nuuuuuu. what would i be jealous of?
yes. yes i do.
lol not at!
ok, ask u'r question.
ok ok! lol
AAHHHH! a girl!
it's just that good?
r u an alchemist?
lol! ur such a girl
mayB. eh. just F.Y.I, i don't hate u.
ugh. i wasn't ignoring u. i haven't been on for a while.
lol tis fine. why would it matter that i'm ignoring u though? this my group? soooooo quiet~
meh, it's fine
i'm ignoring everyone
i don't hate u.
that's soooo mean! lol
u forgot Train. lol jk
[i'm mormon. F.Y.I] I drink Coca-Cola. it's SOOOO GOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!
d'awwww, i dont.