He's my cousin, and I will.
Thanks, any ideas?
Did you know yesterday was Ax's B-Day.
why come talk with me thhen
It's cool. Thanks for the idea bu Ax gave me one. god of probability
hi guy. what u want
cool, sounds like fun. whats new?
Idk most of the gods are taken. And I was joking about it, but thanks for the words of advice, thanks. ^_^
i've been bored. So whats going on?
I fuess not, but it's fine. Fun being sngle. No nagging? Jk of course. So whats do we do in gods of Kh?
Yeah, I really wouldn't know about that. I don't any girls real life or fake.
I don't know what a chest infection is.
It's cool bye............
I knwo... It sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah today was boring
Yeah thats nice. SO whats new?
Texas, yup...
That what my computer clock is set to. I need to fix it.