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  1. Hummingbird
    Sorry, you're a bit late. The world has been dominated a couple of hundred times already.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Hummingbird

    so i herd

    For a while I thought you were going to start your post with Mudkipz and I thank you for not doing so.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 23, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Hummingbird
    Larxene is so going to be my most used multiplayer character. Zexion and Marluxia are also characters I'm really eager to try out, but Larxene is still the one I want to play as the most.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Hummingbird
    Most likely Pokémon Emerald. I've clocked close to 700 hours in total on that game.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 21, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  5. Hummingbird
    Isn't it, like, official that the correct way to say it is three-five-eight over two days?
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Hummingbird
    I've been scarred for life...
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Hummingbird
    I seriously doubt they'll add any non-Disney world that isn't an original one created solely for the Kingdom Hearts series to the game because that'd take away the feel of the previous games. But then again, Birth By Sleep does seem rather different from the rest of the games in the series so it might not be completely out of the question. (with emphasis on might) I can't really think of any Disney worlds since I've never been a huge fan of Disney, but from Final Fantasy games I'd like to see Nibelheim, (I'm not a huge fan of FF VII, but I've always loved Nibelheim and they could add in the Lost Number boss fight in the game. But then again, I'm against all kinds of FF VII fanservice since KH already has enough of that. :x) Lindblum, (simply because of the possibility of a Festival of the Hunt minigame) Ipsen's Castle and Memoria. (although the last two are as unlikely to be in the game as anything can be since Ipsen's Castle just isn't the kind of place they'd put in a KH game and Memoria won't be in the game simply because it's too similar to Castle Oblivion despite the notable differences.)
    Yeah, it had a lame, insignificant, generally annoying and completely pointless side story, but it's completely optional. If you're trying to tell yourself that 100 Acre Woods is in any way relevant to the story, then be my guest, but it won't change the fact that that world is completely pointless. Saying 100 Acre Woods has anything to do with the main story is the same as saying Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts II is anything else than a filler people just play through so they can get their Blizzard upgrade and Orichalcum+. Besides, even if it was relevant to the story, it doesn't change the fact that 100 Acre Woods only consists of minigames.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Hummingbird
    Final Fantasy IX needs more love, so Freya. Come on, who would be a more perfect FF character for Kingdom Hearts? She'd fit perfectly into the Kingdom Hearts universe, what, with her searching-for-her-lost-love and all that. I would also like to have seen Zidane and Kuja (you can't really have one without the other) in the game. Kuja would make an awesome boss and I would have liked to see Zidane as an ally. D= Beatrix would be a nice Coliseum boss battle and she's one of my favorite Final Fantasy IX characters so I would have liked to see her as well. Then there's Gilgamesh who simply has to make an appearance in the Kingdom Hearts series. It's not like he doesn't jump from one game to another anyway and you'd think a legendary sword collector would want to get his hands on a keyblade. That, and he'd make a great boss. =P
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Hummingbird
    Chicken Little does have his uses, actually. He can immobilize all enemies that get too close to you which saved my butt once when I accidentally summoned him on my level 1 save in Final Mix so he's not completely useless. :x
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 16, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. Hummingbird
    Moogle Form. Sora puts on a moogle suit, depleting 9 drive bars. Requires no party members, but you need to have a free armor slot and the Moogle Suit item in your inventory in order to use the drive form.

    - Makes Sora look cool
    - While in this form, you can get the lead role in Moogle Wannabe 3 (Sorry, just had to make a FF IX reference) which requires you to play through dozens of pointless mini-games, but if you finish them all, you get a buttload of money.
    - Has an infinite drive gauge, meaning you can stay in the form as long as you want

    - Reduces all stats by 20 and makes you 50% more vulnerable to all kinds of elemental damage and makes Sora slow as hell. Also turns all of Sora's spells into fancy graphical effects that do nothing else than look pretty.
    - Temporarily halves your maximum HP and MP

    The abilities obtained from the form are the following:

    Level 2: Auto Moogle
    Level 3: Clumsy Step Level 1 (Sora occasionally trips while walking, making him take a small amount of damage)
    Level 4: Sexy Bloke (Draws all female NPCs towards Sora - stackable)
    Level 5: Clumsy Step Level 2 (Sora has a greater chance of tripping while he's walking and he will take a greater amount of damage)
    Level 6: Sexy Bloke (a second one)
    Level 7: Clumsy Step Level 3 (Sora will frequently trip while walking and every time he does so, he will take heavy damage)

    My form > anything anyone else can think of. >:
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Hummingbird
    Am I the only one here who finds the concept of someone not wanting to eat metal amusing?
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Hummingbird
    All this topic needs is a lame Lexaeus joke. :x
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Hummingbird
    Vivi x Quina. Come on, you can make them marry eachother - how much more canon can a shipping get? =P
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. Hummingbird
    Actually, in Re: CoM, he makes a copy of Riku's Soul Eater and attacks using it.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Hummingbird
    I'd have to say Limit Form simply because the limits are awesome. Ars Arcanum and Ragnarok look amazing and are both extremely useful as well. Combine that with an amazing combo finish (I do about two HP bars of damage to Zexion with Zantetsuken and your average Data Organization boss will take one and a half bar of damage) and the most useful growth ability (Dodge Roll is infinitely much more useful than Quick Run) and a nice outfit and you've got a heck of a Drive form.

    Anti Form is a very close second place holder. Who cares if your defenses are crap when your attacks deflect most blows thrown at you and you have insanely long combos that deal a huge amount of damage? That, and it's the coolest looking form in the game.
    It gains one level for every limit you complete in it (meaning you'll have to do all the reaction commands in order to get an experience point for it)
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Hummingbird
    Sora x Naminé is my favorite pairing from any franchise in existence. (not that I support many pairings since they aren't really my thing, but 'tis my favorite pairing nonetheless) They were just so incredibly cute together in CoM that I couldn't help but to fall in love with the pairing. Sora has changed enough (for the worse) in KH II for me to only support the shipping during the happenings of CoM.

    Riku replica x Naminé is another one I support. I'm not very enthusiastic about the shipping, but it's worth a mention. The replica was very dedicated to protecting Naminé although it's probably just because of the false memories Naminé planted in his heart. It doesn't change the fact that the shipping is cute though. =P
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Hummingbird
    We all know Triton secretly wants Sora so Triton x Sora ftw! Ansem The Wise x Eiko (FF IX) isn't my idea of an ideal pairing either and just the thought of Marluxia x Pence makes me shiver. Sora x Ash (Pokémon and no, I'm not a fan of the anime, it's brings shame upon the franchise. :x) would be perfect though. Both have the brain capacity of an oyster so they'd probably get along just fine.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Hummingbird
    Some people here seem to be taking certain shippings way too seriously. Not all shippings are invented in all seriousness; some are created just for the wtf factor. I seriously doubt anyone truly supports shippings such as Xemnas x Triton, but I can see a good writer make a hilarious fanfiction about the pairing. Who can honestly say they don't want to read a Goofy x Xigbar x Merlin fanfiction? xP If you don't count the shippings people don't take seriously, the list of plain stupid shippings becomes a whole lot shorter, but there are a couple of shippings that I don't quite understand but that people seem to take seriously. These include:

    Roxas x Naminé - I can see why people would want this to be canon, but nothing in the game really indicates that the two would be more than friends. They barely even to talk to eachother and apart from the scene in The World That Never Was, they always seemed rather formal when they were talking to eachother. This might just be because I support Sora x Naminé in CoM. (In KH II Sora is such an incredibly shallow character he doesn't deserve anyone at all. :x)

    Roxas x Axel - This was never meant to be anything more than a fangirl fantasty. Axel and Roxas were never more than friends; I don't see why that's such a hard concept to grasp. It's fascinating how fangirls can't understand that even fictional male people don't necessarily have to be homosexual for having a good friend of the same gender.

    Sora x Riku - I'm sticking to my opinion of the two only being friends. True, depending on how you interpret things, there can be quite many hints towards this shipping, but I don't have a fangirl mind so I can't find any major hints towards the shipping. That, and as much as I despise the shipping, Sora x Kairi had a lot more shipping references.

    I don't really know how seriously people take different Organization shippings, but Sai'x and Xemnas doesn't make much sense to me either. So what if Sai'x is loyal to Xemnas? It's not the same as being his butt buddy. In the end, they're both just after a heart anyway. As for Larxene x Marluxia... although they're both among my top five favorite Organization members, I don't see much room for love there; they're more like partners, perhaps even friends, but there's definitely not anything more between the two imo.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Hummingbird
    I either read a book, play a bit on Shoddy (an online Pokémon battle simulator) or just browse random sites on the internet while listening to Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts or Chrono Trigger/Cross music. And as shocking as it may sound, sometimes I even do homework, not because it needs to be done, but because I enjoy it.
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Hummingbird
    You forgot the middle people who no one really knows and who just occasionally drop in and make a post or two because they have nothing better to do (or because they're avoiding moderator duty on another forum. =P) and then don't post for days. I feel so unloved. ;_;
    Post by: Hummingbird, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone