Jake was jogging until he reached an area people were scurrying away from. There were a few police officers shooting at a man from behind a car. The man wore a hood and carried a gun. "Drop your weapon!" one of the officers yelled. Without responding, the man simply shot at the car, shattering the glass of the window. Many people shrieked in fear and continued escaping the huge scene. Suddenly, a small boy was walking towards it all. The boy was running right in between the man and the police. The man was about to shoot. "KID!" Jake yelled, running towards the small boy. Immediately, the man noticed the small child and pointed the gun at him. "Move out of the way." he said coldly. Some of the police officers noticed this as well and stood up, not wanting to risk the life of a small boy. With no response from the kid, the man leaned his finger on the trigger, about to shoot. "STOP!" Jake said, tackling the man down. Quickly, police officers rushed over and confiscated the gun. Then, they handcuffed the man. With a relieved sigh, Jake looked down at the kid while several people applauded. He picked up the boy and carried him in his arms. "We gotta find your parents..." he said.
Darren swallowed, then jumped. Unfortunately, his weight was shifted too much into one direction, causing him to do a flip and completely ruin his fall. His lower body was in the needle pile, while his upper body was just outside of it. "Ah!" he groaned in pain, crawling out of the pile. Once he had gotten out of the pile, Darren began to pull needles out of himself.
Darren sighed in relief as the lights came on. However, he could now clearly see the huge pile of needles below. "That's just great..." he muttered, hanging on to the ledge.
Darren was now becoming anxious. His phone rang, but he didn't answer. "Let me out of here!!!" he angrily shouted, trying to see even a glimpse of something in this dark pit.
If you say so... << >>
Darren was running towards a bunch of commotion he had heard. "Is that you...puppet?" he asked, walking through a doorway. Suddenly, it seemed that his feet weren't stepping on anything. There was no ground. Quickly, he had grabbed on to a ledge, hoping to climb out. Instead, the floor above him shut close, and he could hear the voices of those around him. The puppet obviously had something to do with this...
It's official, this movie will ruin the book. -_-
Darren tried to heal his bleeding hand, but nothing would work. Suddenly, his phone rang and he answered. "Yeah?" Darren said, his hand nearly burning. "Hello, Darren." a terrifying voice said from the phone. "It seems that two of your fellow prisoners have managed to save themselves...for now. How did they do this? They followed my rules, which is what you must now do." "Look, I don't know what's going on." Darren responded angrily, his hand intensely bleeding. "But I'm not about to listen to some guy who abducted me." "You have 10 minutes." the voice said coldly, ignoring Darren's comment. " In that time, you will have lost enough blood to die. However, there is a solution. Leave the room you are in, then walk down the hall until you can go no further. There will be two holes in that wall. You must place your bleeding hand through one of the holes. Immediately, there will be a grip on your wrist too tight for you to escape. One hole will completely crush your hand, turning it to dust. The other shall completely heal the wound. Be careful, Darren. And follow my rules. The clock is ticking." Immediately, Darren reluctantly put his phone away and ran out of the room, down the hall. Just as Jigsaw had said, there was a large wall with two separate holes in it. Now to choose. Both were covered in dry blood, which worried Darren. He only had 5 minutes left. Suddenly, an idea came to his head. "Who needs rules..." he muttered, grabbing a chair that was at his side. Quickly, he began smashing the chair against the wall. After a few moments, there was a huge hole in the wall. However, Darren did not see an instrument for crushing or for healing. Instead, a small TV stood on the other side with the image of what appeared to be a puppet on it. "You broke my rules, Darren." the puppet calmly said. "I told you to never break my rules...Now, go. Use this time to find a way to heal your wound and meet with the others. You'll need it. We'll be speaking again very soon..." The TV turned off, leaving Darren to believe he had outsmarted the little puppet. However, he was very wrong. There was no way he could escape breaking Jigsaw's rules...without the proper punishment...
Username: Ventez Name: Jake Masters Gender: Male Age: 20 Personality: Fun loving, intelligent, strong, easily bored. Bio: Jake is the prince of a kingdom hundreds of miles away. To his father, he was a disgrace to the kingdom with no future ahead of himself. So, Jake decided to take a little vacation, away from his father and his soon-to-be kingdom. As for his mother, she was banished long ago for reasons still unknown. Now, Jake wants to leave everything behind him for a little while and have a little fun. Appearance: Jake Powers: The ability of flight, fire control, and lightning control. Weapon: His powers. Role: Visiting Prince Other:
Darren looked at the other kids at the table inside of his cell. He had moved it in from the cafeteria with their help. Now, they each carried a hand of cards, some looking extremely nervous while others (like Darren) simply sat there and looked amused. "I fold." one of them said, reluctantly putting their cards face down on the table. Darren laughed and put his cards on the table face-up. All aces. The other guys smashed their fists on the table as they cursed and called Darren a cheater. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get over it and pay up." he said, holding out his hand. Within a few moments, there was a watch, a bracelet, a five dollar bill, and two rings in his hand. Just as Darren was about to store it away in his secret compartment, a guard appeared behind him and confiscated the jewelry. "This is the fourth time this week, Black." the guard said, stuffing the jewelry into his pocket. "Cut it out, or you'll be here for life." "C'mon officer..." Darren said, reading the name tag on the guard's chest. "Jim. Hey, Can I call you Jimmy? Well, Jimmy, what do you say I get my stuff back and we pretend this never happened. Huh?" The other guys scurried out of the cell. "You've got some nerve, Black." the officer said, angrily. "Backtalk deserves punishment." Officer Jim grabbed Darren by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the building. With the officer's backed turned to him, Darren was able to reach into Officer Jim's pocket and take out the jewlery. Stufing it into his own pocket, he smirked and awaited punishment.
I'll have to say Twilight Thorn. Idk, I've just always liked that boss battle.
OoC: They're not at The World That Never Was. They're in a special building in New York City.
Jake was walking down the street when he heard yelling and a gunshot. "Another fight?" he moaned. "Second one this week." There were a few more gunshots, some screaming, then yelling. Fascinated, Jake began to walk towards all the commotion.
Username; Ventez Name; Darren "Ace" Black Gender; Male Age; 22 Appearence; Darren Ability/Power; The ability to control fire and lightning. Weapon; A nunchuck-like weapon that he put together himself. He calls it a blackjack. Bio; Darren has been arrested a few times since the age of 17, when he began to gamble and use his powers for unwanted things. Being very persuasive, he was always hussling people out of their money and jewelry with a game of cards. However, he would get in trouble for being too young. As for his powers, he would enjoy using them on those who really ticked him off, or he just didn't like. 'Freedom Prison' doesn't worry him much. In fact, as long as he has his pack of cards, it would be like a big casino for him. Personality; Easily bored, somewhat charming, and intelligent. Reason for Arrest; Setting someone on fire for not paying him after winning a game of cards. Other;
OoC: Go ahead and take Marluxia, nobodynerd. I'll handle Xemnas. "If you two are done with wasting the time of your superior..." Xemnas said to Zexion and Vexen behind gritted teeth. "I would like to remind you to never doubt my plans. Now, go find Xion and keep a close eye on her. We all well know that girl can't be trusted alone..." With that, he disappeared into a dark portal. Sora called to his friends as he ran up the beach with the bottle in his hand. Riku, Kairi, Roxas, and Namine all came outside and surrounded Sora, staring at the bottle. Immediately, Sora popped out the cork and pulled the letter out. Dear Sora, It seems that trouble's brewin' up again. This could be worse than ever before. Ya know about those heartless that keep showing up at Disney Islands? They're from Maleficent. Each and every one of them. Before you start searching the islands, I should explain to you that she's not there. Instead, she's in hiding but is watching the island through a screen or something. She's been watching you, Sora. And, I hate to give some more bad news, but Organization XIII is back. That's right, back. My guess is that Maleficent brought them back. With those nobodies and that witch working together, we could be in quite a situation. The point is, Maleficent was using all those heartless to distract you from what Organization XIII was doing. They're in an entirely different and powerful world, conquering everything in sight. What do you need to do? Get to Disney castle. Quick. Don't take a Gummi Ship, 'cause Maleficent will spot you too easily. Find a way to get here unseen, and I'll discuss all of this with you from there. Again, the worlds need you, Sora. Good luck. -King Mickey Sora slowly raised his head and looked at his friends. His face turned hard and became very serious as he spoke. "We're going on another adventure."
Ah...the sick mind of the average human being. *sigh*
*continues to listen* It's like listening to a Lil Wayne song...
....poop. filler...
"Well, if I may interrupt..." Darren said, his finger leaning on the trigger. In the blink of an eye, he had pulled the trigger. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain and fell against the wall. Backfire. His hand was bleeding from the bullet. Darren was fine with tricks. However, he was not currently in the mood for any tricks. OoC: Ok. I'm probably gonna be going to bed soon too.
Darren was silently watching when he noticed the gun. Quickly, he snatched it out of the wall and checked to make sure it was loaded. Perfect. he thought with a smirk. Slowly, he lifted up his arm to point the gun at the others. Apparently being nearly invisible to them, this would be pretty easy.