soz well my net died again ... really need to get it fixed oh well .. soo wats up .. kate make up a new rule anytin ? ^^
omg my internet died again ... i really dont know wats wrong . oh well .. soo wassup lil smexy bossy boots ^^
d/w ima listen to kaytie or im dead xD
hehe ud stop him wouldnt u ^^
thats just another way of calling me a wimp xD
lol really? i bet he wouldnt xD but i know id get ova it =P wink wink
yeh ima big softy xD
i dun it anyway ur sis forced me xD im a wuss
lol naa ur dad will prob think im here to rape u lolz
np ^^ only cuz i luv u xD
i cant come up there where would i stay lolz
hehe tyz uhh wy did u make me write 13+ lol dont understand xD wierdo
fine xD i will
do i ahve to put the silly 4+5=3 xD and 13+ (did on prupose) xD
nope nothing just snow lolz *phones santa* help
wow made a character in ur RP finally neva knew it would take 10 minutes im exhausted
4+5=3 Username : Roxas VII Name : Jay Austin Personality : Is a very shy guy, not used to having people around him so does not speek out alot but will always lend a helping hand to his loved ones ( xD ) Bio : Jay has has grown up alone ever since he can remember. His mum and dad are a mystery to him so he decides to forgot he ever had any parents. By the age of 10 he had met a man identically looking to himself who's name was Sid. the man had offered to help him survive in the cruel world and trained him in the art of combat and thieving. By the ages he was 16 Sid had attacked him while a training period. Jay had fought back not knowing what else to do. Mistakenly he had struck Sid and ended him there. After the incident Jay decided to head of not knowing where he would would end up. One day he had met a group called the Iluminati who had offered him hospitality. In due time Jay was loyal to the clan and ended up becoming a full pledged member. The only thing he had to do was kill a Croft to prove himself worthy. Weapon : carries a small handcrafted knife he had found one day. Prefered Clothing : Wears a brown skull bandana on the top of his head. Physical Description: he is 17 years old and looks like this ----> Group : Iluminati nationality : British but does not have an accent xD other : winks alot ;D hehe wink wink wink 13 + lolz
omg snow stopped how sad 0.o my day has just been ruined again --; xD
*kisses ur forehead* there all better *rips up bandaid* there we go ^^
hey btw did u and ur sis kill the real lara croft beacuse she would be anoyed you stole her last name xD