But there are really three winners here today. Bushy, bro, I can only say this to you. Best 5000th post evar. I love you man. With the force of a thousand burning suns, I love you 5eva.
How can I relocate to a different one?
I've noticed that when you preview a VM you're writing before you submit it, the full conversation, from when you first started VMing that user, is displayed. The problem I have with this is that more than once my entire browser has crashed simply because there's just too much information being forced on it at once. Each time I've had no choice but to force shut-down my laptop, because it's been locked up by too much information. If there's some way to reduce it to the same number of posts a thread preview would normally display, that would solve my problem completely. As it is I'm unable to use Preview Post when VMing a person I've known for a while, such as Destiny's hand. Would this be possible?
Your eyes open to reveal the steel ceiling of your space-faring craft, THE SABER. You smile once again, as you do every time you wake to see it, knowing that you are this ship's CAPTAIN. Your name is MARUSHI. To the outside world you are generally UNKNOWN or DISLIKED, but in here you are in command, and rightly so; you created this shapeship from almost nothing. You are in the CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS, now sat upon the CAPTAIN'S BED. Around you are all YOUR BELONGINGS, with the only exit being a DOOR directly opposite your bed. Input Command >
Thought I'd just set this up after the idea came to me. We've had smaller threads like this before, but nothing official, so here it is. Rules are simple; act like whomever/whatever is currently your avatar. Swearing is allowed, if that's how the character/whatever would act, but don't be too excessive. If your avatar is normally an inanimate object... who cares? Give them a personality anyway, this is just for fun after all. And thus, let it begin!
Simple game, all in good fun. Write the username of the person above you, and input a cause of death for them. Be as detailed or vague as you like, but let's not get this too serious, kay? We're not genuinely trying/wanting to kill people here. Deaths can be realistic or ridiculously implausible, but remember this is a game. Example: DarkTraitor - Beaten to death by rabid flea.
The Admins are Kira. Remember when you signed up for KHV? You gave them your true names. Perma-banning is just a pretense.
So go to bed.
Yep, it just hit midnight here too. Have a great time, everybody!
Please appease me, KHV. <3
Look KH-V, you're the best and everything, but when you tell me the same lie on every page I go to, something's just wrong. I'mma tell you one time only, just to clarify; What? isn't new. Stop telling me he is at the top of every page. >:(
And none of you have really even tried to get him back. You guys call yourselves KH fans?
>Go to bed early >Lie awake for two hours >Get less sleep than usual >Jobcentre in morning. I got this, guys.
Warm me up plz gaiz.
Marushi keeps putting her foot in her mouth. Didn't know she was into that stuff.
Suddenly KH3 taking so long makes more sense. Give him back, Marushi! >:(
Just thought y'all should know.
My Pokéface You can't read it Chapter One: Goodbye, Wanderlust Spoiler: Chapter One And so our story begins, in the region of KRUUZ, where every landmark is named in ALL CAPS because... well, you get that, specifically in the southmost city, WANDERLUST, a young man begins his epic journey, and thereby leaving his parents house without so much as a single dollar on his person. This young man was Des Ignated, a boy that could not have been more fitting for a main character role if he’d been bitten by a radioactive protagonist. He said his goodbyes to his family, mounted his backpack, and rode it to the outskirts of his hometown, looking back at the great community for the last time. “Well, here’s to a good journey!” he said to himself, before taking his first step past the boundary of WANDERLUST. “STOP!” a voice boomed out from behind him, almost making him stumble in shock, despite not touching the ground anyway. “YOU CANNOT GO ANY FURTHER!” The voice came from the well-known Professor Bonsai, who was so well known because Professor was not his title, but rather his actual first name. “IT’S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE!” he boomed once more, thrusting a red-and-white ball towards the young man, “TAKE THIS!” Des Ignated raised the ball into the air, where it hovered approximately three inches from his hands, as a GET Jingle played, apparently from nowhere. “What is it?” Des Ignated asked, eager to learn the identity of what would undoubtedly be his best friend and lifelong partner from now on, if the games were correct on anything. “It’s a f*ckin’ Pokéball, kid. What are you, stupid?” Professor replied. Des Ignated was dumbstruck for a moment. “I mean, like, what kind of Pokémon is it? How does it do the things it does?” “I see,” the false Professor replied, understanding the question now, “You want me to share with you the secrets deep inside?” “Sod it,” the boy suddenly exclaimed, pressing the central button on the Pokéball, “I’ll find out myself.” A red beam shot from the ball, quickly forming a humanoid shape, before dispersing into the air, leaving behind a brown-tan creature that stood staring at its new trainer. It was a Hitmonchan, a pair of blue boxing gloves adorning its hands. The gloves themselves were strange, since normally only ‘Shiny’ versions of the species wore blue gloves, which this creature did not appear to be. By the time Des Ignated had turned to ask Professor Bonsai about this, he had gone. He had a bad habit of vanishing when nobody was looking, usually putting it down to frame rate issues when later found. Nevertheless, he kicked down sharply on his bag, before continuing to ride it onwards to the next town over, INFATUATION. Meanwhile, the Hitmonchan had to walk the whole way. Chapter Two: Surprise! Spoiler: Chapter Two It took a few moments for Des Ignated to come to. It seemed that he had passed out in the tall grass for some reason; he couldn’t recall why. And strangely enough he had the feeling that he had done literally nothing, not even breathe, in the last thirty-four days, though quite why the feeling was so specific he didn’t know. Slowly and carefully, he stood up and looked around him. Sure enough, he was just within the outskirts of INFATUATION, a town that was so well-known in KRUUZ because there was absolutely nothing significant about it whatsoever which, quite ironically, was in itself significant in a region full of ridiculous gimmicks. It did have the first Pokémon gym, however. Des Ignated paused for a while, trying to reason to himself why people called it the first gym when there was hardly anyone living in either this town or the neighbouring city, WANDERLUST. He eventually shrugged and put it down to a combination of poor road planning and gameplay mechanics and headed straight towards the nearest gym, his Hitmonchan following closely behind wondering why nobody had bothered to help his master in the month he had been laying there. The music started up the moment he entered the building, and Des Ignated was perplexed as to why there were webs all over the floor and walls. “****.” the Hitmonchan suddenly said, resigned, “It’s a goddamn Bug gym.” As if being summoned, the weirdest human being that Des Ignated had ever seen crawled down from the ceiling in an awful attempt at a Spinarak costume. Why was it that every Gym Leader was a nut for their type? Was it some kind of legal requirement that a Gym had to be run by nutjobs? “Sup bro? Ah’m teh Gym Leeder here!” the guy said in horribly slurred English. He was either drunk, or... oh god, was he even wearing fangs to go with the outfit? “Is this what I have to look forward to?!” Des Ignated suddenly cried out in horror. “The back of the game box said that I had to choose a Pokémans, beat the Gyms, and Catch ‘Em All. So far I’ve had a starter I didn’t want forced on me, had my eyes violated by your existence, and not encountered a single Pokémon!” he continued, growing redder and redder. “Dis not coo’ bro.” The Gym Leader responded dumbly, still not completely down from the ceiling. “You know what? I’m outta here!” Des Ignated said at last, still glowing red. Des Ignated used Explosion! “Wait, wh—“ ~~~ “And that’s why I had to skip the first Gym and come straight here.” A girl stated to her travelling companion as they continued on the path towards the second Gym. “Some kid exploded in the Gym? That’s hilarious!” the short-haired companion answered, holding back her laughter as hard as she could. They stopped in front of the double-doors, both of which had a flame-like emblem engraved into the face of them, showing the element that trainers could expect there. “Just so we’re clear though... don’t you go exploding in my Gym, right?” she finally said jokingly, opening the doors and letting them both inside. ~~~ Hey guys, remember when I said I was making a Pokémon fanfiction? I actually bothered to do it. So far we've only got two suggested characters in; Professor Bonsai and Des Ignated. If you've been keeping up, you know exactly how well things are going to go with the latter. CnC is appreciated, but bare in mind this whole story is mostly for fun.
I has triple digits in my post count at last. /inb4nobodycares
/Inb4lameidea So here's the idea; continue with what was posted directly before you. In the end, this will create our 'story'. Here are the (few) rules: - Posts should be at least one sentence long. You can write as little or as much as you like, so long as it fits this rule. - Your post should be readable. That isn't to say you have to be a complete Grammar Nazi (this is the Spam Zone after all). - Posts don't have to follow any precise style. If you want to carry on the previous post proper, go ahead. If you want to suddenly change the story radically, go for it. This is about fun, not consistency. - Despite the previous rule, do not ignore the previous post. Changing the story is fine, but follow on at least slightly. - Don't take anything too seriously. If you want to post something deep, detailed, and well-thought, do so, but don't be offended if somebody else warps it completely. Remember to follow all of KHV's rule too. Now, on with the game. ~ It was a dark and stormy night. Darker and stormier in fact than the previous few nights, which had all been dark and stormy. The rain was wet, like rain so often is, and was generally unsurprising to those that have ever seen rain before. Dr. Bacon stood at the top of his tower, wondering what he would do with himself on this stormy and wet day. It was then that he suddenly had an idea.