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  1. Destined

    I'm Back

    I work as a host at Chef Mickeys.

    I work in WDW, what could be better?
    Post by: Destined, May 12, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Destined

    I'm Back

    It's been a crap done of time since i've been seen kicking around this site, and I do have to say that that is somewhat self induced.

    I've been working my tail off down here in Disney and loving every minute thus far. I've also been doing something crazy with my works that I never thought I would do to myself but it's needed.

    And ya, i'm back to flood the CC once more once.
    Thread by: Destined, May 12, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Destined
  4. Destined
    ...why is my name devoid of this list.
    Post by: Destined, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Destined
    A year all ready? Hmm. Welcome back.
    Post by: Destined, Mar 13, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Destined
    We meet again Sir. Repliku.
    Profile Post by Destined for Repliku, Mar 12, 2010
  7. Destined
    PART 1 OF 2

    All air within the apartment vanished as Rick stared at the empty couch. Cian was gone. The mass of blankets that had surrounded Cian remained, contorting to form a deceiving body curled underneath. Rick’s face froze, unsure where Cian had disappeared too and more troubling why no one had heard his departure.

    Without a word, Rick and Sora tore through the apartment, hoping against hope that Cian had simply awoke, but as the search grew longer, the hope began to dissipate. The bathroom door squeaked open as Kairi reappeared, eyes rimmed with red puffy tears.

    “He’s not here†Sora announced, descending the staircase.

    Neither Rick or Kairi responded. The silence from Rick was understandable, Sora thought. But he knew the betrayal that burned behind Kairi’s tear soaked eyes. He had acted without thinking. He had become what he had been struggling so long to combat. “Rick…â€

    Rick turned slowly, and Sora’s breath caught in his throat. Rick’s eyes burned with an unsettling calm. A calm that Sora knew would require extreme action.

    “Rick. We’ll find him.â€

    It was Kairi’s turn to glare at Sora. “Why Sora? What makes you think that you will be able to magically make him reappear? We have no idea what the Director’s have in store for us except the fact that if we do not accomplish these missions, we disappear. We’ve caused enough tragedy today.â€

    Sora winced at the statement. He knew that Kairi was not incorporating herself with that statement, but was blaming the entirety of the blame on himself, and he knew that deep down, he deserved it.

    Rick shook his head. His voice rising upwards from a hollow soul. “Riku and Kay will be back soon. When they get back, we’ll all go searching the park for Cian.â€

    “Rick…†Kairi hesitantly stepped forward, tears forming in her eyes as she placed her hands on Rick’s shoulders, “Riku and Kay vanished.â€

    The transformation before both of their eyes was so minute that Sora wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t witnessed it. Something deep within Rick shattered. The calm in his eyes faded away to confusion, the smile drained to a non-commital line. “Ohâ€, slid from his mouth propelled forth only by the movement of air conditioning.

    Sora suddenly knew what had to be done. He stood up, hoisting his keyblade and moved toward the door. “I’m going to get our friends back.â€

    “Where do you expect to start Sora? We don’t even know where they vanished to or if they are even still alive. Cian should be our priority right now not a fools mission based on a need to be the hero.â€

    Sora turned the handle, refusing to allow the words to cripple his decision. “I wasn’t being the hero when I fought to find you Kai. I swore I would get my friends back however I could. I’m going to get them back…or die trying.â€

    As Sora opened the apartment door, a slim strip of paper floated from the balcony window, landing next to Rick’s foot. He glanced down, unsure what the note was doing here and read the few visible words. His eyes grew wide, as he plucked up the paper and jumped to his feet.

    “What, what it is Rick?†Kairi asked.

