Remember, asians are small people. Also, the site llave posted makes for good home page.
Not sure why you would think it's not me... But yeah I'm good. I ate way too much chinese food for dinner though...
Haven't talked to beezygee for a while, but she's a cool dude. Happy birthday?
Damn *****! How u been?
ftfy .
can i have your children yes am i your child yes is this incest yes or is this wincest YES! Do you love me? yes How would you write a better ending to Mass Effect 3? everybody dies Remember when I posted that dumb picture from Shin Megami Tensei? no Whats your face look like? pretty Can I get about tree fiddy? huh?
>tfw no gf
I don't see the point of pre-ordering hen no extras have been announced. You can just go in the day they release the game and there will be plenty left.
when no gf :(
here's a list:
khv is pretty slow at 3:20 am...
Congrats. I can't even comprehend what the hell you just said.
It should be drunk, not drank.
cool bro. There's a mormon church of temple or whatever you call it where I live and I have a few mormon friends. Get out of this forum as soon as you can. It's a bad place.
God .
we should have sex
Don't make threads like this, don't take KHV (or any forums) seriously, and never take yourself too seriously. Your life and mine are inconsequential in the whole universe so never be too serious about life.
I just want to see what everyone thinks of me. Negative opinions are also welcome, just keep them polite and constructive.
i will be in the khv group.