Nashida wins.
300! come on guys! EDIT: fine, if your going to neg-rep me for repetition, then i'll change it!
u'r UBER cute
299 come one guys!
who ? lol i win
how do proxies work anywho? i've been tempted to try em. i bet he wants money for something. ^^ wowzers, mayB it's the FEDS.
and when i say "americun", i mean
mmmmmmm, donuts.
LOL! well, theres a llama.
yeah...she is. something bout Avatar...
she thinks your mad at her. what do i tells her?!
i mades it up. yeah?
that might be true, but i got's somethin better then that. just click link.
LOL! well, um.....that's four girls now that love me ^^ jk jk...kinda. >.> <.<
yeah! go on 4Chan
no, u'll see a soggy bottom boy
sure, kinda turned though. shot it last week.
Actually, this is:
I saws it i saws it mommy *shot*