Run around in circles til they dry. XD
What's up?!?
Hihi !
Me too Oh, wait. My friend IS Amber. XD
No, I was talking about a cat costume. But now that I look more closely it's the lucky bunnie costume. XD
Oh, never mind then. I'll think of something else.
Me, too. But I thought she was going to chop off his head or something of the sort.
Yeah, probably either "Kitty Pryde" "ShadowKat" or "Sprite".
Yeah, Amby is making me a new one. So what do you think of the newest EGS storyline?
*randomly pick-pockets Amby* Why do you have a pic of........ Spoiler yourself in a cat costume you pocket? :/gasp:
Could you do like a "girl power" with a bunch of girls from KH? Or has that been done?
Sure, sounds good.
I looked at the picture. XD
Since when am I a stalker! Amby and DF are the stalkers
You should say the longest word you know, it's fun.
Well, you Were up. But then you fell. XD
Oooooh, sounds yummy. I would want one if I wasn't so full.
Darn, I was hoping they lowered it.
What are you gonna eat?
Oh, that doesn't help at all. Do you know if the posts thing is the same?