OoC: Sweet. Could we set it up so that more character spots are available, though? It can get a little boring with only four different characters.
Jake chuckled and looked down at Jacky before looking back at Alexis. "Hey, nice to meet you." he said.
"Not exactly everyone..." Michael said, thinking of Hailey. "Hailey went to a music institution in England for her piano skills a few months ago. She's probably gonna be there for a while. But, at least most of us are still here." He smiled and closed the door as he entered. OoC: Sweet! I'm in.
Vincent simply stood there, barely paying attention to the others. It seemed that people were arriving one-by-one with their strange introduction. He thought that he might as well introduce himself. "Vincent. Vincent Castor." he said, looking the others straight it in the eyes. "I'm with the black pearl. I control gravity." Sepulchrum snorted when Vincent referred to him as a "black pearl" I'm much more than that. If I were human, I could have anyone in the world screaming for mercy within minutes. Whatever. Do you expect me to tell them that? No...but it would do them some good...
Darren didn't like what was going on. He felt as if the gravity was becoming stronger, trying to pull him down. "W-We c-can't fall a-asleep..." he whispered, falling to the floor. The room was spinning, and everything was a blur. Finally, his eyes closed and he fell asleep.
Agreed. Heroes is pretty dramatic and action-y. :)
This looks awesomely epic. I'm totally gonna see it. :)
Vincent didn't even flinch when he heard the voice. Ah, it appears Virtus is organizing a meeting. Hopefully the other chosen ones aren't a bunch of numbskulls... "Whatever." Vincent said, then noticing Mark's wink at Corentine. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. Romance appears in the most random of places... he thought. Quickly, Vincent jumped into the air and floated all the way to the park, then landed gently on the ground. I'm afraid time's up... At the blink of an eye, Vincent's clothes had been changed back to normal and his powers were no longer available. The black pearl lay in his hand, fiercely glowing as it spoke. "Don't let them think you're intimidated by them. It only makes them feel as if they are more superior."
OoC: My bad... ;>> Vincent's eyes sarcastically widened. "Vincent. Vincent Castor." he plainly said. With that, he used his powers to force her up into the air so that he could walk right underneath her. Out of all the questions to ask in this moment of chaos, the girl decided to ask who he was. After landing her back on the ground, Vincent went back to fighting off demons. Bad move. What? You told me to not take my eyes off the battle. She's one of the chosen ones. She controls water. Water is not to be taken lightly. Vincent thought for a moment, then simply continued to fight. Your ignorance will get the best of you... Annoyed, Vincent stopped, then turned halfway around and glared at the girl for a moment. Perhaps it was important to get to know the others...
There's work to be done. Rolling his eyes, Vincent controlled the gravity underneath some of the demons. Immediately, they went hovering into the air and soon exploded, bits of them falling to the ground like confetti. That's all you can do, fool? Making things fly isn't the only option! Vincent thought for a few moments, then an idea came to his mind. He focused on some more demons, increasing the gravity beneath them. At the blink of en eye, they had been pulled into the ground and crushed. Your abilities are lowly decent. But, it will have to do for now. "Whatever. I'm enjoying this..."
