Another member from KH13? ohmydayum. same here xD Well, hi there Ai Enma! :D I'm Madoka; welcome to the KHV community! :) I think you'll like it here. Make sure to read the rules and beware the spamzone! :O The spamzone is insane. @_@ Anyway, if you feel like chatting, feel free to send me a PM! I hope to see you around the KHV community! :) I feel like I know which user you are. e.e
Oh my! I like the new style. :D It makes it a bit easier to navigate around the site. :)
Indecypher joined the KHV community?! :O Hi, it's Vani, if you remember me. c:
Lol :P I'll make sure to watch out for the Spamzone. Lots of things happen there. @_@ Nice to meet you, too. ;3
*likes* Yes :D Yes it is. At least the rules are enforced here, thank goodness. ouo This community definitely has a good vibe to it, imo. :3
I missed everyone here. D: At least I'm here now x3
Thank you!~ c: I will make sure to do that
:O Hai No.i! :D I'm Madoka; welcome to the KHV community! We're glad to have you here. This site is definitely friendly. One of the reasons why I like it here. :) I'm fairly new myself. xD Anyway, if you ever want to chat, feel free to send me a PM! I hope to see you around! :D You might recognize be by the amount of emotes and "hai No.i" ;3
Hello :D
Yep! :D
Hmmm, they don't look too bad. They're pretty cute, though. c: The crafting could have been a bit better, imo.
doop be doop
boop de boop
Thank you! :) Yes, I have also noticed that one eye is darker than the other. I'll make sure to fix that later. Thank you! :) Thank you! :) I can't color anything without ruining it, so I'll make sure to shade it in. :3 Thank you! :) Thank you! :D Thanks! :) I'd color them if I could. My coloring is pretty bad. xD I've seen your work, and you are fantastic. O3O Thanks! :D Thank you! :) I lightly colored in the shaded parts, and used a cotton swab to make them look a bit darker. I'm still practicing my shading, so it looks pretty bad right now. :p Thanks again! You'll be seeing from me soon. ;3
Stuffer stuff stuffy
Hi there! :3 I was drawing a few pictures a while ago, and I decided to share these two with the KHV community. I'll add Meow Wow later, once I have time to find it. Criticism would be appreciated. c: I'm self-taught, so I could definitely use any advice to improve my artwork. View attachment 33806 View attachment 33807
Wow! That's very amazing! :D I apologize, but I don't have any suggestions. :( I am very amazed by your collage. Please keep up the great work! :)