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  1. Ghost

    Spandy Andy
    Thread by: Ghost, Jun 28, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Ghost
    Here's some awesome music to listen about while you read this.

    Am I the only one who thinks we should have a facebook. Then we could have are own little group on facebook to and bring our awesomenesss there, also please watch the video. It's probably the best cover og this song ever.
    Thread by: Ghost, Jun 14, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Ghost

    Don't Blink

    Look behind you. Wait. On second thought don't.
    (if you know the next part knock yourself out, but io get to be the doctor :))
    Thread by: Ghost, Jun 12, 2013, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Ghost


    If all other animals stop drinking milk once their old enough to eat regular food, why do we drink milk. And we're the only species that drinks another species milk. I'm I the only one who thinks that's weird?
    Thread by: Ghost, Jun 9, 2013, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Ghost
    This is really awkward but I just realized that Yen Sid spelled backwards is Disney. Or did everyone know that already and I was the only one that didn't?
    Thread by: Ghost, Jun 4, 2013, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Ghost


    I've decided that my new unofficial name is now Sh' Dynasty
    Thread by: Ghost, May 9, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Ghost
    HAHAHAHAHA! I decided to take a three day vow of silence (which I'll probably breack early but hopefully not) only during school for the next three days starting tomorrow.

    I have a feeling that by time im gonna talk again people would wish I was back to being silent
    Thread by: Ghost, Apr 16, 2013, 28 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Ghost

    Oculus Rift

    Okay guys, I recently stumbled upon this the other day. I'm not sure how many people have heard of it but it's amazing. First of all this really did'nt feel like it would fit in the technology or gaming forums, and it seemed like a really interesting dicussion topic.

    What I'm talking about is the Oculus rift. If you 've seen SAO this is something similar. And i'm sure it will get way more fans by time the consumer version is released. It's a virtual reality gaming device. Say, you standing in you're bedroom when you put on these goggle over your eyes. You're still standing in your room. You look up and see the sky, yet you are in a closed room.

    I aslo want to know what you guy think about this, and if you think this is as amazing as I think it is.

    Thread by: Ghost, Mar 30, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  9. Ghost
    When walking through a mall full of vendors.Do NOT make eye contact. They will get you and you will end up going home with styling products you don't need. If you make eye contact they will get you.

    You've been warned
    Thread by: Ghost, Jan 27, 2013, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Ghost
    This is a place for you to share you favorite quotes form video games, Tv shows, anime, ect.
    Me First.

    Leo closed his hand and the fire went out. "Didn't wanna look like a freak."

    "I have lightning and wind powers," Jason reminded him. "Piper can turn beautiful and charm people into giving her BMWs. You're no more a freak than we are. And, hey, maybe you can fly, too. Like jump off a building and yell, 'Flame on!'"

    Leo snorted. "If I did that, you would see a flaming kid falling to his death, and I would be yelling something a little stronger than 'Flame on!
    Thread by: Ghost, Jan 6, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Ghost


    Try and see who can post the most Randomest( I don't think Thats a word) things you can find, pictures included. HAVE FUN!

    This is the neighborhood watch committee reminding everyone that necrophilia is still illegal. Thank you and have a pleasant day
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 11, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Ghost
    Okay everybody. Time for you to post the most random acronyms you can make up( or find)

    ME FIRST!!!
    Anonymous association of Kingly Acrimonious Thieves, Sadists, Unicorns,Killers, and Illegal immigrants = Akatsuki. O_O AKATSUKI

    TeeHee Naruto Reference

    Lmaoshmsfoaidmt:laughing my ass off so hard my sombrero fell off and I dropped my taco.
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 11, 2012, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Ghost


    Yay! Time to share what we're gonna dress up for halloween. Or if your not going to trick or treat what are you gonna do.

    Im gonna dress up as slender man( or a pirate.....One Piece!) . Im not trick or treating, so when little kids knock on my door im gonna open it and tell the trick or treat.

    I guess I like making little kids cry...
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 8, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ghost
    Personally these anime are my big three anime. I'm not sure which one I would choose as number one. I wanna know what you guys thunk. Give me your personal opinion. Tell me what you guys think about, like why or why not you would choose one over the others.
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 7, 2012, 23 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Ghost
    Sakura blossoms
    Petals dancing in the wind
    The sky covered with pink
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 5, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Ghost
    Fading Away
    The moon is high
    I hear a melody in the distance
    Stars sing their beautiful song
    As the night turns to day
    The singing stops and the moon fades away
    I have hope that when night falls again
    The stars will come out to sing to me
    And when they do their melody is even more beautiful than the last

    Inspired by the short film, Entropy
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 5, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Ghost
    I'm Lookin for some new anime to watch. i'm nat pick. I watch all different types, so feel free to put down any anime.These are some that i have already watched:

    Uta no Prince-sama


    Death Note

    Soul Eater

    Pandora Hearts

    D. Gray Man

    Tegami Bachi


    Fairy Tail


    Fruits Basket

    Yu Yu Hakusho

    Rurouni Kenshin

    Chrome Shelled Regios

    Hero Tales

    Samurai 7

    Tower of Druaga

    One Piece


    Yugioh GX

    Yugioh 5ds

    Yugioh Zexal


    Naruto Shippuden

    Fullmetal Alchemist

    Air Gear

    Baka and Test

    Rosario + Vampire

    Hero Tales


    Sasami magical girls club

    Sgt. Frog


    Hetalia APH

    Hetalia WS


    Zatch Bell


    Black Butler

    Dragon Ball

    Dragon Ball Z

    Dragon Ball GT


    Tales of Vesperia

    King of Thorn

    The Galaxy Railways

    Segoku Basara

    Hunter x Hunter

    Jing King of Bandits

    Jyo Oh Sei

    Aria The Scarlet Ammo


    Cat Planet Cuties


    Lucky Star

    Spice and Wolf

    Panty and Stocking
    Thread by: Ghost, Oct 5, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone