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  1. Sorcerer_Jenkins
  2. Sorcerer_Jenkins

    if you read carefully, i was STATING MY DAMN OPINION!
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    LOL! ok ok! i'm cute :P
    Profile Post by Sorcerer_Jenkins for Magick, Apr 22, 2009
  4. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    wow, i thought they was girls.
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    good point.

    HA! i knew someone didn't think i was sexy!

    Here's proof:[​IMG]
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Sorcerer_Jenkins
  7. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    Everyone thinks i'm cute!
    Profile Post by Sorcerer_Jenkins for Magick, Apr 22, 2009
  8. Sorcerer_Jenkins
  9. Sorcerer_Jenkins
  10. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    what do u think?

    i'm tempted to post my picture......

    ok, a real question: if u could be gay, would u be with Arnold?
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    aww, i actually remember that now. lol! i forgot till you mentioned it Sir.
    lol! yeah, we evolved to be attracted to the chest of women :P
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    Profile Post

    HEY! why r u on?

    HEY! why r u on?
    Profile Post by Sorcerer_Jenkins for Maka Albarn, Apr 22, 2009
  13. Sorcerer_Jenkins
  14. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    Profile Post

    ok fine. will do :P

    ok fine. will do :P
    Profile Post by Sorcerer_Jenkins for Magick, Apr 22, 2009
  15. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    this is a very plausible theory.
    no, he's not saying he was attracted to his mum when he was a kid, he's saying he felt close to her.

    for me, the site of breasts would cause some arousel, and i can't think of one guy who is different. i'm religious, and so to me that's like shouting "SCREW ME!" it's to inviting. strippers, whores, and ****s do that in private, to get a lay, but decent women shouldn't. i can understand the breastfeeding thing, but then again, don't they have special rooms for that? isn't breastfeeding something that should be done in private?

    i kno it is culture for some poeple, like in Africa, and south america and what-not, but that's cuz 90% of the time the temperature was to hot for clothing. Now in Ancient Greece, it was another matter.

    My opinion is that it's ok for guys in public, because it's kinda our way of showing off a big rack (like when Bucks rut) but for girls, it's kinda the privacy of a bedroom with someone you love, hopefully married.

    that is all.
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Sorcerer_Jenkins
    i have an's based on the one Link had in the game, minus the triforce on the mouthpeice. it's a sweetpotato 12 hole ocarina, and i even got a song-book for it!

    it's got Zelda songs, from Ocarina of time and Majora's mask....and i'm rambling.

    but F.Y.I, his was a sweetpotato.
    Post by: Sorcerer_Jenkins, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  17. Sorcerer_Jenkins