Never mind XDDDDDD So what's been going on lately?
Yeah, then I remembered after that it was 100 REP not posts.
Thanks <3 *looks at your location* Correction Amby is the stlker. XD
Kind of, last night I realized I had 87 posts, so I figured I would just go for it. A very long story short, I submited the 100th post and nothing...
You have to have 1,000 posts to become Prem, huh?
No, that's DF. XDDDD
You were eating a Hot Pocket. How do I know you may ask? It's sitting next to you on the bed. *was bored out of my scull*
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. XD
A Kairi game would be WAY better.
Axel killed himself to save Sora and Kairi, He deserves to live.
Sonic the hedgehog and Tails the........ Fox?
Nobodies are cooler because they can think for themselves.
Zidane and Garnet (from FF 9) would have been cool.
KH2 by a landslide!
SoraXKairi RoxasXNamine AxelXLarxene CloudXArtith And one people usually forget King MickeyXQueen Minnie
Hmmmmm....... Nobody: Assassins Heartless: BigBodies Org member: Axel, Demyx, Larxene, Roxas, and Xion.
Sanctuary in both English and Japanese.
Demyx then Axel
A cute one would have been Oliver and Company. Sora would wave to have been a kitten or a dog.