OoC: It's unlikely for their to be two gun scenes in the same place around the same time, but I guess I'll make do for now... As Jake was in the middle of speaking the girl and Jacky, he noticed someone not too far away having pointing a gun from behind at someone else. "Another one?" he irritatingly said. "Where did all these guns come from?" Quickly, he jumped onto the man's shoulders, knocking him down. However, he did hear a shot. Jake winced and looked at his arm. The bullet had slid across his skin, then hit a wall. It wasn't much damage, but it still hurt. As for the man, he was laying on the ground, the gun a few feet away from him. Without a moment of hesitation, Jake grabbed the gun and tossed it to a cop who grabbed it and stored it. The cop then grabbed the man, pulling him into a separate than the other man who carried a gun. "Try to stay out of trouble." Jake said to Brandon, slightly annoyed. "Running towards gunshots doesn't make you 'tough'." With that, he walked away. OoC: Now, please, no more gun scenes for a while... -_-
I'm gonna have to say older. It gives you someone to look up to and talk to about things that it would feel awkward talking about with your parents. Plus, who DOESN'T love hand-me-downs???? 8DD
Vincent now had several demons after him. He had somehow appeared at the top of a very high building, many demons pushing him towards the edge. There were simply way too many of them. This had been more than he expected. "Early in the day, and you are already only a damsel in distress." said an irritated voice. There was a bright flash, and a black pearl now floated in front of Vincent. He was now only inches away from the edge of the roof. "Take me into your hand, and you shall do wonders..." the voice said as the pearl shook. "W-What? You're a p-?" "NOW!" Vincent regained his calmness and confidence, then slowly grabbed the marble. A certain energy raced through his veins and made him feel more powerful than ever before. Now, the demons were too close for comfort, and so was the edge. Jump. "I'm afraid that's not my style, pearl. Suicide isn't my thing." The demons were ready to attack. Jump, fool, JUMP! Vincent felt his body swing backwards, and he was now falling towards the ground. Focus, Vincent. Focus on the gravity. Control the gravity! After a few moments, everything was still. Vincent opened his eyes to see that he was floating a few feet off the ground. "That's brilliant..." he whispered.
Vincent approached the creatures calmly, then took a couple of steps back. One of them spotted him and tried to tackle him down, but Vincent managed to dodge it be quickly sliding to the right. A few more tried to get him, but he dodged them as well. As much as Vincent wanted to fight, he wasn't sure if the knife in his pocket was sufficient to kill off these things.
Vincent heard yelling and looked up the sidewalk to see a man and a girl. They were both being attacked by...creatures. While many people were running away from the scene, Vincent began jogging towards it. Finally! he thought to himself. Something interesting happens! A little weirder than I expected, but it'll do.
Vincent sat quietly in a park at the center of town. There were a few sidewalks and many trees surrounding him as he sat on a bench, reading a book. A raven gently landed on his shoulder. Noticing this, Vincent directed it onto his finger, then gently pushed his finger upward, letting the bird fly away. Then, he went back to his reading. There was a strange wind today, and some clouds appeared to be forming. "A storm must be coming..." he muttered, getting up and closing his book. Once Vincent got out of the park, it was as if he had teleported into an entirely different world. Cars filled the streets, people roamed the sidewalks, and there was noise everywhere. "I just had to chose the city out of all places to live..." he said, noticing a group of people huddled up at the edge of the sidewalk. They were awaiting to cross the street. Vincent instead simply began to walk across, not even flinching at the coming cars. Each car would stop only inches away from him. However, the drivers made no comment. It was as if Vincent sent off a certain aura that warned them not to interfere. "Today should be a decent day..." he whispered underneath his breath.
Sr-71 is an awesome band. Gotta love "Tomorrow", "They All Fall Down", and "Goodbye". :)
*points at Demyx* O_O
OoC: xD *waves back* With the way everything was going, I knew my character would soon be easily forgotten, so I stopped posting. @.@ Ah well, life goes on. By the way, I actually think water has plenty of power. Think about it: Oceans, rivers, waterfalls, ponds, lakes, waves, drinking water, and a bunch of other stuff you could have control of. All I know is that I wouldn't mess with a person who could control water. O.O
Username: Ventez Name: Vincent Castor Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Vincent History: Vincent once had a small happy family of him and his parents. His mother and father were both astronauts, and suffered a horrible accident during space travel when Vincent was only 7 years old. Immediately, he was sent to a foster home. It felt like prison to him. At the age of 13, he had come to spend his time reading and learning. A rich family took him in and taught him to be elegant and proper. Once he turned 17, Vincent began to take care of himself. His past was quite fine, but he always felt as if there were something missing. Personality: Usually calm and quiet. A dark sense of humor and attitude. Stands up for what he believes in. Intelligent. Other: MEGAMERGE S Gem: Sepulchrum