Peahens. that'll get em.
nice. really! is u'r sister mad at me?
u ok? i hope so.
i mean it too jackass
PIRATE! all the way.
d'awwwwww will miss u
*pulls sword out and slices you* don't touch Magick like that again.
:glomp: XDDDD
haha, i once saw SPdude in real life. but my camera broke from the awesomeness.
done it. but my camera broke from the awesome-ness.
yeah, big time! haha
that's awesome.
that's....interesting haha
45645645645646456456 numbers
oh yeah!!!!!!
i'm proud of you. i eat pork like candy. agreed.
i didn't kno it was Family guy lulz will work.
i looked at the poster and knew it was a trap. how'd she get THAT big? and how's the bed staying up?
well, be happy that i'm a Pirate.
lol, i thought it was funny.