I see you sneaking around my profile.
Life is like a hurricane Here in Duckburg Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes It's a duck-blur Might solve a mystery Or rewrite history Duck Tales. oooOOOooo
either Shawshank Redemption or Tombstone.
you forgot to clap! Iiiiiiiiiiiiiit's been, one week since you looked at me, cocked your head to the side and said i'm angry. Five days since you laughed at me saying come back together, come back to be. three days since the living room, i realized it's all my fault but coun't tell you. yesterday, you'd forgiven me, but it'll still be two days till we say we're sorry.
And my past experiences with the joys of medical crap.
A valid arguement. So...this class is boring. I can't leave. And my buddy hasn't shown up yet. Aaaaaand I have a midterm to complete.
you rebel you.
well we could always work around the boredom of hospitals
It's on the toolbar, but it won't load because I don't ahve "admin" access.
Sorry bout earlier, my class got out early and this class doesn't have MSN.
hope life hasn't consumed your writing
I desire to be playing UC2 right now, however class and midterms demands my time.
There were a few passages that didn't sound 100%, and i'll show you them later, but right now i'm gonna focus on the statement you are trying to make concerning the problem of censorship. Using the basis of a story that would make many feel uneasy is a strong leap of faith for any writer, but the underlying question of censorship and what it gets away with and how it destroys a writer was beautifully crafted. Reading through this twice was necessary to fully appreciate the gravity of the final few lines. Great piece Kay
Dude...welcome back.
Make sure to high Scrantonicity II. NOT Scrantonicity.
I hear you are back. I'm assuming all is well if they released you. Looks like my hiatus and your reprieve can now join forces and do some tennis.
Mountain Dew saved Bon Taun.
Or Uncharted 2's beta.
Oh Sweet Wand Poetic and lyrical Creative or critical Language sings, words rythme While the muse dictates the time Flow of ink No moment to think Write, oh sweet wand write. Imagination or exploitation A smatter of fantasy A whisper of reality The hand transcribes Whilst the mind describes Write, oh sweet wand write. Brain twists and Plot storms The page demands a form A rhetoric from tip to tale The current rips across the sail Write, oh sweet wand write. Chapters pass and bend Stanzas meet a tragic end Prose dips below the stage Write, oh sweet wand write. Mystify forgotten dream Characters driven into team Write, oh sweet wand write. How to carry on the flame once the story meets reframe Write, oh sweet wand write.