8pm on Monday, the 20th. Basically I'm going to have the start the day early but pretend I started at 8pm. Then end the day at 48 hours from 8pm tonight (despite starting earlier than that).
It is EST. But that time actually might be problematic for me. I forgot I work tomorrow. I'll try and get things started earlier in the day, and have it end at 8pm (so a few more hours in the phase). We'll see.
Sure. How is 8pm?
The game will start tomorrow night, Saturday the 18th, to accommodate for Kelly's absence, at 11pm Eastern Time (that's the plan anyway). @Aelin FireHeart @C @Captain Arch @CrownMoksha @Fearless @Glen @Karuta @KHGrl15 @Korosu @Marushi @Mish @Trigger @Zelda --- @DigitalAtlas @Midnight Star I need your characters and aliases.
☑ Grind up those sweet tarts in your pocket and sell em Let's go with Male Iris. (Yes I did) --- Post updated --- oh wait already advanced damn uuuh ☑ Just walk home man
When would you be available? I can delay it by a day (shouldn't hurt anything since that's the weekend). The first night will be 48 hours.
Yes. Does this Friday, the 17th work for everyone? @Mish @Karuta @C @Marushi @DigitalAtlas @Zelda @Trigger @Captain Arch @Midnight Star @Korosu @Aelin FireHeart @CrownMoksha @Fearless @Glen @KHGrl15
I was surprised you got in at the time, so that is not a good example to prove your point, haha. Where should such a vote be held?
That bold is exactly what I was asking about. I assume that despite allowing applications from first day contributors, you will not hire people who are not part of the community. There would be outcry, to say the least. Therefore new contributors would be wasting their time by applying. The same logic would have been applied in the 2016 Hiring Session, where you said that "everyone" could apply. If I am wrong in that assumption, then we definitely have problems with that. Users who have not talked to us, invested time with us, or understand us, cannot vote on policy that affects us, represent our interests, or enforce rules on us. Either way, allowing them to apply without achieving the hard requirements of Premium is wasting someone's time. You limited applications to Premiums during normal sessions not just because of perks, but because Premiums have demonstrated investment in the community. There should be a time requirement at the very least. Have to have been a user for over six months, or something like that.
These are notorious but not sure how to order them. Anarchism (no rulers; absence of hierarchy) is both idealistic and worth striving toward. Moral judgments are relative. Nothing is right or wrong according to the universe. Humans create that weight. Free will does not exist (cannot exist). Every decision you make is due to factors outside of your control. It ultimately doesn't matter because it is still okay to criticize people. You still want what you want, and most people want to be liked and want to do well with others, and you can take advantage of that by pretending free will exists. The difference is understanding the difference being being angry because they could have made another choice and being angry because your anger sends a signal that will make them do what you want. One is an illusion that can lead to false conclusions like "If I hit them it will make them do better next time" while the other turns emotions into a strategic advantage. Justice is just a word people use to make themselves feel better about vengeance. "Doing your time", "getting yours", and so on are euphemisms used to mask sadistic pleasure at hurting someone else. Feeling like the books are balanced doesn't change state of the world. Killing a murderer does not always make the world a better place. Giving them a stable living environment, an education, and a chance at a productive job usually does. A murderer could become a nurse or a doctor and save lives, given the opportunity. That isn't justice. Some would say it is the opposite. People do not own their children. They aren't "your kids". You don't have a right to raise your child your way. Your child needs to be treated as a human being. If you can't do it to an adult, you can't do it a child. Children should be treated as people and allowed to learn in a natural way, not through violence and threats if they disobey. Invading foreign lands is always wrong. No exceptions. True knowledge of anything is impossible. Even if you knew all there was to know, you could not know that it was all there was to know. Therefore you should always have some doubt in every single thing you know and remain open to the possibility of alternatives for everything. Including that you are awake. As Skinner said, “The ultimate criterion for the goodness of a concept is not whether two people are brought into agreement but whether the scientist who uses the concept can operate successfully upon his material—all by himself if need be.” If you have a hallucination that no one else can see, and it cuts off your hand, and from then on you feel pain and can't use your hand -- it doesn't matter what others have to say about it. You lost your hand. If you live in an alternate reality from others, you have to work with the rules of the reality you see, others be damned. There is nothing wrong with being selfish if you are honest with yourself. It is impossible to act in an unselfish way. You do everything because you want to do it, or at least prefer it to the alternatives. Even acts of altruism are done to feel good about yourself and to feel that the world you live in is a better place. If you understand that we are just a bunch of selfish people warring for our own ideals, it becomes easier to seek your desires in an efficient manner instead of worrying if you have pure motivations. They don't exist. Faith is abhorrent. Faith leads to weakness and making weak decisions because it is easier to rely on something else than better yourself. If I could weed out one trait in all humanity, faith would be that trait. Let the doubt creep in. Nothing makes people smarter like thinking of the possibilities. If human nature cannot be changed by social forces, then eugenics is acceptable to counteract the terrible trend toward complacency and conservatism.
I do have a problem with access to the Premium section. That is something that people generally have had to earn with lots and lots of actual conversation with people on the site. Giving it to newbies with wallets doesn't seem right. Big question leading from this: Does being a contributor give you priority with promotion to staff like being Premium does? Even if you contribute on your first day on the forum?
1. First vs current impressions of me? 2. Why aren't you in KHV Royale 2.0? 3. If you could do anything for a living and make great money, what would it be? Why? 4. What are your core traits? How do they effect the factors you consider in decision making? 5. What events in your life led to your core traits?
I would want a Teal name if I contributed, or else stay with Pink. Orange easily my least favourite color (along with brown, the subset).
I like the idea... I wonder if the expectations for perks should be managed more heavily. Intent versus impact, too. How much influence does this buy "officially" VS. provable changes in decision making. Will the investment lead the users to feel cheated when things don't go their way? Will the incentives to keep cash flow cause staff to unintentionally show special deference to investors? Bottom line: Is the customer always right? How do you mitigate these perverse incentives?
That makes 3 winners! (Don't forget to send in your PMs.)
One more player to make it last 3 alive. Know anyone else who would play?
@Fearless Can you make it for a Friday the 17th start? If not, what time is better for you?
I need at least 14, ideally.
With only 10 players, only 2 can win together! Invite your friends to increase the pool.
It's good to be wrong sometimes.