    A smile cracked the corner of his mouth. “A hail mary.â€

    Rick turned the paper around to show Sora and Kairi the six hand written words:

    “Everything disappears within the rabbit hole.â€

    Rick grabbed his pen charm and leapt for the door. “I know where we need to go.â€


    A warm beckoning whispered just outside of the comfort zone of sleep, forcing Cian to open his eyes. The sensation felt estranged, as only a dark emptiness swam before his eyes. He blinked confused wondering if he had in fact opened his eyes or imagined the act. Slowly, he felt a tingle of sensation and found his left hand poking up from the edges of his vision. Little by little the hand grew slender, turning at the elbow before connecting to his chest as his feet materialized as well. It was as though Cian was being reassembled on a molecular level.

    As Cian remained motionless, the sensation of weightlessness took him by surprise. He struggled to move his head, realizing that the couch that he had been resting in for the last few hours was gone, and that his body was instead hovering in a sea of nothingness. Emotions remained extinct. It was as though Cian’s life was merely a theoretical figment of memory.

    Memory…the word failed to register in his minds eye but he felt a throbbing of importance in the word. Cian blinked again, feeling the warmth calling for him. But it wasn’t calling for him in his ears, but through his heart.

    Cian struggled to touch the spot on his chest where the warmth was strongest, but the act was taxing. Cian could not be sure how long the act had taken, a moment, a decade; time seemed to vanish. Once his fingers touched the spot on his chest, the darkness erupted.

    Images and events raced by, struggling to make the spilt second encounter the most important. A castle grew out above the rest, where a group of five stood against a force of thousands. Shadows stood at rear guard, the features lost in the blur of motion. Cian stuggled to squint and froze, realizing the adversary poised before the approaching wave of darkness.

    The figure was himself, but twisted. His brown hair was unkept and streaked with black and gold. His clothes were replaced by a dark crimson robe and cloak. Cian would not have believed the figure was himself if he had not noticed the veiled smirk. His eyes were hollow and bright silver, while a medieval looking keyblade swayed to and fro, hungry for battle.

    Unknown words shot from the other Cian to the group, and were returned in force by--. Cian’s mouth gapped wide as a bloodied and beaten Rick stepped forward, his right arm contorted and arrested in bandages. Rick stood defiant, throwing his keyblade to the ground. Writer’s Block ricocheted off the concrete path, coming to rest beside a bronze statue.

    Within a blink, war erupted before Cian. The shadows and figures mixed together in a symphony of survival. He struggled to close his eyes, but the forces of his heart refused to allow him a momentary reprieve. Instead, his body seemed to hover over the battlefield, as spells and energy ripped through the air, passing often times through him without injury. The energy within his heart beat stronger as it approached Writer’s Block, and Cian could see blood…his blood painted to the keyblade.

    “It is unknown just how strong the lure of villainy can influence our pathes, but with a strong heart, villainy can never truly take over.†A weathered voice announced prophetically.

    Cian spun around, preparing for an attack but instead spared at an empty courtyard. The battle that had been raging moments ago had disappeared, replaced by a quiet street and the slow hiss of gas powered streetlamps awakening.

    “Fight the darkness Cian. You have one of the strongest hearts. If you choose to allow darkness to take over, then the battle,†the scene altered again, this time the castle seemed to implode as the far west section crumbled away and lightning surrounded the highest spire, “ will rip this world apart.†The voice sadly announced, swirling around Cian in the air.

    “Follow the strength of your heart and your friends will cure your burden.â€

    “But…Kay and Riku—“

    “Follow the cobblestone to find the hidden path beyond the Golden Wonders Cian.â€

    The voice vanished as Cian’s heart soared and tore at him before everything faded to black.

    Mickey flipped a toggle as the arrival system pinged. Slowly the lush world of DisneyWorld enveloped the entire viewport. From this altitude travelers would be able to gaze down upon a multitude of buildings and rides, lakes and immaculate landscaping as far as the eye can see. Situated as the pinnacle, stood Cinderella’s Castle. But even from this distance, Mickey felt something was wrong.

    The park sat deserted. The brightly displayed signs and piped in music were non-existant. The castle itself…Merlin gave a gasp. The once pristinely clean wonder appeared on the surface to be normal, but near the Suite, the walls showed faint cracks, while at the back entrance, charred building material and debris littered the area. Mickey frowned, adjusting his focus toward the hidden landing strip sat waiting for him behind the Fire station.

    “Mickey! Down there!†Merlin shouted, pointing out toward the spires of Tomorrowland.

    Mickey craned his neck to get a better angle and suddenly even more questions flooded his head. He altered course, dropping the Gummi Ship into an immediate decent. The landing was harder than anticipated but Mickey couldn’t act graceful at this moment. The instant the cockpit split away, he was in the air, Keyblade materializing through the arc. Mickey landed in a crouching stance, keyblade extended toward the target.

    The targets gasped allowed, as the smaller of the two leapt backward a step, extracting two hand held weapons.

    “STOP!!†Merlin and the other target shouted at the same moment.

    “Who are you? How did you get in here?†Mickey demanded, not taking his eyes off of both targets.

    “Your Majesty?†The smaller target asked, peaking for a better view.

    Suddenly the smaller target dropped the weapons and bowed low. Mickey equally paused, suddenly realizing that the target was nothing more than Stitch. “Stich how did you get—“

    “Wow. Can I just say that I am one of your biggest fans Mr. Mouse. I mean seriously, I’ve grown up watching all of you best work.†The teen gushed.

    Mickey turned, unsure of what to make of the situation. “And you are?â€

    The teen beamed wide. “Name’s Base. Base Keaton.â€

    Merlin stepped forward, examining both Stitch and Base. It took only a moment but he soon marveled in awe. “Your majesty, this is even more unusual than I could have predicted. This isn’t the Stitch you know, it’s the anamotronic version from the ride we created. See, look here:†he pointed.

    Stitch struggled to see what Merlin was pointing but Base picked him up, to get a better look himself. “Woah.â€

    Base turned Stitch around as he struggled to break free, Mickey saw what Merlin had discovered. Emblazened on Stitch’s neck, a mark of a Skull and Crossbones shrouded by the Heartless symbol. Stitch leapt forward, punching Base to the ground and rolled forward toward his weapons, a pair of alien blasters.

    Within seconds, the world erupted in blaster fire.

    Part 2 will come next week. Figured a small bit is better than none at all.
    Post by: Destined, Mar 12, 2010 in forum: Archives
  8. Destined

    Day by Day

    The opening chords of an electronic guitar punctuated the early morning calm, as though throngs of fans would immediately be stilled into the tranquil dance of song. Sunlight illuminates the stage, spreading rays amongst the tattered remains of receipts and discarded gum wrappers. As the first few lines of verse bleed forth, a slithering hand strikes, silencing the lead singer, forever trapping them within the confines of the small alarm clock. Slowly, the hand retracts, finding shelter once more within the confines of the striped cotton sanctuary. A tuft of brown grass lazily blows in the air conditioning, as the sanctuary returns to a still slumber.

    Moments later, the shriek of The Who erupt from the cell phone. The and returns once more to silence the beast, but stutters, realizing the phone is not perched upon the wooden sacrificial alter, but has crept down between the bed and nightstand. The cave rumbles alive, casting off the sheets as the grass evolves into a head of tussled hair connected to a sleep stained face. As the hunt continues, the shades are struck, allowing the morning light to paint further into the room, illuminating a stack of books piled next to bags of souvenirs. An i.d. card and badge rest atop dull black work shoes tucked beneath black slacks and a tie with a smattering of color draped across a white button down shirt.

    Slowly the cell phone is reeled in, protesting against the strain of the power cable. A button is depressed and Teenage Wasteland falls on deaf ears. Cal yawns wide, rubbing the early day haze from his eyes. He reaches across the bed, glancing outside. The first rays of the Monday morning light greet him, slinking between the swaying branches of palm trees. Another perfect March day. The first day off in months, Cal realizes, allowing his face to deform to showcase a set of sparkling teeth beneath a smirking smile.

    Cal dresses in his favorite shirt, a grunge styled black tee with a gray-sketched Mickey Mouse littering the droplets of paint from a brush upon the shirt. He quickly shaves, allowing the faint traces of left over stubble to remain. Why be completely clean-shaven, I’ve got no one to impress. He grabs a pair of converse sneakers and heads down the shag carpet hallway towards the source of nourishment. He quickly pours himself a large glass of orange juice, drops two pieces of bread in the toaster and positions the morning vitamins in a row. Always from smallest to biggest. Some routines are tough to break. Cal smiles, casting aside the pills deep within the trash. Today would be improv, he thought as he collected a notebook and the i.d. card. The apartment is silent, save for the constant orchestra of snoring coming from the far doorway.

    Cal closed the door quietly, no sense waking up the boys, given that they had all worked the late shift last night. He didn’t need to wake them up. They wouldn’t come anyway. It was ironic actually, Cal thought. Given that everyday he worked his life away at the parks, on the one day off he gets, he chooses to go back. The day would hold a level of the unknown he knew. Friends would meet him outside of the castle, but from there…who knows. Will it be a night of jubilation or collectiveness? It would be interesting to see.

    Cal turned the corner, making his way toward the bank of buses purring quietly in a line, waiting for those unlucky cast members forced to work the early shift. With a flash of the i.d., Cal found himself a seat in the exact middle, on the left side. The bus creaked alive, starting the slow crawl toward the TTC. Cal glanced around the bus, noting a couple with heads tilted together, sharing a moment of sleep before their respective shift would consume them. Others sat oblivious, forcing their concentration into the screen of ipods and cell phones. Cal shook his head, feeling the warming comforts of the sunlight on his face, the calming beat of his own heart. The peaks of the distant castle began to puncture above the treetops, and every time he saw them, his stomach rolled, a childhood glee that he would never get tired of.

    The notebook sat open, words and imagery coursing through the veins of each page like a life force. It was one of his best works, an introspective of the unknown realm of Disney. Some would consider it to be fiction, other’s a biography. Of course they would ask but Cal wouldn’t answer. Just smiling an all-knowing smirk. He flipped the pages back and forth, watching the story attempt to leap to life. It would take time, the ending wasn’t perfect. In honesty, the ending wasn’t written. It lacked a proper resolve. Nothing cliché, nothing involving a plot twist of robotic uprising. Today would add the creative spark Cal needed.

    The bus groaned, coming to a rest in the TTC, spewing its cargo as a collective line of ants; all marching together toward their different destinations. Cal pocketed notebook, and stepped out from the line, instead choosing to walk through the entrance instead of heading toward the VIP bus, that would take those cast members deep into the depth of the utilidor. Today he was just a guest, an everyman preparing to get lost amongst vacationing families and tour groups.

    Rounding the TTC, the monorail slid silently by stories above speeding along the Seven Sea’s Lagoon. Cal knew that on board, children’s faces would be pressed up against the beveled glass, staring in awe at the unknown magic they would experience once stepping beneath the tresses allowing the sights of Main Street to pull them in. Families would be combat planning, preparing to wage lines and have a set schedule of what rides to go to and when planning around reservations for dinner that night.

    Cal frowned at that. This was one place that schedules shouldn’t be predetermined. Improvisation is the key to life. Nothing is ever going to end how you predict. He passed through security, withdrawing a shiny round button from his jeans pocket and affixed it to his shirt, stepping toward the turn stiles.


    The name swam above the tops of guests heads from three turnstiles down, where the waving hand of an eager cast member hesitantly spasmed. Cal smiled, negotiating his way thought the throng, finally managing to stand in the new line. Jenni’s smile stretched wide as Cal scanned his ticket. “Didn’t expect to be seeing you here today. Meeting up with the crew?â€

    “In awhile,†Cal patted his chest, “I’ve got some finishing touches to bring to life.â€

    Jenni nodded, a foreign question colliding behind her eyes. Cal waited a moment, to see if the awkwardness would settle, instead Jenni waved him through. “I get offstage around seven, let’s catch Fantasmic at nine?â€

    Cal returned the smile, stepping inside the realm of imagination. “Just like old times.â€

    The excitement returned. Cal’s pulse raised, his breath quickened. He could feel the fiber of his being struggling to remain under control. Part of him wanted to tear the façade away, leaving the avatar of his childhood presence standing there, staring at the distant castle spires in awe. Jenni watched him go, her eyes asking the question she couldn’t create. She wanted to chase after him, tell him the truth but instead she smiled, knowing Cal would be there waiting beneath the Hollywood Tower with popcorn in hand, his smile warming her soul.

