May your day be full of SPARKLING SUITS OF AWESOME. 'tis my Twinshine's birthday today, and you must all celebrate it. There will be cake.
It's been a while. /insomnia
I miss her.
a desert. [video=youtube;L54PYkKnmFA][/video]
> Already saved it to hard drive > Plays up to Grissom Academy And they say the Elite fixed this problem.
Was half-dressed and wondering why it's cold, wearing dressing gown inside out, slippers on wrong feet and it's nearly 5am. Either drunk or doing amazing impression.
Welcome, and congratulations on arriving here at the Time-Space Administration Bureau's Headquarters, situated in scenic dimensional space. My name is DarkTraitor, better known as DT, and I'm currently in charge of Riot Force 6, the group you will be joining, should you choose to stay with us. What we are here is a fangroup for the Magical Girl (Mahou Shoujo) Lyrical Nanoha series, a relatively obscure anime/manga that has far more in common with the Super Robot genre than a tradition Magical Girl anime. You do not have to actually watch or read the series to join up, but please bear in mind there may be occasional spoilers to those As part of a much larger organisation, there will be some rules you have to follow, but they shouldn't be anything too demanding. Please keep in mind that rules ar subject to change, but I will ensure to inform in a post here if/when they do. Group Members: DarkTraitor - Group Admin Bushy Brow ÃeađρooᏝ Krown Taken characters: Stern the Destructor (Material-S) - DarkTraitor Thoma Avenir - DarkTraitor Levi the Slasher - Bushy Brow Load Dearche - ÃeađρooᏝ Lily Strosek - Krown
That my father was once thought to be a Peruvian god by the locals*. That makes me the son of a god. Worship me, KHV. *true story
In celebration of myself and Daxa's respective anniversaries of having arrived in this wonderful place, I give you... THE BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER. Feenie is our wonderfully fishy piñata. There will be lots and lots of cake. Snacks everywhere. Decorations everywhere. Hours of music. YOU'RE ALL INVITED. GET IN HERE AND CELEBRATE WITH US.
Yes, I'm aware of how 'sappy' this thread is going to be. As the title says; we are discussing friendship. Specifically; the person or persons that you consider to be your 'best friend(s)'. You don't need to answer any specific questions or anything, but here's some ideas to think about. Where/How did you meet them? How often do you spend time with them? Online conversations and phone conversations definitely count towards this. Do you often argue with them? Do the arguements have lasting damage, or is it a good thing to argue? Anything else you think of that you think is relevant; post it. I met whom I would consider my closest, and therefore 'best', friend approximately four years ago, while playing Soulcalibur IV with two other friends. He joined our match by invitation from one of those two others, and we more or less got along brilliantly straight away. As we played we figured we had a lot of common interests, and we ended up deciding to keep hanging out. We seem to spend a lot of time talking and gaming with eachother. I don't know how much time exactly, but it's definitely several hours at a time. It's not every day, of course, we both have other obligations than just to each other, but there's definitely a lot of time spent 'hanging out'. We do argue. We argue a fair amount. I wouldn't say a lot, but perhaps more than most friends would? In any case; I don't think it has actual lasting damage between us, because most things are able to be resolved in some way, or we simply take a breather and come back a little later. There have been one or two things between us that can't be forgiven, but the fact is that we're able to, for the most part, look past those faults. He is not the only person I consider to be a best friend, but he is the one I've known the longest and am able to talk most about.
This hand of mine is BURNING RED. It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! BECAUSE I'M THE KING OF HEARTS! Amidoinitrite, KHV?
Welcome to the world of Pokémon! But enough of that rubbish. You've heard it all before. Which starter are you going to choose? (Must be a starter from one of the main games.)
And I'm so cold and tired that I feel high. Oh man this is awesome. Hit me with your best, guys! I CAN TAKE YOU ALL ON.
Sat in a pub alone in the dark, with nothing but a drink and his Tennant coat to keep him company. Poor, poor Bushy.
Because she's beautiful, lovely and fun to talk to, and she should know this.
Don't want to wake the others by going downstairs. Proceeding to eat half of a Battenburg using nothing but face. Satisfying.
Obvious one. No real explanation neccessary. Go!