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  1. Hummingbird
    Telling someone who phails that they phail is not the same as being a jerk: it's simply stating the truth. That said, your post phails. >:
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hummingbird
    You're talking about science as if a religious person can't "believe in" science, which is definitely not the case - science can't be compared to a religion. Science finds explanations to the things we don't understand whereas religion tries finding answers to things we simply can't understand so a religious person can follow science without there being a contradiction.

    I, personally, do not believe in any kind of afterlife. Some people say they find it easier to deal with death if you believe that you won't just cease to exist, but for me it's the complete opposite. I for one do not like the idea that when I die, I will be judged by every little mistake I've ever made during my lifetime and if I haven't been perfect, they'll just tell me "You screwed up, buddy" and will send me to eternal suffering. I agree with Repliku, if there is an afterlife, I don't see why those who do good deeds to get rewarded would be more deserving to live an eternity in happiness than those who do good deeds because they genuinely want to make others happy. I help others and act friendly because I want to and I would find it extremely unfair if those who do the same just so they can live in eternal happiness would get what they want whereas I, who help people for the sake of brightening up someone else's day, would be condemned to suffer for all eternity just because I didn't believe in afterlife.

    So yeah, if there was an afterlife and if all of us were to be judged, I'm more inclined to to believe that those who act unselfish because they care, not those who do it to be rewarded afterwards, will live in happiness. But since I don't believe in afterlife, I don't have to worry about that. I believe that when we die, we simply don't exist anymore and since something that doesn't exist cannot feel anything, there's nothing to fear - it won't feel boring and it won't be painful because we simply cannot feel. To me, it is enough to make me feel at ease to know that I'll still be remembered once I die, and as long as you're remembered, you're practically not completely gone.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. Hummingbird
    I must say I'm quite interested in what you'll do to Final Fantasy IX. Better textures sounds good, but just don't go overboard - it just won't be Final Fantasy IX if you change the graphics too much. Would you by any chance be able to take some screenshots? The things you listed for the changes sound very promising.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  4. Hummingbird
    I can't see that happening. Final Fantasy VII has been milked enough, FF VIII doesn't seem popular enough for a remake to get very good sales numbers and wasn't that good to begin with and Final Fantasy IX looks beautiful as it is and doesn't really need any extra content either so I find it highly doubtful that they'll remake any of the PSX titles. The only reason I like FF VIII the slightest bit is due to nostalgia and because I love a couple of tracks from the game, but the soundtrack as a whole is pretty bad compared to that of FF VII and IX.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Hummingbird
    I'm currently replaying Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (this time without using any attack cards - apart from that and a low level playthrough I've done almost everything else imaginable in the game. =P) and Final Fantasy IX. I'm also currently trying to get back into playing Pokémon Diamond, but lack of motivation for IV breeding and a good opponent for Wi-fi battles doesn't help at all. I'd start a new game, but I don't want to lose my 19 EV trained Pokémon. :x
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  6. Hummingbird
    With this much spam around, spamming has lost its meaning. D=
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hummingbird
    Lul, you're too fast - I edited my post, foo! >O
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Hummingbird
    And some Spam for you. ^_^
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hummingbird

    I'm beginning to doubt that there any words capable of describing the amount of fail in this thread.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Hummingbird
    Because for some reason, people seem to love generic and boring video game characters with lame motives and ridiculously huge weapons? Hence why they want to discuss the said generic and boring video game characters with lame motives and ridiculously huge weapons. :x
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 2, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hummingbird
    Not many scenes were interesting to be honest: the story in KH II was a bit iffy. :x I did, however, enjoy all the scenes involving Demyx simply because Demyx has some of the most memorable lines in video game history. =D

    In Final Mix, I loved it when I got to fight Zexion's absent silhouette. Of course I spent hours in vain trying to beat him at level 16 without Thunder, Quick Run or Reflect and being one-hit killed by all but one of his damaging moves, but I still loved it.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Hummingbird
    Who's to say you even exist?

    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hummingbird
    The pretzels are playing pranks on you.

    Why did I bother posting here?
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Hummingbird
    I own you all with my amazingly long friend list:


    Yeah, that's it. I feel so loved. =P (Not that I've been active long enough to get to know anyone.)
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Hummingbird
    Just out of curiosity, is it EV trained and if so, what is the EV spread? I'm not going to level up a Pokémon that hasn't been trained for competitive battling since an un-EV trained Pokémon = fail. >:
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Hummingbird
    Yeah, I still play it when I get the chance (I don't actually have a PS2 of my own, but my friend lets me borrow his rather frequently) to do so. I'm currently doing a Kingdom Key only (meaning no accessories as well) challenge and just finished Neverland, I think. Kingdom Hearts II was only worth getting for the battles, (the plot is so incredibly trippy it isn't even fun. D= ) but I love every aspect of the first games. Sure the animation isn't as smooth and the textures could be better, but this game has a kind of charm Kingdom Hearts II doesn't, not to mention it'd be a hell of a lot harder if it wasn't for MP Rage being completely broken and for Cure's low MP cost. Another thing worth mentioning is that Sora was actually tolerable in the first game, but in Kingdom Hearts II he's so incredibly stupid and overall annoying it makes most of the scenes a pain to watch. :x

    So yeah, I still play it and still love it. Beats Kingdom Hearts II any day in my opinion.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Hummingbird
    Heh, I remember when I thought Sephiroth was insanely hard, but as soon as on my second playthrough, I didn't really have any trouble with him. I even beat him on my level 1 save file (So sue me if I used Action Replay to get the No Experience ability and the boosted AP and two MP Hastes (the equivalent of MP Hastera) a là Critical Mode) and once I got his attack patterns down, it wasn't even that hard; his first form can be looped with a simple Guard + normal 3-hit combo strategy and the only thing to watch out for in his second stage is if he uses Heartless Angel while you still have those dark balls around you for one reason or another. His third stage is handled by dodging his moves with Glide and Aerial Dodge until he uses Heartless Angel, which practically gives you two free combos and repeating the process. That, or you can try Guarding his slashes and hit back with Counterguard although this method isn't quite as safe as the other one. As odd as it seems, I had more trouble beating Demyx on my level 1 save than I had beating Sephiroth. The only thing that makes Sephiroth different from every other late-game boss is the simple fact that compared to the other bosses in the game, his attacks are actually capable of dealing heavy damage to a character under level 50.
    Terra's moves are actually just as predictable as Sephiroth's. His stats (apart from that not-so-impressive HP; 16 bars is not really that much on Final Mix optional boss standards) are insanely high, but his attacks are predictable and easily dodged although I must admit he sometimes takes me off guard with his binding move, but that's just about the only truly dangerous move he has. I personally find Data Luxord (after you've beaten him at least once) harder than Terra. In the first data battle, that last game you have to play with him was still slow enough for me to keep up with it, but in the rematch, Luxord cheats. D=
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Hummingbird
    Seeing as these stem cells have yet to develop into anything, I don't see why not. I don't think the cells can be considered a baby before they've started actually developing into one and it's not like the cells themselves can feel pain. Of course the "Killing potential life" argument is always there, but we're also killing potential life every time we use contraceptives during sexual intercourse and if stem cells can be used to save lives and to cure injuries that are irreversible with any other known methods, I say there's nothing ethically wrong with using stem cells for medical purposes. (which, naturally, involves experimentation)
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Hummingbird
    *High fives.* I'm going to import as well. =D And don't worry, the handhelds aren't region locked so you'll be able to play an imported game just fine.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Hummingbird
    You don't need to start a new Re: CoM save file to get the extra cards - as long as you have a Final Mix save with that little crown symbol next to it, you'll get the bonus content. I completely Final Mix while I was on floor 9 in Re: CoM and the next time I played Re: CoM after completing Final Mix, my first Calm Bounty treasure turned out to be Follow The Wind. So yeah, you don't need to start a new save.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Jan 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX