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  1. Ventez


    Darren's eyes slowly opened as everything came into view. Just as he was about to observe his changed surroundings, he had a flashback. There was a truck. A small one. It was coming towards him. The truck got faster and faster as Darren began to run. Soon, it was only inches behind him. Then...nothing.
    "What a headache..." he muttered, rubbing his aching head and standing up.
    Now, he could see three people not so far away. Close to them was a small television. Darren slowly walked towards them, his eyes narrowing. Once he was a couple of feet away from the group, he simply stood there and watched.
    THESE were the people who kidnapped me?! he thought, observing their crazy act. I must be pretty pathetic...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ventez
    Half full!!!!
    I've been asked this question many times, and I've always had the same answer.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 11, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. Ventez


    Name: Darren Black

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Past: Darren hasn't had the best past. From being pushed around, to being abandoned by his parents, it's just been a pain. Now, he lives with his grandparents, but doesn't see them much due to the fact that he is nearly never at home. Instead, he prefers to spend his time exploring his surroundings and getting into trouble. When not doing that, he's usually very quiet and simply lurks in quiet spaces. There are several gaps in his past that he tries to fill in.
    Now, Darren has been abducted and will soon find himself somewhere different than anywhere he's ever been. For reasons he does not yet know.
    (Sorry if it's lame. All I could think of at this hour. =/)


    Darren (ignore the writing at the bottom. Lol.)

    Post by: Ventez, Dec 11, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ventez
    OoC: Sure. I'll start.

    Sora sat on the dock of the island, letting the cool breeze blow through his hair. The sun was setting and he was the only one outside. It had been a while since they had all worked together to defeat Organization XIII once and for all. Life was good.
    The small waves gently moved back and forth in the water, occasionally making a splashing sound. Suddenly, Sora noticed something floating in the water. A bottle, perhaps?
    It was a clear glass bottle floating towards the shore containing a rolled up piece of paper. As it got closer, Sora noticed the King Mickey symbol imprinted on the side. Immediately, he dove into the water and swam forward. Once he got close enough, Sora snatched the bottle and went back towards the shore. Any letter from the King was important.

    King Mickey silently sat in his throne, nervously tapping his fingers together. So many things were happening at once. Maleficent was somewhere, along with Organization XIII. Many things needed to be done. All he could do was wait for Sora to receive his letter.

    A tall dark figure walked around the dark halls of the Hollow Bastion castle. It didn't seem to even be walking. It actually semed to be...floating.
    After a while, the figure arrived in a large room with a staircase and a large heart shaped doorway in the back. Suddenly, the figure spread its arms out to reveal their green cold face. It was Maleficent. To her sides, she saw glass containers where the Seven Princesses of Hearts were once kept, then freed by that brown haired keyblade wielder. But that's not what she cared about. What she was really interested with was the heart shaped doorway in the back of the room. It was once used for Sora to travel through and confront Ansem. However, now it would be a tool for Maleficent's victory.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ventez
    Jake went to the park and quietly sat on a bench. Things were quiet here lately.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ventez
    Roxas didn't look at Sora. He simply continued to stare at the horizon as he spoke.
    "Yeah." he muttered quickly, his eyes focused. "That can't be good. Maybe we should try contacting King Mickey."

    Xigbar jumped from roof to roof of the castle buildings, inspecting everywhere. Finally, he appeared on the roof of Where Nothing Gathers and stood there, once again watching the area like a hawk.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ventez
    Xigbar pressed the tip of his gun to Zexion's chest with narrowed eyes.
    "I'm keeping watch." he said coolly. "In case any intruders come along, they'll find themselves a little surprise."
    To demonstrate, he made a nobody appear a few feet away from them. Quickly, he pointed his gun at it and shot. Immediately, the nobody exploded and disappeared. Blowing at the tip of his gun, Xigbar faced Zexion again.
    "So, get out of here, kid." he said, walking away and beginning to watch over the castle ground again. "Before you get hurt."

    Roxas continued to stare at the horizon as if in some sort of trance. He thought about what could be going on. Was darkness coming to attack them? Was a storm coming? There were endless possibilities...and not one of them could be good.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ventez
    Xigbar had been standing on Memory Skyscraper's roof, watching over the castle with a tight grip on his gun. Suddenly, Zexion had appeared out of nowhere and began to read.
    "What are you doing here, Number Six?"he asked through gritted teeth as he stepped out of the shadows. "This isn't a time to relax."

    Roxas licked some of his ice cream bar, sitting on the edge of the dock. The sun was setting and there were small waves moving back and forth in the water. It was so silent. Although they had defeated the Organization members and saved the worlds, something didn't feel right. Something was going on that they weren't aware of...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ventez

    I thought you were a guy!
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Ventez
    Joshua looked up at the sky. It was almost night time.
    "I'm sorry Arriel, I had things to attend to." he said. "So much has happened this week. So much has changed. One day I'm a regular guy walking around town, and the next...I'm a monster who has lost everything. Which is why...I'm leaving tonight..."
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ventez
    Joshua did not make a sound and simply slid a finger across his cheek.
    "I see..." he said, stepping closer. "Um...would you like to tell me why you just slapped me?"
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ventez
    Josh stood still for a moment, then got up and faced Arriel.
    "Yes, princess?" he said calmly, as if nothing had just happened to him.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ventez
    Username: Ventez
    Gender: Male

    300 posts and 5 months of membership.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Ventez



    This is why you shouldn't trust computers...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Ventez


    Did someone say pic dumping?!?!?!

    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Ventez
    I thought it was ok. The clips fit well, nice speed, but it could've used come more effects.
    Good job! Keep improving!
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  17. Ventez
    Pretty cool! As others have said, just add some more color and it will be awesome!
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Ventez
    If not that, then it was just probably some random prop.'s some sort of new form of keyblade!!!!
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Ventez
    Xalibur was silently walking down a mountain when he suddenly he heard a loud noise coming from behind. Ignoring it, he continued to walk. However, it was becoming louder and louder. At last, he turned around with sword in hand. A dozen wolves were each running towards him with a lust for blood in their eyes. Once they reached him, the wolves jumped into the air and tried to tackle him down. They clawed at his chest and bit into his arms. Finally, after a few moments, Xalibur was not willing to take any more.
    "ENOUGH!!!" he shouted so loud that the ground shook.
    Immediately, blasts of fire came out of his hands and mouth, burning several of the wolves to ashes. Now, only a few remained. Quickly, Xalibur sliced his sword at each of them in a swift motion.
    "Pathetic creatures..." he spat, putting away his sword. "They don't understand the element of surprise."

    OoC: Haven't posted here in a while...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ventez


    *Points at STH's animated sig*
    That's what it will look like if Starkiller doesn't win...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone