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  1. Makaze
    Don't forget to add me to your chats or PM convos, if possible.
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 11, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  2. Makaze
    1. You may talk outside of the thread. You should do so. Use PMs, Discord, Skype, or any other method, and add me to any conversations you start, if possible. (You do not have to add me if it is too much trouble.) Makaze#9709 for Discord and makaze64 for Skype.
    2. DO NOT copy/paste your role PM or send screenshots of in-game logs. You may send text logs of chats with other players and you may paraphrase your role, but copying and pasting interactions with me may result in punitive action.
    3. Everyone has a single shot each Night and two Bulletproof Vests (protects from one shot and disappears after use) at the start of the game unless otherwise mentioned in your role PM. Any special abilities are on top of that.
    4. Target Aliases, NOT Usernames. Actions targetting Usernames will be ignored and counted as idle. Submit your actions by replying to your Role PM Conversation with me using the appropriate format. Please bold your actions so that I can see them easily and do not forget to use ##.
    5. Late actions will not be accepted. Pay attention to the deadline and get your actions in early if you cannot be around for end of Night.
    6. Stay alive.

    Let the chaos begin! What's new:
    • No full hijackers
    • Roles made for balance, not just coolness
    • Everyone has two Bulletproof Vests (BPVs) to start

    1. Aelin Fireheart
    2. C
    3. Fearless
    4. Guardian Soul
    5. Glen
    6. Heart ❤
    7. Karuta
    8. KHGrl15
    9. Marushi
    10. Midnight Star
    11. Mish
    12. O.KnightofTwilight
    13. rikusorakairiown
    14. SushiKey
    15. Trigger
    16. Zelda
    17. Yukari

    KHV Royale Mafia is not your typical Mafia. It is a free-for-all Battle Royale where the object is to be one of the last three players alive. It is fast paced, requires less effort, and allows every person a choice in how they play.

    KHV Royale Mafia uses several new game types.

    Check out the first game and second game to talk to the people who played it for more info.

    Everyone Is Mafia

    Everyone Is Mafia means Everyone Is Mafia. There is no Day phase in this game mode. Every night is immediately followed by another Night.

    Each player gets a factional kill each Night and two Bulletproof Vests (BPVs) at the start of the game. You can shoot anyone or be shot by anyone. You win if you are one of the last three players alive.

    Because there is no Day phase and no lynch vote, there is no need for tedious case building and convincing arguments. Do as much or as little as you fancy, so long as you don't die.

    Outside Contact

    Users may talk to each other outside of the game thread. You can use PMs, Skype, or any medium you like. Outside Contact is encouraged in Everyone Is Mafia due to the free-for-all nature of the game.


    Players are anonymous at the start of the game via Aliases.

    All players send in an Alias when they sign up. Your Alias is your name in the game. All actions targeted at a player must target an Alias.

    The list of Aliases is posted below the Playerlist at the start of the game with no indicator of who is who. You may tell others your Alias. Aliases are revealed upon death.

    Choose Your Own Role

    You must send in a character of your choice when signing up to the game. The mod will give you a role that corresponds to the character in your role PM. Characters are not the same as Aliases.

    An Alias is a an in-game name that takes the place of your Username when people target you. Your Role is your set of abilities. They may be completely unrelated. Your full player info might look something like this:
    It is possible for multiple people to have the same Role &/ Character, but Aliases must be unique to the player.​

    Important Terms

    BPV = Bulletproof Vest
    Factional Kill = A Shot That You Submit in PM Every Night

    Who wants to play?

    If you want to play, post here saying you are /in, and send me a PM with your Alias and Character (with the series name so that I can do research if necessary).

    Living Aliases
    Erika Maharay
    Mira M

    Living Players (Victors)
    C // Mira M
    rikusorakairiown // Erika Maharay
    Trigger // Adell

    Dead Players
    Aelin Fireheart // Satan
    Fearless // Sprothe
    Guardian Soul // Overhaul
    Glen // Bowler Hat
    Heart ♥ // Mari
    Mish // Roberta Sinclair
    Karuta // Sart Bimpson
    KHGrl15 // Irene Lucran
    Marushi // Daniel Jackson
    Midnight // Star Sariel
    O.KnightofTwilight // Kirious
    SushiKey // Alex Xenworth
    Yukari // Highway
    Zelda // Mararona

    --- Split ---

    @Aelin FireHeart
    @Guardian Soul
    @Midnight Star

    Role PMs are out. Night 1 has begun.

    You may begin playing. Read the rules.

    Night 1 will end in approximately 72 hours, or at 8:00 PM on Tuesday, August 14th (EST/EDT).

    Please post here with some kind of contact method to confirm you are still around.


    Game has ended.

    The server:
    The master sheet: Google Sheets
    Thread by: Makaze, Aug 11, 2017, 60 replies, in forum: The Playground
  3. Makaze
    Oh the irony.
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 11, 2017 in forum: 2017
  4. Makaze
    BritishHistorian has dropped out. The final list is in the OP (they were the only loss).
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 10, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Makaze
    Okay kiddos. We will start this weekend. Pick the time of day that would be best for you.
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 10, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Makaze
    @Guardian Soul

    Please submit both an alias and character to me.


    I'll probably start this weekend. I need characters and such from everyone first.
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 8, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Makaze
    Sounds like the best time for us to start is the 9th (as per Glen). If anyone else is going to have problems, let me know.
    Post by: Makaze, Aug 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Makaze
    We have sixteen players... I'll hold out for one more, but if not, we should be almost ready to go.

    @Aelin FireHeart
    @Guardian Soul
    @Heart ❤
    @Midnight Star

    When is the earliest you could start?
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 31, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Makaze
  10. Makaze
    With Trigger, that makes 14. Can you think of anyone else who might like this game?
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 30, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Makaze
    We need at least 15. More the better.
    Post by: Makaze, Jul 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Makaze
  13. Makaze
    Let the chaos begin! What's new:
    • No full hijackers
    • Roles made for balance, not just coolness
    • Everyone has two Bulletproof Vests (BPVs) to start

    1. Aelin Fireheart
    2. C
    3. Fearless
    4. Guardian Soul
    5. Glen
    6. Heart ❤
    7. Karuta
    8. KHGrl15
    9. Marushi
    10. Midnight Star
    11. Mish
    12. O.KnightofTwilight
    13. rikusorakairiown
    14. SushiKey
    15. Trigger
    16. Zelda
    17. Yukari

    KHV Royale Mafia is not your typical Mafia. It is a free-for-all Battle Royale where the object is to be one of the last three players alive. It is fast paced, requires less effort, and allows every person a choice in how they play.

    KHV Royale Mafia uses several new game types.

    Check out the first game and second game to talk to the people who played it for more info.

    Everyone Is Mafia

    Everyone Is Mafia means Everyone Is Mafia. There is no Day phase in this game mode. Every night is immediately followed by another Night.

    Each player gets a factional kill each Night and two Bulletproof Vests (BPVs) at the start of the game. You can shoot anyone or be shot by anyone. You win if you are one of the last three players alive.

    Because there is no Day phase and no lynch vote, there is no need for tedious case building and convincing arguments. Do as much or as little as you fancy, so long as you don't die.

    Outside Contact

    Users may talk to each other outside of the game thread. You can use PMs, Skype, or any medium you like. Outside Contact is encouraged in Everyone Is Mafia due to the free-for-all nature of the game.


    Players are anonymous at the start of the game via Aliases.

    All players send in an Alias when they sign up. Your Alias is your name in the game. All actions targeted at a player must target an Alias.

    The list of Aliases is posted below the Playerlist at the start of the game with no indicator of who is who. You may tell others your Alias. Aliases are revealed upon death.

    Choose Your Own Role

    You must send in a character of your choice when signing up to the game. The mod will give you a role that corresponds to the character in your role PM. Characters are not the same as Aliases.

    An Alias is a an in-game name that takes the place of your Username when people target you. Your Role is your set of abilities. They may be completely unrelated. Your full player info might look something like this:
    It is possible for multiple people to have the same Role &/ Character, but Aliases must be unique to the player.​

    Important Terms

    BPV = Bulletproof Vest
    Factional Kill = A Shot That You Submit in PM Every Night

    Who wants to play?

    If you want to play, post here saying you are /in, and send me a PM with your Alias and Character (with the series name so that I can do research if necessary).
    Thread by: Makaze, Jul 24, 2017, 52 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Makaze

    (I am so lazy these days...)
    Post by: Makaze, Apr 26, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  15. Makaze

    Impressions of Royale?

    How many people could you drag in for another game?
    Post by: Makaze, Apr 14, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  16. Makaze
    holy **** this is beautiful
    Post by: Makaze, Apr 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Makaze
    It would be just as dangerous if not more for the user because what makes bullets fire is the explosion only having one place to go, while pushing off against the container with immense force. The same force that make the bullet travel that fast would be applied in all directions, but especially toward his hands/arm/torso (the back of the round).
    Post by: Makaze, Mar 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Makaze
    You could have won if and only if all three of you shot DA and DA did not shoot you twice.
    Post by: Makaze, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  19. Makaze
    Zelda has died.
    Game Over

    Congratulatons to the winners:

    Master sheet:
    Post by: Makaze, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  20. Makaze
    Night 5 has ended.

    Actions are being processed.
    Post by: Makaze, Feb 27, 2017 in forum: The Playground