The game has ended. Wow, I can't math. Congratulations to @Trigger, @C, and @rikusorakairiown. You fought well.
Night 5 has ended. Heart ♥ has died. They were: O.KnightOfTwilight has died. They were: SushiKey has died. They were:
Mish has died. They were: Zelda has died. They were: Night 5 has begun. Night 5 ends in approximately 23 hours on Aug 23 at 4pm EST/EDT. Pay attention. The phase is shorter now. If you want it extended, post so in this thread.
Night 4 has ended. Actions are being processed now.
Night 4 has begun. Night 4 ends in ~46 hours at 4~5pm EST/EDT.
Night 3 has ended. Guardian Soul has died. They were: Glen has died. They were: KHGrl15 has died. They were: Midnight Star has died. They were:
Processing now.
Information and other results will be distributed when I'm home again.
Aelin has died. They were: Fearless has died. They were: Marushi has died. They were: Yukari has died. They were: --- Post updated --- Night 3 begins, 48 hours. 4pm
Night 2 has ended early by popular vote. Actions are being processed now.
Good idea. Everyone down for this? We'll see.
In addition, multiple players either did not submit any actions, or submitted invalid actions. If you submitted invalid actions, you have been told to how to fix them. Please make corrections in the allotted time. I will do my best to process actions on time, but to be honest, evenings do not work well for me. I work evenings. Have fun with the extra time.
Due to unforeseen work-related circumstances, the phase has been extended another 24 hours. Seriously sorry.
There are less than 8 hours remaining. Night 2 ends tonight at 8 PM EST/EDT.Countdown Timer
Night 1 Results: Karuta has died. They were: Night 2 has begun. Night 2 ends on Thursday, August 17 at 8:00 PM EST/EDT.
Night 1 has ended. Sorry for delay. Was eating out. Actions being processed now.
It does? Oops... Do you want it extended or not? I can go either way, but I work at that time tonight. So no results until later anyway.
Nope, the date is correct. But I have some actions that are half-done. Just making sure people get it.
Many of you have not submitted your actions. Some of you have submitted actions, but not shots, and some of you have submitted shots, but not actions. If this is not a mistake, please submit that you are idling your shot using ##Idle Shot.