I'm against all kinds of violence be it as disciplinary measures or not. If you are having trouble connecting with your child, a spanking is not going to do any good; it's just going to distance the child even more from the parent and nothing can be as damaging for a child as feeling unloved by their parents. I'm not saying you should let a child behave badly, but violence is not the solution. Although I'm no expert on children, I'd say explaining to a child what they did wrong and giving them a punishment that doesn't affect their physical or mental health is a much more effective way. The last thing you'll want to do to a child with behavioral problems is to destroy your relationship with the child. From what I've seen, problematic people often seem to have bad relationships with their parents in which case even therapy will most likely be a better choice than resorting to violence.
If Aqua is playable, then her because I've always been a sucker for magic attacks. :3 *Points at his first KH playthrough* - I insisted on using Spellbinder for half of the game just because of the +2 MP boost. =P That, and I really want to find out more about Aqua because Kingdom Hearts needs all the female characters it can get. If Aqua isn't playable, then Ven because I prefer speed over brute strength and because Terra doesn't seem very interesting compared to the other two in my opinion. :x
So basically you're saying you don't like these guys' hobby, but don't have anything against it either and yet, you insult them and call them names just to prove how "immature" they are? I'm not saying that thing was zomgwtf-hilarious, but it did make me chuckle at some points. These guys aren't the one who are immature, you are. You say they have no life and yet, you're the one who creates a topic for the sole reason of insulting someone because you don't like their hobby? Did I get this right? Because that makes you the immature one. Before you tell others to get a life, you might consider checking if the same thing applies to you, because normal people don't judge people before they actually know what they're like. So what if these people spend a day shooting a video? I spent a whole day playing Pokémon Diamond when I first got it and as long as you enjoy something and it doesn't directly affect anyone else, then no one has a right to judge them for doing it. In trying to prove these people's immaturity, I'm afraid you've only shown how shallow you are. I see nothing wrong with these people's parody. Sure some of their jokes are lame, but they do have their funny moments too so there isn't really any reason to get personal with them. :x
I would have to agree. Physically, humans are weak, but our greed and lust to control everything makes us very dangerous indeed. What makes us dangerous isn't our physical capabilities, nor is it knowledge - it is how we use that knowledge. Rather than trying to preserve the balance in nature, we constantly try getting ourselves one more step above everything else, and in the process, we wreck ecosystems and release insanely big amounts of toxic fumes in the atmosphere which speeds up a natural process that is dangerous enough to many species without us quickening the phenomenon. Naturally, in the end, all we're doing is bringing our own destruction closer as life on Earth has survived several other major climate changes, but we are a big danger to hundreds of species on Earth nonetheless.
Likewise, learning about sex has no dire consequences. You're talking like learning about sex is the same thing as wanting to have sex although they are two completely different things. Going by your logic, kids shouldn't be taught history because learning about what the Nazis did might make the children want to do the same. Oh noez! =O And isn't it terrible how children are taught chemistry at school? That's practically begging for them to make some home-made explosives. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with sexual education early on. A child should have the right to learn about sex whenever he/she becomes interested in it. Perhaps kids shouldn't be told everything in exact detail, but they should be informed of the potential dangers of sex and that there's no rush to have sexual intercourse with another person. The more you sugar coat things for children, the harder the crash landing to reality will be. I'm a firm believer in that ignorance causes more teenage pregnancies than having learned about sex early in life. I'm 14 and I've known about sex since I was 4 (not in detail, mind you, but I did get the basic concept and that it's nothing that should be taken lightly) and I've never really had a desire to have sex myself. And I fail to see how learning about sex "Takes away part of your innocence." Knowledge is beauty and knowledge about sex is no different. There is nothing impure about sex and there's no reason to treat it as if there was. The more you try to hide it from children, the bigger their interest will become. What little kid doesn't think along the lines of "Hey! Adults don't want to talk about this so it must be cool"? There's no point in letting a kid live in ignorance since finding out the truth is just a matter of time and the more time a child gets to think about it, the faster his/her view on the matter will mature.
Seeing as most of the harder battles are either significantly easier without the use of Drive forms (The ability to use Guard and to be able to use more than one growth ability at a time is invaluable against many bosses) or are set up so that you can't use Drive forms to begin with, I'd say no. The only boss I've ever had any real use for Drives against was Dark Thorn on my first playthrough. Other than that, they haven't really made battles easier. I do love Drive forms, (especially Limit Form in FM+. I used it in every boss battle I could, not for the purpose of making the battle easier, but simply because I love using the form) but they are not responsible for the game's low difficulty as most boss battles are rather easy regardless of if you use Drives or not. Sometimes using Drive forms might even make battles harder due to the lack of Guard and for Valor, the inability to use magic.
Riku. He had some major character development in CoM and unlike Sora, who seems to be even more immature in KH II, Riku has matured since CoM not to mention how much he's grown since the first game. Sora showed some more maturity in CoM than in the first game, but the character development seems to have vanished alongside his memories. =P
I disagree with several points in that post. Religious people might be trying to improve the human race, but extreme cases are doing the exact opposite. The same applies to those who believe in science; extreme cases of both are just as bad. However, religion is mostly based on assumptions with nothing but theoretical evidence to back it up and religious beliefs are set in stone whereas science takes a completely different view point on life: science uses the most logical explanation that can be drawn from the information we currently have and unlike in religion where the point is to prove that you're right, scientists are constantly trying to prove their old theories wrong and by doing so, they're constantly getting a better idea of the world. Science doesn't rule out any explanations, it just uses the most probable explanation we currently have. True, religion is more consistent, but unlike science, that tries to patch up the holes in each theory, religion just turns to a supernatural explanation. Some people have actually calculated the chances of a God existing and although it is there, the probability is so low I'd rather support the theories that have some real proof behind them. And true, religion isn't always irrational, but you're wrong on science not always being logical. Anything that can be explained using the laws of physic or can be calculated using a mathematical formula is logically logical since it can be proven. If something in science seems illogical, it either isn't scientific or we just haven't figured out how to prove it yet. Science essentially just explains how everything works, it's the way people (ab)use it that makes it destructive and thus, science doesn't destroy anything, people do.
Life is only as complex as humans make it. Technically, the reason for our existence is to produce as many offsprings as possible and secure the existence of our species. And no I'm not saying there wouldn't be a lot more than that to live for, but technically that's the only logical reason for our existence. Not that our existence itself is logical, but you get my point. :x But to skip the technicalities, there is no real point in life. However, since we live, I think we should just take the most out of it and live a happy life. Of course there will always be strife and there are a lot of negative things about life, but overcoming those things is part of living a happy life. That's my humble opinion on the subject.
I have no idea, to be honest. However, I'd wager it doesn't feel like anything; once our brain doesn't get anymore oxygen and stops functioning, there's technically nothing left of our personality, memories or thoughts. So yeah, I'd say it doesn't feel like anything; maybe you'll be reincarnated, but if that's the case, then I'm 100% there will be nothing left of the person we once were. And either way, there's no point in wondering what happens after our death. If we're reincarnated, then that's fine with me, if we just cease to exist, then that's fine too since once you're gone, you simply won't be able to care about it. Think too deeply about the subject and I assure you it'll make you paranoid; things like this are simply beyond our understanding.
This is just ridiculous. :x True, video games can get you aggravated, (I talk from experience, getting your butt kicked for 6 hours against Demyx on a level 1 Kingdom Hearts II save isn't fun. =P) but a mentally stable person does not grab a knife and goes on a killing spree just because he did that on GTA. Heck, I played Duke Nukem 3D and GTA when I was five, but I'm the exact opposite of violent. A sane person has better ways of stress relief than beating up a random stranger. Video games don't make psychos although they might encourage some of them. Mentally instable people have always existed and if the amount has been increasing lately it's not because of video games, but rather society itself. Irresponsible parents don't bother finding out what they're getting for their kids and violence is present in all forms of media anyway and I hardly see why video games would corrupt more minds than TV or even a violent book. Heck, even cartoons are full of violence these days, (Tom and Jerry, anyone?) but people like to blame everything on video games since it's so much easier than actually dealing with the real cause of the problem. Furthermore, a mental problem does not develop overnight; if a child starts acting oddly because of a video game, it's the child's guardian's responsibility to take away the video game from him and to help the child recover from it; irresponsible parents are a bigger danger than the video games themselves - if a problem is taken care of before it's given time to develop, there should be no big consequences. The flight simulator thing is stupid since technically it isn't a game; it's a program used for training purposes whereas games are more for entertainment.
Either Zexion or Demyx. Demyx because he's a good comedic relief character and didn't really seem that evil, and Zexion because not only is he cool, but he's also smart. :x
Depends on what you want to do, really. If you need to use Curaga a lot or just like spamming spells, go with Ultima Weapon since its MP Hastega ability nearly doubles your MP recovery rate. However, if you're good at using Guard and like using physical attacks, go with Fenrir and preferably a Negative Combo and a Finishing Plus and you'll have an awesome two-hit combo finish-only combo which really racks up damage fast. It really makes killing big groups of enemies (such as the Final Fantasy group battle and the rounds with a lot of minor heartless in Hades Paradox Cup) much easier and with instant Guard Breaks, stuff like Hot Rods and Large Bodies aren't such a pain either. So yeah, it depends on your preferences. I personally prefer Fenrir because I'm pretty good at avoiding hits and I've never been a fan of long combos.
There are two keyblades I like equally so I'll just list both: 1) Kingdom Key because of its simple, yet stylish design and because I like the stars that fly out when you hit something with it. 2) Oathkeeper. What can I say? The design is beautiful and it has nice symbolic value not to mention a nifty ability and decent stats.
Where did you get the idea that Sora will be gone for good from? Heck, he's the one who defeated both Xehanort's nobody and heartless, so naturally everyone will be turning to him if trouble arises again. Not only that, but the letter Sora gets in the ending video of KH II is a dead giveaway that his story is not over. The new handheld games prepare us for Kingdom Hearts III in the same way CoM prepared us for Kingdom Hearts II. Sora is just taking a break from being in the spotlight all the time and although I like Sora as a character, I think it's a good idea to let other characters shine. That, and BBS and 358/2 Days explain things in a manner that wouldn't be possible if Sora was the main character. Sora will be back; Nomura isn't stupid, he doesn't want to upset the fans.
Although I doubt you'll be able to create a team out of any 4 Organization members, (unless one of the multiplayer modes is a 4 vs 4 thing which could get quite messy and therefor I doubt it) if it was possible, I'd go with: 1. Larxene - she's a psycho with a serious attitude problem and can zap people, what more could you ask for? 2. Demyx - because he's awesome. 3. Marluxia - The manliest bad guy in existence. Enough said. 4. Toss up between Vexen, Roxas and Zexion; Vexen because I like ice, Roxas because I like keyblades and Zexion because he owns.
Definitely Larxene and Demyx. Larxene because her attitude owns and because I've always loved the Larxene battles in Chain of Memories and Demyx because he's just so awesome. I'll also try using Marluxia, Luxord, Vexen and Zexion frequently although I'll most likely just end up using Larxene all the time. xP It'll be interesting to see how Luxord and Zexion fight in 358/2 Days.