After watching the secret ending of DDD, I ca definitely tell that she will finally have more screen time. I wouldn't mind her being a party member. I don't see her as being a playable character, though. It would be kind of cool, though.
Those images look amazing! :O I can't wait until the release! :D
*cannot like but will find a way to like*
Ah, hi there, Serenacake! I'm Madoka; welcome to the KHV community! :D We're all glad to have you as a member. :) I hope you like it here so far! If you ever want to chat, send me a PM. ;3 I don't bite.. PS, beware the Spamzone! :o
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ :3
Thanks! :D I like it, too. xD
Nuuuuu I'm not. D: I'll start posting once I finish my school projects. @_@
Hello there, hatok! :D I'm Madoka; welcome to the KHV community! :) We're glad to have you here. The community is incredibly friendly. I'm still new here myself, but I love it already. If you have any questions, feel free to ask around and we'll make sure to guide you. I hope to see you around! :) P.S, beware the Spam zone! :O
Hello there, Tycen! Welcome to the KHV community! :) You'll love it here. The community is amazing! :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask around and we'll make sure to help you out! See ya around! P.S, beware the spam zone! :O
I wish I could be more active here. xD Laziness @_@
Hi there! I'm Madoka; welcome to the KHV community! :) We're glad to have you here. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. I'm a fairly new member and I love it here already. xD Feel free to send me a PM if you want to chat! :D I hope to see you around the community.
Oh my goodness! This is amazing! :D You guys did an incredible job finding similar voices. :) I'm really impressed. I wish it were longer. Dx
Hi there! I'm Madoka; welcome back to the KHV community! :) I'm a fairly new member, so I haven't seen you around. O.O I hope we get along well. :3
Mmm, I think I finished DDD when both characters were around level 39-45ish on Proud Mode. I made sure not to die by using Flowmotion, the DE, and my commands to their fullest. :3 I'm still trying to finish Critical. @_@
An interesting thought. :3 I actually wouldn't mind battling Yen Sid.That'd be epic! 8D It would make an interesting battle..
So, we post pictures of ourselves here? Alrighty. I'm not the best looking, but here goes... This one was taken a while ago. Some time in October, I think. O3O Spoiler This one is the most recent one I have of myself. ^^ It was taken last week. :p Spoiler I look different, don't I? O.O I changed a lot over the past few months. :/
They look wonderful! :) I could never draw anything like that. D: I'm jelly...
Nu put me back on the floor >:U the floor is comfortable. ;-;
You've probably seen me around. OwO I'm the inactive pink ranger. xD You'll definitely enjoy the site once you're more accustomed to it. :) And, beware the spamzone. @_@
I've heard a lot about this movie. It seems incredible. *o* I haven't actually seen it myself, but everyone seems to be leaving the theater with tears in their eyes, so it definitely seems like a must-watch, imo.