    Cal walked the timeless street, allowing the smells and laughter to take his mind away from the required task at hand. Many times he had walked down this street as a child, gazing at the colors, the sights, the sounds, the…escape. He smiled at this now. Disneyworld was his escape. The place he could come to and forget the problems of the world. As his thoughts followed this path, his feet took him elsewhere by their own accord.

    Jenni’s smile surfaced amongst the memories, instantly returning Cal to the present. A fleeting pang etched through him, recalling the countless times that he had the opportunity to make something happen, but each time, his rationale would take over, telling him that he would never be able to match up, never be able to be the man she expected. Cal shook his head, approaching the first cart vendor and purchased a bottle of water. Cal moved through the crowd, finding a park bench directly south of the Castle’s drawbridge.

    He would sit here, waiting till the evening or until the ending would suffice. Neither of which he knew would come soon enough. He withdrew a pen from his pocket, pausing as a small pill rolled around in his pocket. He withdrew the pill, realizing the poetic irony this small vitamin would create for him. Cal swallowed it fast without thinking, downing the water bottle as the sun crept from Tomorrowland, settling on the eastern flank of the castle.

    The pill acted instantly, calming him and soon, the pen was messaging the paper, weeding out the inferior word play for a simple clear image. Cal smiled as the minutes ticked by and the pages filled. His mind blurred as the end drew near, his heart racing as the pain of victory flashed inches from his grasp.

    The faint hum of voices wafted from the screen as the couch creaked softly. “Cal, what are you thinking about?†Jenni asked, her head resting in the crook of his neck, her hands playing with his left hand.

    Cal’s eyes remained closed, the internal civil war vying for a foothold. “Why I came to work at Disneyworld.â€

    Jenni’s head tilted, staring up into his eye quizzically. “And?â€

    “I came here to escape.â€

    “Escape from what?â€

    “The outside world. The world that tells you who you are and what your role in life is to be. The place where no matter how hard you try, you aren’t seen as the good guy, just the shell.â€

    Jenni propped herself up, her golden hair feathering down across her face, concealing her eyes. “You are the good guy Cal. You always will be.â€

    Cal turned his head toward her, a calculated distance swirling behind his eyes. “I’m that predictable aren’t I? I’ll always be the guy waiting there to help you up, always be the guy to listen.â€

    Jenni moved, locking him in a deep kiss. “Yes.â€

    The pen dropped from his left hand, bouncing twice, first off the bench, then off of his left knee before clattering to a rest on the immaculate sidewalk. A passing cast member bent low, lifting up the pen. “You dropped this sir.â€

    Cal smiled as the edges of darkness tickled the edges of his remainng life as his heart beat the final chords. “I’m not that predictable…â€

    The golden statue of Walt Disney and Mickey watched on as the distant twirling of sirens peppered the horizon.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 12, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Destined
    It is a bit difficult to get into, but it is dependent on the number of roles that one applies for, and length of term. I'm doing the Advantage Program which is 8 months instead of 5 so from what i've heard, it is a bit easier to get into the longer programs.

    Just because you are allready in a program doesn't mean that you are all ready a shoe in candidate for Disney. if you are seriously interested.
    Post by: Destined, Mar 5, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  10. Destined
    Moonlit Whispers

    Shouting from the golden man,
    Stands innocence.
    It screams and screams to be acknowledged
    But footfalls compress the motion,

    Accept me! It screams into the glittering night
    Futility answers mockingly,
    Joined by Denial.
    They rest upon the forest theatre
    Always watching, interfering when Necessity arose.

    Innocence shrunk, cowering beneath the willows reach.
    The wind stirred, replacing Unknown with Hope.
    A hand comes forward, tilting Innocence’s spirit.

    I can Hope whispered,
    Strength and Truth shall set you free.
    But seven crops of consumed rye and Lost I still remain,
    Where is Hope? Where is Truth? Where is…

    Innocence sweeps south, replaced to the steps of Acceptance.
    The marble gleams with salvation,
    A reprieve toward the escape.
    Hope swirls high.

    Take the hand of Compassion, she too has fallen,
    Save her to free yourself.
    I take the hand, consuming the unknown scents,
    The moonlit hair swimming on the coat tails of Promise.
    I accept you.

    I'm baaaaaaaaack
    Post by: Destined, Mar 4, 2010 in forum: Archives
  11. Destined


    The last rays of sunlight flickered beneath the edges of the Gulf of Mexico as shops and restaurants churned to life, illuminating the early night sky with store merchandise glistening behind windows while the smells of Cajun, Italian, Bar-b-cue and seafood blend together with dashes of music. Parents are constantly bombarded by children young and old as they race between the isles, their eyes aglow with images of princesses and pirates; begging and pleading for just one more toy. Teens pass dressed in styles that I’m not even sure one would classify as tasteful, acting as though the world revolves around them and anyone who says otherwise are posers.

    Lines form outside of the House of Blues and mixes with those trying to enter DisneyQuest and head further into Pleasure Island’s night scene. A couple makes it through the throng, slightly intoxicated, wearing matching red Incredibles t-shirts, holding two plastic Coors Light bottles. I pay them no mind as I go about enjoying the early evening, until I look back and see them pass a trash can and miss the easy toss, and continue walking uncaring, undeterred.

    I release a sigh, moving across the street until I’m standing next to the two bottles. A trail of beer seeps from the neck, as though this was a murder and not litter. My wrists twitch subconsciously, releasing the handle of a black broom and matching dustbin as the bottles are tucked inside. The bottles clank together as I pace along the waterfront that separates Pleasure Island with Downtown Disney East and West. Tourists swarm around me as they race to make a bus back to their hotel, kids walk in a zombified stupor as they walk slower and slower behind their parents until the red fabric leash draws taunt and the child is pulled forward.

    Come and work at Walt Disney World
    , they told me. Here, the bottom line is imagination, our culture is magic and wonder. Think of all the laughter, astonishment, joy and thrills that have come from this one place. Where all your dreams will come true. Popcorn remnants are no match for me as the hours tick slowly away while the busy walkways drain of life near midnight. My wrist watch chimes as I watch the festivities from outside the Reglan Road Irish pub. Inside, amidst the smoke tipped air, laughter dances with alcohol. Couples gaze into the emotional text of the other's eyes, while woops of celebration leak through the door from the other patrons. I turn back towards where the cast members tram waits as I feel a quick tap on the shoulder.

    My eyes follow the slender curve of the arm up into the face of the most attractive women I’ve seen all evening. She smiled nervously as a group of friends stood behind her texting and trying to decipher a map.

    “Hey sorry, I was just wondering, could you tell us how to get to back to our hotel. We got turned around.”

    My mood shifts as I put on the fake Disney smile. “It’s not a problem, which hotel are you trying to get to?”

    “The Animal Kingdom lodge.”

    “What you want to do, is continue heading east, once you can see the Rainforest Café, turn south and you’ll see the bus terminal. I believe that the bus for Animal Kingdom is number 5.” I gesture with the Disney two fingered point.

    “Thanks a lot! You have no idea how much that helps.”

    I flash the smile once more for emphesis. “Any time.”

    She turns around and joins her group as I begin to continue toward the tram, I hear the girls laughing.
    “Oh my god, I can’t believe you actually did that.”

    “What? He was helpful.”

    “I knew it you were trying to flirt with him.”

    “He was kinda cute.”

    “No way, if he was Jack Sparrow, maybe. Hell if he was that creepy guy at the Haunted Mansion, sure. He’s a janitor Kalie. He probably doesn’t even have a diploma. Let’s go get another drink.”

    The girls turn around and re-enter Pleasure Island, leaving me high and dry. I’m not sure which I should be more offended with. The fact that I can’t compete with Jackson over in the Haunted Mansion, or that they marginalized me as a high school drop out. My mood droops as I join other cast members on the employee tram, becoming consumed in the sea of technicolored costumes.

    Three years. Three years ago I was a kid fresh out of High School and creating worlds like no one had ever seen before in my writings. Utah's english programmed became canibalistic over my writing...but soon the money and creativity washed away. Disney World always seemed to be the place from my childhood memories where I could be a kid again. A place to forget about reality and experience realized imagination. An Imagineer...the end goal I strove to reach, yet the starved carcasses of empty notebooks littered my small meager apartment, victims of a failed wish. Beyond the white peaks of Cirque Di Soiel, the sunset fades to black.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 4, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Destined
    I prepare to make my resurgence into the CC and the first work I get to crit is yours Kay. Fitting.

    I"m a bit rusty when it involves c&c so let's start with my impressions. The ability to manipulate a characters feelings into a premeditated state of calm in the beginning and then later transitioning to the suicidal element is a strong suit of yours. Whether it be this story, or any of the other stories you have shown me that are of the more seriousness of reality, you have this troupe down.

    The opening I will admit left like a report. Some sentences stretched while that could be a means of portraying the normalcy of an everyday occurance of breakfast preperations, i felt that it didn't necessarily match the mood of the rest of the work.

    Using dual sensory angles, watching the broadcast and participating in the broadcast, are strong ways to not only learn about a character, but also to hear their own voice instead of a mind's eye or narrative version. The conversation feel was believable to me and if you are wanting practice when it comes to dialogue, this is a good means to do that.

    Again, I like this piece for the depth of the subject and the importance of communication it envokes, quite poetic actually.
    Post by: Destined, Mar 4, 2010 in forum: Archives
  13. Destined
    So I wasn't necessarily sure as to which section this would be more benefitial under, but I know that a number of my friends on here as well as members in general are always wondering what options exist outside of high school. Yes there is college, working, partying, etc. But this is when I include internships.

    Internships you may think, are small attempts at branching into a big corp or 6 months of hell with minimal pay. For both answers you may be correct dependent on the specific internship you may look into.

    So brings me to the Disney College Program, an internship open to all college students currently enrolled in a college or university. It is an internship that provides you work experience, housing, money and above all the ability to go into WDW any day you aren't working and have fun.

    So i thought it might be a good idea to start a thread in case people were interested in the program where they could ask a current participant any questions about the program and receive a first hand account.

    So ya.
    Thread by: Destined, Mar 4, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  14. Destined
    While given the fact that life has thrown me into a tail spin, I can announce that I will be coming back with a bit of a vengence within a week to the CC.
    Post by: Destined, Feb 22, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Destined
    Chron will be updated. Life has been hella busy. I'm 50% of the way through an update for chron now.
    Post by: Destined, Feb 22, 2010 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Destined
    When you see it....
    Post by: Destined, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  17. Destined

    Utah is where dreams come true...not BYU. :3
    Post by: Destined, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  18. Destined
    So me and my roomates are failing at understanding technology. Purchased a Belkin N Router for not just internet but also to hook up our gaming equipment. We set up the network, can log on to the comps just fine, but when we input the same data into the PS3's network setup to test the connection, it fails to connect to the PSN server.

    Does anyone else have these problems and can offer knowledge wise to a group of gamers?
    Thread by: Destined, Jan 23, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. Destined
    Been a bit hasn't it?
    Epcot Panoramic shot of World Showcase

    Pensively styling.

    And Finally:
    Post by: Destined, Jan 23, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  20. Destined