ey hows my stupid but cute friend doing ? ^^
aww gtg ima tackle u sum more 2morrow xD bi xx
thank you! xD *sighs in releif* i love u for saying that =P see... not shy lol *gIomp tackles u onto the mud* xD soz but i tackle people i like ^^
hehe xD omg my friends are arguing wiv me saying im shy, i am not shy at all but they wont listen grrr lols
meg........ ur supposed to tell me wat console it is aswell xD *rofl's* ur so stupid ... in a good way hehe ^^
hehe thats kinda point silly *hugs back* aw nice and warm xD btw... do u have any consoles? i know random xD
yeh busy xD hehe u no wat i mean ^^ girl stop being borin =P *teleports behind u then scares u* boo!
hehe ive been ummm busy *winks* ... anytin happen wiv u? *jumps on u*
WOAH new form that is SICK!!! dam u need a medal xD wats the form based on eg wisdom or valor and wat weps u use? !! OMG xD
get ur butt of the comp NOW or its time to get owned by MOM lols xD
lucky u ^^ *twirls u around a bit more* but my school ends to late -.-; 8am till 4pm soooo long =(
lucky u , xD i got a few years left of getting nagged ^^ *looks at u then smiles* =D
no ofcourse i dont know that -.-; ofcourse i know that im not STUPID u know ^^ well maybe i am but... come on ... i get some things xD no...
bah i gtg i came on 2 l8 -.-; ill talk 2 u 2morrow and embharass u some more xD *pokes u on the cheek*
lol hey come back *runs up 2 u* w8 up ^^ ima stay wiv u *sits down next to u then smiles* ^^ *gets up, runs back, picks up meg and puts her next...
woah cool lol xD
woo go cloud xD man maluxria got owned so badly cloud was like boom bing bang lol didnt even give him a chance cant w8 for whos next
okee what eva u say xD *stands next to meg* i only stand next to pretty people 0.o but if u change ur mind ill come back ^^ hehe *laughs*
lol is it a boy or a gal lol wat am i saying
Cookie Jar by Gym Class Heroes xD wooo