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  1. Hummingbird
    I hope you're proud of making me have to rethink the definition of "Fail."
    But failing this bad isn't even funny.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hummingbird
    As a character, I like Sora more - well, at least for the first two games; in Kingdom Hearts II he's stupid beyond comparison, but in the first two games, especially Chain of Memories, he showed that he isn't always a stupid immature brat, but while Naminé rearranged Sora's memories she must accidentally have made him forget he isn't an idiot. In KH II, I'd say I like Riku more than Sora simply because he actually shows some maturity in the game.

    If the two were to battle, I'd still say Sora. I'm not saying Riku is weak, but he got whooped by Sora even while he had access to all the powers of Xehanort's heartless and had the dark keyblade. That coupled with the fact that Sora defeated a physically exact replica of Riku four times and that the Keyblade chose Sora over Riku would indicate that Sora is indeed stronger than Riku. The ending of Kingdom Hearts II also gives the impression that Riku admits Sora being stronger than he is.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  3. Hummingbird
    Jordier0xs0x's post is made of win.

    Anyway... what kind of cookies are we talking about? That might affect my answer. And the moral of the story? Just eat pie instead. <3
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Hummingbird
    Turning invisible by will... that actually wouldn't be too bad and unlike most other powers, not potentially lethal unless you do something extremely stupid and I can actually think of some practical uses for the power. I wonder how I didn't come to think of that. o.o However, I feel like I have to correct one thing: I don't like to sink into the background - I just don't like to stand out too much.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. Hummingbird
    I demand you fill me in on March 19th. >O
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Hummingbird
    I wouldn't say the game is harder; it just takes a while to get used to the card system. CoM was the first KH game I played so I didn't have to go through the trouble of adapting to a new style of gameplay. CoM might be a bit frustrating in the beginning of the game when you only have low level cards, but by the time you can unleash at least 3 Sonic Blades in a row, nothing is really that hard anymore. On later floors all you need to do is spam Tornado, Megaflare, Holy and Sonic Blade and you'll be untouchable. So yeah, in conclusion, CoM is pretty easy, as are the two other Kingdom Hearts games. It's just a matter of getting used to fighting with cards.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Hummingbird
    The events in Hollow Bastion, especially the second Riku battle; it's one of the more challenging fights in the game (although literally having played Kingdom Hearts through at least 12 times, nothing is really that hard to me anymore) and Forze Del Male is one of the most epic battle tracks in video game history. <3 Whenever I battle him, I usually stall with Guard and try to attack as little as possible just to prolong the battle and for the sake of making the battle feel more epic.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Hummingbird
    But pixels are so sexy. D=
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hummingbird
    Wow, thanks for stating the obvious there. Who in their right mind would have a?
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Hummingbird
    It's not bad, but no matter how I try to read it, I just can't get the flow to sound smooth. Particularly this part could be re-worded to make it flow better:
    Other than that, there aren't any major interruptions in the flow, but some parts do sound a bit "Tacky" if you know what I mean. Content-wise, there's nothing wrong with the poem though, just work on making it flow a bit better.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  11. Hummingbird
    It's your choice. The poem is just fine without any additions, but it'll be just as good with that added to it and it does and a bit more context to the text. If you like it, I say go for it! The important thing to remember with poems is that as long as you like it, it's all that matters. No one else has the right to tell you what you should or shouldn't put in the poem. After all, it's your feelings you're expressing with the text, not anyone else's.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 26, 2008 in forum: Archives
  12. Hummingbird
    If Quina from Final Fantasy IX counts as a superhero, (he/she should. xP) then I'd undoubtedly want the power to eat anyone or anything and then gain their powers. (not as much for the powers as for the ability to practically eat anything - food owns. =P)

    And to answer the question seriously: I wouldn't want any superhero's power(s). One of the reasons is that I can't imagine any power that wouldn't be harmful for me as well. Flying at super speed would either result in you freezing to death (depending on how long you actually stay in the air) or the your eyes being ripped out or your ears being destroyed by the pressure, I'm sure we all know what shooting beams of light that are thousands of degrees hot from your eyes would resort to, mind reading would most likely drive you insane at some point and I'm sure you get my point already. Another reason is that I simply wouldn't want to stand out that much - I'm in no way someone who just blends into the crowd, but I don't want to be worshiped as a hero or have to stand out with everyone staring at me; that just isn't my thing. To be honest, I'd much rather be myself and have fun than have Super Special Awesome powers. :x

    Yeah, boring answer, I know. =P
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. Hummingbird
    Are you getting tired of answering stupid questions such as this?
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hummingbird
    Fail! I don't have a and it's impossible to waste 10 seconds of something that doesn't exist. =P Lulz, I'm above being pwned by random videos. =D
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Hummingbird
    To be honest, I actually enjoyed the original version more than this one. The good thing is that you tidied up the look of the poem by fixing capitalization errors and adding missing apostrophes, (although you've missed a couple of spots) but on the downside, the first two parts don't flow as well as the rest of the poem so you might try bending the words around a little. Other than that, it's fine although this didn't connect to me as strongly emotionally because the original was closer to my own situation (since I'm actually lucky enough to know she at least cares. <3), but that opinion is based entirely on personal matters so don't mind that as long as you yourself are happy with the additions. I was just amazed how the original gave me that You-took-the-words-right-out-of-my-mouth feeling.

    Great poem - I hope to see more from you because you've got talent; just pay a bit more attention to the capitalization and apostrophes to make your poems look neater. Keep at it - I truly admire how well you can express your emotions in a poem.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Archives
  16. Hummingbird
    Whee, someone thinks along the same lines I do. =D It's a shame I'm too much of a coward to express all my thoughts and feelings, but at least I try and I've succeeded somewhat well, and most importantly, I enjoy life nonetheless. <3
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Hummingbird
    Considering Sora has the IQ of a peanut and Donald is too impatient to have time to think rationally, no, I don't find this surprising. Goofy has always been the observant one and the one to pick up the obvious things no one else noticed.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Hummingbird
    Nothing beats the original. <3 The first game just has a special kind of magic that wasn't as strong in the two sequels. In the first game Sora's powers weren't completely exaggerated like in CoM and KH II. You didn't see him conjuring tornadoes or creating giant explosions in Kingdom Hearts 1, did you? Yes, he could Glide in the air and shoot giant laser beams from the tip of his keyblade, but that's small compared to +hat he can do in the sequels. Definitely has my favorite gameplay out of the current KH titles. <3

    Second would be Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories closely followed by KH II Final Mix and the regular CoM. I love how Re: Chain of Memories kept the feel of the original game, but made every single sleight and battle pure eye candy. <3 Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix I like for Critical Mode (Including the Exp 0 ability <3) and for the ability to fight the whole Organization and Terra as many times as you want. The regular KH II is last simply because the story was a bit iffy; the only thing worth getting the game for is the music and the fancy looking battles. I must admit Action Replay does make the game a whole lot more fun though. (for making a level 1 playthrough and a 2x Sephiroth fight possible. <33)

    Story-wise, Chain of Memories takes the win. It just seemed more detailed than the one in the first game and less random than the one in KH II.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Hummingbird
    *Takes cover from the rabid FF VII fanboys*

    The game, in my opinion, is completely over hyped. The characters weren't that great, (I only really liked Red XIII, Yuffie, Cid and The Turks; the rest were pretty boring) the battle system is broken and makes the game ridiculously easy (4x Cut and whatnot really take away the challenge) and the bosses need much more HP. I beat Sephiroth before he even got to attack. Yuffie's Conformer + 4x Cut means you'll be doing 39996 damage a turn with just one character. IIRC, I hate Sephiroth a total of 10 times - a final boss should not go down that fast. The secret bosses were so overpowered that if you want to beat them, you'll practically have to use cheap strategies (Death Penalty damage overload, Mimicing Knight of the Round, spamming Hero Drinks etc.) which really takes away the feeling of accomplishment when you beat them. Don't get me wrong, I do like the game, but only for nostalgia and for the good soundtrack, but this game is completely over hyped. Most people seem to find the story something spectacular, but it's basically a cliché RPG plot set in a more modern time - nothing special at all.

    Advent Children was just a tool to show off their amazing CGs, but otherwise it was a complete piece of garbage. Crisis Core does have good graphics and the battle system looks somewhat interesting, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too high. I will, however, be getting the game for nostalgia. :x

    FF VII wasn't complete rubbish, but it's not as awesome as some people try making it. I'll play FF IX over this any day.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  20. Hummingbird
    And how many kids will decide to have sex with someone just because they've been taught sex-ed? Also, how exactly is sex dirty? Creating life should be considered everything but impure. I seriously don't understand why sex is such a taboo subject. Not being mentally (or physically) ready for sex is not the same as not being ready to know what it is.

    If you just slow down and think about it, White_Rook's geography example is just as far fetched as your sex-ed argument. I fail to see how learning about sex will increase one's sexual desires.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner