Can you help me think of a power for gods
Happy Halloween!
Me to, but how put just three letters
#8-Axel. XD He tell me lots about you. How ya been?
Soooo what sould w talk abot
why would you think i have that
^-^ Ok whats beens going on?
XD It's all good.
Oh, well then. XD Is it that bad that you KISSSED.
Please? I'm his cousin. Tell me.
thats all? Lame...
What'd y'all do?
Why "think"?
Like, online. XD
Yeah.... I was told he left. So you guyz never went out?
Oh, thats nice. ^_^
Wanyed you do when he said that?
Nah cause proabaility works on that one. ot any others?
He told me, well not that but that he iked you.