Yeah, when there's no other excuse for treating other life forms like crap, let's turn to religion. I'm not a religious person, but I have nothing against people who are, but if there's one thing I dislike about religion it's when people use it to justify deeds that clearly follow no moral. The only thing that truly makes us different from other animals is that our brains are better developed and in the way that our actions are currently wrecking countless ecosystems around the world. We don't live to maintain the balance in nature, we are just selfish creatures who care about nothing but ourselves and although not everyone may realize it, most of us do in fact act upon primitive instincts rather than acting logically. Animals can feel pain just like we can. Some animals are even able to feel all the emotions we humans can. Whales, for example, have a very well developed section in their brain that is very similar to the section in the human brain that handles feelings such as compassion and love which means that technically, whales can feel the same kind of affection towards another specimen of their species we can. So tell me, if other life forms can feel the same things we can, how are we really different from them? The concept of a soul is so incredibly abstract that I'd like a proper definition for what a soul is and why only humans would have one. And either way, animals would still be a work of God and in that case, shouldn't he be the one to decide when to end the life he created? Why would we humans have a right to kill something God created?
I used to just get through the game by button mashing, but having played through the regular KH II at level 1 (using Action Replay to stay at such a low level and cheating for the other benefits from Critical Mode in FM+) and being on my first level 1 playthrough on Final Mix, I've become more of a defensive player. Aerial Dodge, Guard and Glide are my most commonly used abilities (although in Final Mix I often use Dodge Roll instead of Aerial Dodge + Glide) and it's very rewarding to beat a boss without having to heal. I do, however, play offensively against certain bosses against which being defensive is clearly the inferior choice. Barbossa, for example, is much easier to defeat by simply spamming Thunder, Trinity Limit and Valor Form. (beat him in under a minute without any of my party members taking a single point of damage on my first Final Mix save file using that strategy) But against most bosses I prefer casting Thunder from a safe distance while Guarding any attacks thrown at me and striking back with Counterguard, creating an opening for a combo or two. It works quite well against the likes of Terra and looks a lot fancier than watching Sora get the crap beaten out of him.
Why don't we take some orphan from India, tie him up and let him starve while we take photos of him? After all, he's just another human and there are billions of other humans in the world. Dogs are living beings just like we are, so going by your logic, killing a human or two for the sake of art is perfectly acceptable since there will still be billions of others left. True, we humans might be smarter than dogs, but that does not give us the right to torture other living beings for our own enjoyment. In case the first paragraph didn't make this clear enough, I find this absolutely disgusting. Torturing a living being is not art, it's just sick. Words cannot express how upset I am about this and since just about everything I have to say about this has already been said, I'll save a lot of time and energy and will refrain from turning this post into a rant.
Hacking Pokémon games is far from stupid. Not only does making a good hack require a lot of time and effort, but it also requires you to use your brain. Go play the beta of Pokémon Prism and tell me it isn't absolutely amazing if you ignore the grammar errors. Then go play Shiny Gold (I hate using it as an example since it's incredibly overrated, but still amazingly well done nonetheless) and tell me it still feels like playing Firered. Then go tell people like Coolboyman, Zel and Mastermind_X that Pokémon hacking is stupid. Making a good hack is almost like making a completely new game except you already have a game engine done, saving you hours of work on scripting one yourself. True, making a simple hack is not a hard task, but making a good one isn't. Have you ever tried scripting? It took me a whole day to make a simple script with a couple of people moving, the player receiving a Pokémon after which there's a battle and a short conversation and then three people move off the screen. And since I realized the plot in my hack was total garbage, I ended up abandoning the project. I worked on it a week and got as far as the first gym and the second route and even then, there were a lot of bugs. Saying Pokémon hacking is easy is an insult to every serious hacker in existence.
May I inform you that this topic didn't make the forum any less boring?
KH: Not sure, around 9 times, I think. KH CoM: I lost count after my 10th playthrough with Sora, I've probably played it through 20+ times with him by now and about 5 with Riku. Kingdom Hearts II: About 5 times Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories: 1 time with both Riku and Sora Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+: 1 time, currently on a level 1 playthrough. I've wasted more than 1000 hours of my life playing Kingdom Hearts. =P
Pokémon hacking refers to actually modifying the game's data by changing the maps, text, graphics, music and even scripts. Lately, people have started doing minor ASM changes as well (as seen in the encounter script for the red Gyarados in Zel's Pokémon Shiny Gold rom hack) and Pokémon hacking is constantly developing. A lot of these things cannot be achieved by simply using a cheating device, and those things that can would require hundreds, possibly thousands of lines of code if you'd want to do anything noticeable. Hence why the Code Vault doesn't really seem appropriate for this, but I'm no staff member so I might be wrong.
I can't decide between Gambler of Fate, Graceful Assassin and Cloaked Schemer. It's a universal fact that Gambler of Fate sounds awesome and Graceful Assassin and Cloaked Schemer are just really fitting for their respective members.
I dislike the stereotypical "emos", but for people who actually have a reason to react so strongly to things, (such as having experienced something truly tragic or having any kind of mental disorder that might make one overly sensitive) I feel compassion. Not everyone is capable of coping with bad things in life and those people need support rather than becoming victims of people with unfair prejudices who can't seem to accept that some people might be different from them. Labeling people emo based solely on the way they dress is also stupid. Way to go making huge generalizations. <.< Not every human being on earth wants to be rich, and not everyone wants to have sex with random people they barely know. I fit in both categories, sure I'm a bit too young to have sex so I don't really know how it feels, but if sex starts taking over your life, you need help. As for money, I wouldn't mind having a lot of money, but I don't really feel the need to have more than I actually need. Maybe you just want sex and money out of life, but I, personally, want to live a happy life. I do realize you might have been sarcastic, but I felt like saying that just in case. I'm sure few people really hate her since hate is a pretty strong word, but I am one of the people who dislike her. Not because she's rich, but because she really seems to be trying to make herself look like an idiot. I've seen a couple of reality shows with her (although I really wish I would have done something enjoyable with the time) and I lost count of how many times I facepalmed over her stupidity and overall annoying attitude. I don't mind if she wants to act like an idiot, but I do mind when she acts like an idiot while taking away screentime from something potentially enjoyable.
I'm not judging the book before I read it, but the way it's going doesn't seem good at all. As odd as it may sound, I do hope that another major character will die and stay dead, though.
I was pretty tired when I wrote my last post and I didn't really mean the whole ending was bad, just the part *SPOILER ALERT* with Farid being resurrected. I really hated that part, and the fact that it's been confirmed that Dustfinger will be back in Inkdeath just makes things worse. Dustfinger is my favorite character in the book, but why make him sacrifice himself just so he can be brought back to life? It makes everyone's deaths meaningless. Inkdeath is most likely just going to make things worse in every way imaginable, hence why I think the author should have moved on instead of continuing the Ink-series.
Dodge Roll (Final Mix only) and Guard are my favorite abilities by far. I dare someone to beat the game at level 1 without using either of them. =P Also, having played through the regular Kingdom Hearts II at level 1 on Proud mode (Action Replay ftw) and currently playing through Final Mix at level 1, I've learned to appreciate Trinity Limit. Without that, Pete (in Timeless River) is a nightmare at level 1 and it makes Barbossa a hell of a lot easier as well. (although he isn't that hard to begin with) Next would be Aerial Dodge because it has saved me countless times and looks cool to boot. Explosion is always nice to have as well.
I read this and Inkspell not too long ago and loved it. The concept is very original and I truly enjoyed reading the book. The second book wasn't bad, but not nearly as good as the first one imo. The ending was so incredibly bad it made me want to bash someone on the head with the book. :x That completely ruined it for me and Inkdeath will have to be a hell of a good book to make up for the lame ending of the second one. =\
Okay, I'm not one of those people who believes Pokémon is real or anything, but you're so incredibly ignorant I feel I have to comment on this. I admit that the anime is crap, but Satoshi Tajiri (the creator of Pokémon) has said himself that the manga is far more like he had envisioned it and from having read scans of the first 9 volumes, I know the manga can get very dark at times and it actually has an interesting storyline as well. As for the games, behind that cute furry disguise lies a great concept and a masterfully designed strategy game. A battle against a good player can be very exciting and will make you have to actually use your brain. Pokémon is a game where you have to carefully think through your every move (if you're playing against a good player) and predict your opponent's moves which is actually mentally much more demanding than you might think. And even if you predict your opponent's moves perfectly, without a well made team, you won't get far. Then there's EVs, IVs and Hidden Power, natures, abilities and movesets to take into account. Competitive Pokémon battling is something people take very seriously. If you want to find out the true complexity of Pokémon, Google competitive Pokémon battling and learn the game mechanics before you claim Pokémon is only for little kids. And to quote a well-known competitive battler (whose name I can't recall): "Pokémon is like chess." For someone who isn't familiar with the competitive aspects of the game, this might sound like total nonsense, but for someone who actually understand the game, this should make sense. That's my rant, I hope it made you understand how ignorant your remark was.
The fact that some people seem to think Pokémon really exist is nothing new to me, (if you've been on a Pokémon forum for 3 years, you're bound to hear some interesting things. =P) but this is just ridiculous. o.o Am I the only one who is seriously considering trolling this place?
I'm talking about people in general. Everyone just wants to dominate things, why not be original for a change? D= Who says you can't give people things while still being mean? >:
^ wants people who he has never even talked to to visit him.
No, this is what you call someone who knows the basics of Pokémon TCG and knows Charizard isn't a good card.
Dominating stuff in general is old. Don't tell me a criminal who actually gives away his own property isn't more original than one who just takes stuff from others.
This thing's a bit... old and it still seems to fail as hard as it's always done. Charizard isn't even a good card, damnit, just valuable.