkest caves, or largest forests. They are gypsy-like in nature and have high mystical perception. A Medusa's bite does not petrify the entire body, only the area that was bitten. Unpetrification is a painful, but possible medical procedure. Medusas tend to torture their victims by biting separate areas of a body rapidly so the body can still move but starts to weigh too much due to the stone or by biting the joints so a victim can't move. They are rarely seen in cities or towns, but it isn't uncommon.

    Lycankin, or "Tribesmen", are, on average, larger than humans, but not inordinately so. Their distinguishing features are animal ears and a tail, usually the same colour as their hair. They also have pronounced canine teeth and sharp claws that they tend to keep sheathed; using them as weapons is a taboo in their society. They tend to weigh more than a human of the same proportions, owing to an increased muscle mass and bone density. They usually live in tribes away from humans, but are still a common sight in towns and cities. The tribes themselves put up an uncivilised facade to stop people being nosy, but in reality they just don't want their women to all end up as maids, and all their men to end up as bouncers. Adolescents are allowed to leave their tribe permanently, and other tribes usually welcome new blood. Some, however, just end up getting lost in a city and staying there. To see a Tribesman outside their villages over the age of 30 or below the age of 15 means you've found one such person, or their offspring.


    None yet.

    This is the OOC Thread, where RP-relevant discussions may take place, and where you should post your OC forms. While I will allow OOC's in the RP Thread itself, you should restrict that to just a couple of lines. Anything longer than two and a half lines, or anything relating to past or future events, should be posted here.

    Most importantly; have fun.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Jun 1, 2011, 21 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Pinekaboo

    Posted this on behalf of Bushy-Brow-1992, who would have undoubtedly posted it himself were it not for the InfinityPlusOne essays he has to do.

    This was a short thing at the end of Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged episode 52 that was since converted into a loop. I found it amusing, shared it with Bushy, who found it more amusing than even I did and told me to post it here. So I did, evidently.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, May 1, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pinekaboo
    Just joined the site today and was recommended to stop by here and say hello to everybody. I'm quite new to forum-sites in general, so I'm not used to this kind of thing but... Hello everybody.
    Thread by: Pinekaboo, Feb 18, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures