Are you really in so much need of attention that you need to create a thread asking if people who don't even know you hate you?
Strike Raid. (although I've become very fond of Sonic Blade lately and I love using Ragnarok because it looks awesome.) It deals much heavier damage than Sonic Blade does, is a great way to keep distance from the enemy and the invulnerability you get while you're doing the move is a nice little bonus that makes it completely broken. (although the invulnerability applies to the other abilities as well) Ars Arcanum would be good if it wasn't for the huge MP cost (it's so not worth wasting 3 MP for) and Ragnarok can deal some serious damage if you get a nice hit from it, but Strike Raid is far more reliable.
Eyes on me in your pants.
Yeah, instead of beating the crap out of Xehanort, Sora should have had a civilized debate with him; that'd make the game so much more epic. <3
I've read them, but to be honest, anyone with the slightest bit of common sense doesn't need to do so, but I did anyway because not every forum has rules that follow common sense.
Which playable RPG character isn't a murderer?
You "Gave him a ride" in your dreams, eh? Too much information.
I really wouldn't mind if you paid a visit to Mianus someday.
I feel sorry Sora killed Xehanort's heartless. All he wanted was to have complete control over the powers of darkness. ;_;
Mianus can get extremely hot during the summer.
I thought you were familiar enough with Mianus to know that. :x
Fixed your post. =)
It's Skitty on Wailord! <3
Here's a llama, there's a llama and another little llama. Fuzzy llama, funny llama, llama, llama duck! Llama, llama, cheesecake, llama, table, brick,potato, llama. Llama, llama, mushroom, llama. Llama, llama duck! I used to know that song by heart. <3
In the first game, it'd have to be the first battle against Ursula. I wasn't paying attention to what Triton told me before I left to Ursula's cavern so I had no idea I was supposed to hit her cauldron with spells so I beat one HP bar of health off her while she wasn't stunned which wasn't a very enjoyable experience considering she takes pathetic damage while she isn't stunned and does her spinny attack during which she is invincible every two seconds. Then my friend (who was watching the whole time) finally decided to tell me that maybe I should use Blizzara on Ursula's magic cauldron. ._. In Chain of Memories (and Re: Chain of Memories as well), it was 100 Acre Wood. Oh how I hate that world. In KH II, it's a tie between Atlantica for being generally pointless and incredibly annoying and 100 Acre Wood because the mini games were so incredibly trippy they'd even drive sir Mc.Tripp crazy with their incredible trippiness. That, and Winnie the Pooh is annoying.
No, but Marluxia ordered Axel to get rid of Vexen, use Naminé as a human shield and later on ordered Naminé to technically crush Sora's heart. Not exactly what I'd call good deeds. :x
It's like a fish scale except it's real.
Thank you! These tips really helped me. ^_^ Not only did I impress the woman of my dreams, but the five others in my dreams as well. <3 Anyone who says this doesn't work should try it; it did for me and I don't see why it wouldn't work for anyone else.
Larxene is cruel, but I wouldn't say she's the most evil Organization member. After all, she needs to prove her usefulness to the Organization which isn't easy considering only Roxas has been in the Organization for a shorter time and because Larxene is the only female member in Organization XIII. Sai'x is pretty evil, but making Sora fall on his knees for his own amusement isn't much compared to the treatment Larxene gave him. I personally think Marluxia is the most evil Organization member. Not only is he manipulative, but he's also much crueler than any other Organization member. He kept Naminé locked up, taunted her and made her drive Sora into his trap, he had no problem ordering Axel to take care of Vexen and he was ready to crush Sora's heart when there was no other way to make him his slave. And all that just to take over the Organization. (and most likely get rid of everyone who'd try to oppose him)
Against normal enemies, I just spam Magnet and Thunder until I run out of mana after which I just go berserk with physical attacks. I might occasionally use limits as well. Against Disney bosses, I do the same (excluding the use of Magnet) since they are so easy there's no need to use your brain. (as proven by the fact that in Final Mix I beat Barbossa in about 30 - 40 seconds without any of my party members taking damage while I was underleveled. :x) In Organization fights, Guard, Aerial Dodge and (in Final Mix) Dodge Roll are my friends. I like to make the battles look good, hence why I don't spam Reflect or allow Sora to get the crap beaten out of him over and over again. I simply use Guard or dodge attacks until I get an opening to attack and then I attack. It's much less frustrating and looks much better than just mashing X or O to get through the fights.