Am I the one that thinks there should be a Kairi centered game? In my opinion, her character was totally undeveloped.
I love your name
My cousin I was probably the only one to die ........... 9 times
Random Post of Doom and Boredom
Yeah, maybe thats it. But it was still kinda fun after you two left. The Kookie Kastle just isn't what it used to be.
Is it just me or is this site not as much fun as it used to be. :B(:
*Randomly bumps SG*
A. I didn't know if you had the time. 2. I had no idea of what I wanted until I found the one I have now.
Oh, I've only had Jewish food once. It was ok, but I was not really paying attention to the food.
Because someone commented on it saying it looked like they were doing something that I tend to frown upon. Hanukkah Honey and Spice Cookies? Are you Jewish?
Traxloy_Org_XII is one of my cousins, she logged into KH-Vids and I suggested she post in the castle. That was not quite what I had in mind. XD Never mind. XD
This is not what I ment when I suggested you should post in the castle. :lol:
That ^ is my proof. XD
Amber is eating pie!
1. I miss spelled nothing see. ^^ B. I got "such an atrocious idea" from the post right above mine. :p
OMG, Amber's eating pie!?! The Apocalypse is upon us!!!!
We have still have the old tree, but we don't have a space big enough to set it up. Oooooooh, shiny! :Awesome:
That's good.
Good, you?
Hanging with the cousins........ still. :lol3: