oh yeh i dont feel so ashamed know ^^ *jumps around* that made my day happy ^^ OMG SNOW !!!!
lol id just eat the noodle ^^ aww your head *rubs your forehead* does it hurt??
*claps* xD good for u ... now if i was only proud of my brain ^^ then my life would be complete *dreams* xD
yeh but i can take a compliment ^^ hey look im smexy xD lolz see *rips off the peice of paper then superglues it to your forehead* leave it there
*hugs u back* xD random hug 0.o u are crazy ^^
omg i read all your rules on your RP and i nearly died xD ur so controlling ^^ but would u kick me if i broke a rule?? hmmmm xD
it is so fair xD im not breaking any rules so there ^^ hehe *writes "smexy" on a peaice of paper and sticks it onto your forehead* there let the...
well calm down u making me dizzy 0.o:stupid: i have a small brain so i cant handle simple movements xD *pokes your nose*
hey ^^ wassup smexy 0.o lol i wont give that up ;D
oh sorry i didnt know i was stalking u dammit, need 2 be more carefull xD
hi ^^ *high fives* xD wassup?
hey dude come on at 6pm got dentist apoinment so does Xrin cya at 6 xD
hehe okee ^^ ima go now do some work xD weird bii xxooxx
yesh it is ^^ btw ima go now , actualy going to do some work bii xx
umm fine ill just settle for lips xD im jkin ^^ well mayb im not ... =P
woah ! lols and cool lemme join in ^^ and if u say no ill be deppressed 4 eva xD
no it hurts =( and itl only heal wiv a kiss xD im specialz lol ^^
ice skating xD but the real fun was watching people fall over lol it neva gets old wat bout...
awww.. im fine although my head does hurt wen i fell on the ice 2day wen i went sk8ing ... I SKIPPED SCHOOL xD naughty me =P
hey ^^ guess wat i did today xD