lol it could but only for a while.. al the geeks at internet station lolz will fix it
id be sora , i just wanna do his whole adventure xD
lol u all look the same ^^ so if megs pretty then that means u pretty too ^^ my lil theory *embharrases u* lolz *wink*
Atlanica sucks -.-; man that was a voring level and u kept having to come back after learning new spells boooring
id save ... man thats a hard decision... umm id say Namine , she just seemed more likable =P
neva diss Lion Sora lolz.. i neva noticed that.. kinda sad if u noticed that =P
man that battle was fun... but now its kinda boring... the first time i tried to battle him i was stuffed shouting unbeatable xD
ma Squall with his sexy new furry outfit xD rock on Squall or.. you can call him Leon -.-;
hmm *grins* somes ones full of themself xD *pokes your forehead then fox whistles* xD u can tell by that ^^
simple and clean for the wind xD just loved it especially all of the remixes aswell such as techno blah blah
he neva helped me once. i neva knew you could play as him until i started coding lolz (doh)
bloody hell did you ee his clothes at the start lolz... thank god they gave him new ones, his voice surprised me the most but everyones voice breaks xD
id give goofy and donal keyblades theyd own instead of just hitting once in an hour
Riku rocks, no other answer to this thred lolz
haha id take axels sence of humour xD hes a right joker =P
hey soz i havent been said anything iun a while .. ive been busy lolz yep even i can do something which has meaning ^^ anyways... hows u , anytin...
hey, how u doing? ^^ i see we have a maple story fan here xD luv the game =P , cya round
ty for inv xD
nice thats some wikid sig pic... i think you should change the green blood to pink.. just an opnion good job
ehh nothing much jjst downloading some psp games *ff crisis core*