I'll probably at least try all characters, but most likely either Metaknight, the Pokémon trainer, Lucario or Link. (my best character in SSB 64 - and no, I've never played Melee. :x) Metaknight has the best chances of becoming my favorite, the others are pretty even although Lucario might have a bit higher chances.
Tell that to the American crowd who imported Japanese versions of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and my friend who has an European DS but an American copy of Pokémon Pearl.
So the game was worse just because it involved a bit more than mindless button mashing? I don't see how that's a bad thing. The fact that boss battles were actually challenging at times is exactly what I like in the original, but I suppose we all have our preferences.
The original CoM by far. Bosses just seem to go down much faster in Re: CoM (and in case you're wondering, I played on Proud) and attacks are so much easier to dodge in 3D. Combine that with the new and improved Stop Raid (or whatever the sleight is called) in Re: CoM and the fact that bosses seem to use cards less frequently in the remake and the game isn't challenging at all. I only died a handful of times in the game even with 80 HP; most bosses can be beaten by putting a repeating Stop + Attack card + Attack card pattern and by throwing in a couple of Elixirs in the end and then mashing the triangle button. Re: CoM was fun, but very easy compared to the original although for someone who has played it through dozens of times, not even the original is very challenging.
Kingdom Hearts ftw! Not only did I find Sora to be a much more likable character in the original than he is in KH II, but in Kingdom Hearts, Sora was much less super-human (shooting lasers from the tip of your keyblade and minor gravity defying is nothing compared to everything Sora can do in KH II - I'm not saying it doesn't look cool, but it's overdone) and the story was so much more interesting and meaningful than in KH II. More than half of the cutscenes in Kingdom Hearts II have absolutely nothing to do with the main plot and the fact that Sora is a total moron in the game doesn't make things any better. The worlds also seemed more interesting in the original (whose idea was it to throw in a PotC world in Kingdom Hearts II?) and the game was much more difficult than its PS2 sequel. That, and the soundtrack is far superior to the one in Kingdom Hearts II. So in my opinion, Kingdom Hearts > Kingdom Hearts II.
Me and my friends came up with Organization XIII names for ourselves ages ago and all of them flow surprisingly well. Mine would be Nerax which sounds just awesome. Naturally, Nerax controls the power of logic. <3
Valentine's day is just an excuse to get people to buy more things. If you love someone, why the heck do you have to show it on one, specific day? It makes absolutely no sense. That said, I'm single so it doesn't matter to me anyway.
The white color won't disappear, but when you drag the sprite onto another background, the white color should no longer overlap the background.
I usually try avoiding taking damage as much as possible. I use Dodge Roll almost as much as I attack so I guess that'd make me defensive. =P I also use Guard a lot and lately I've grown fond of Stop because it gives you an opportunity to get in a combo with little risk of getting hurt. (if it isn't a boss and just a normal heartless, you should get in 2 - 3 combos which is even more awesome) So... I guess that would make me defensive.
Male: Zidane / Kuja Female: Beatrix In case you haven't noticed, I like Final Fantasy IX. =P
It can be done in Ms Paint too. Just go to the Image drop down menu and uncheck Draw Opaque. That should make the white background go away.
Just the thought that they've been mentioned in the same topic as cookies makes me want to rip your head off. >: You have tainted the fine pastry known as pie with your disgusting cookies. Shame on you. D=
And obviously it also makes perfect sense how Sora can get sliced into pieces by a katana and survive without a scratch on his body. If you think this is the most illogical thing in Kingdom Hearts, may I suggest you play through the game again? Trying to find logic in a game that centers around a fourteen year old kid running around in Disney-themed worlds beating up people with a giant key isn't necessarily the smartest thing to do in my opinion. Quoted for truth. =D
And last time I checked, cereal was indeed meant for eating. >:
'Tis the crazy guy from Last Blade: what'shisface! =O I used to love that game. :3
And the fact that most people just put random character descriptions, can't write more than one sentence about a character's personality and they usually RP annoying Gary Stu (or Mary Sue) characters and that I've yet to see a single even slightly original or interesting plot and a dozen of other things and you'll have my reasons for not RPing here right there. Even a short RP post shouldn't be shorter than four lines in my opinion - it's not that hard. =\
lul why? i leik mah emotions! I think ur just jealous. >: :(:(
I'm talking about how you take every "Phail" people throw at others here in the Spamzone as if it was truly meant as a hurtful comment. This is the Spam Zone for Pete's sake - if you can't take a "Phail" every now and then, may I suggest you stick to the Intelligent Discussion and Anything Else forums? As the name suggests, you might actually find some intelligent discussion there. Spam Zone = trolling and trolling often includes the use of "Phail" to indicate that the troller did not find something you said funny or witty. Trust me, the trolling here is very mild compared to certain other forums on the internet. Get over the misconception that anyone will post anything that's even slightly serious in the Spam Zone. =\ If you've failed five times a day, have you thought that maybe it's because you're taking the Spam Zone too seriously? Staying on-topic = instant phail in the Spam Zone and if you need to learn some trolling methods, just lurk. If you think this seems bad, I'd give you a link to a real spampit if it wouldn't be considered advertising. But trust me, if people here make you want to cry, you'd want to commit suicide if you were to join the other site I mentioned. Cheer up and loosen up and you'll have a lot more fun.
It was made in Japan, therefor it is anime. Makes since, doesn't it? ^___^[/EXTREME SARCASM] The more you talk about phailing, the more people are going to tell you you phail. Saying "I probably phail" is the same as saying: "Hey guys, please tell me I phail! ^____^"
Anyone who takes anything someone tells them in the spamzone seriously phails. >: Hence why you shouldn't have taken my previous post seriously.