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  1. Ventez
    Profile Post

    Oh...awkward... ;>>

    Oh...awkward... ;>>
    Profile Post by Ventez for Riku-Sama's Shadow, Dec 18, 2008
  2. Ventez
  3. Ventez
    OoC: I think I'm gonna change my character's appearance. After all, he is getting older. ;]

    New Michael.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ventez
    "Just a few gifts for some friends." Michael said, looking from the items in the store, then to Maygan. "We're having a party to celebrate the holidays."
    He stopped for a moment, then stood so that he was completely facing her.
    "Hey, if you're not planning on going anywhere tonight, maybe you could hang out with us? After all, you do go to the same college as us."
    Henry's words echoed through his head.
    The more the merrier...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ventez
    "Yeah." Michael said, now remembering. "I've seen you around campus. Well, it's always nice to meet someone new, I guess. Anyway, I'm Michael. Michael Ryans."
    He smiled at her, then went back to looking for gifts.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ventez
  7. Ventez
    OoC: xD
    I try. :P

    Michael looked at a girl who had come in. She seemed familiar.
    "Hey, do I know you?" he asked, walking up to her.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ventez
    Michael looked around the store, thinking about what the others would like. He approached the counter and asked for some suggestions.
    "Excuse, me what do you think some college kids would like for Christmas?" he asked.
    "A party." the worker replied with a chuckle.
    Michael chuckled as well and then went back to searching for gifts.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ventez
    Michael was driving when he remembered something very important.
    Presents! he thought.
    After a little while of searching, he managed to find a store and park outside of it. Then, he went inside to buy some presents for the party.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ventez
    OoC: Brilliant AND creative. xD

    Michael nodded.
    "There's no time to take your stuff out, so I'll give it to you there." he said, beginning to start the car. "Seeya."
    Then, he began to drive and turned on the radio. Hello Seattle by Owl City was playing.
    "Hello Seattle...I am a mountaineer..." he silently sang along as he drove out of the school.
    The holidays had begun...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ventez
    "Yeah, see you there."
    Michael buckled up and made sure everything was ready.

    OoC: *gasp* how will RIS get involved with the others... :O
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ventez
    They both reached Micheal's car. Michael put all of their stuff in the trunk, then got into the driver's seat.
    "Hey Ryo," he said, noticing Ryo from inside of his car. "Are you riding with us, or are you taking your own car?"

    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ventez
    Michael, not hearing a response, began tapping his foot and looking at the time. Then, he looked out the window to see Henry beginning to leave the school.
    "C'mon, Zack, we're running short on time." he said eagerly.
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ventez
    Michael smiled at Red and softly patted his shoulder.
    "Welcome to our oh-so-exciting group." he said with a chuckle.
    Quickly, he went off to his room to pack up his stuff. First, he couldn't forget his guitar. It was one of his prized possessions. After putting the guitar in its case, he put the strap over his shoulder and packed up the rest of his stuff. After that, he began heading back towards his car. As he began leaving the dorm building, Michael noticed Zack packing up inside of his dorm.
    "Dude, what are you doing in here?" he said as he entered the dorm. "We're all off to Lexi's house, aren't you in? There's no way we're leaving you back here."

    OoC: Slightly late post. @.@
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ventez
    Michael thought about it for a moment. His parents had gone to the Bahamas for the holidays, making visiting them out of the question. As for his other friends, they were pretty much everywhere, and he had already visited them a few days ago. So, this was probably the best option.
    "Sure." he said with a smile to Henry. "Thanks. I'm gonna drive in my car, and I'll just follow you."
    Then, some other guy came along and asked about the trip. He had seen him around campus earlier. His name was Red.
    "Um...yeah, we sort of are." he said, looking at Henry as if to ask Should we invite him?
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ventez
    Michael heard an announcement come over the intercom.
    "Attention: The gates will be closing and all staff shall be leaving in three hours. I repeat, the gates will be closing and all staff shall be leaving in three hours. Please enjoy the holidays. Whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. Just have a great time!"
    Three hours? Michael thought, a bit surprised.
    Not all of his stuff was ready, and he hadn't chosen where he was going to go for the holidays yet. Then, he noticed Ryo.
    "Hey, Ryo." he said with a small wave. "Did you hear the announcement? Time can be a pain sometimes..."
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ventez
    OoC: xD
    My character was just messin with ya... :noworries:
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ventez
    Michael awoke to the sound of his alarm clock in his dorm room. Immediately, he got up and looked outside of the window. Snow. It was everywhere.
    "Yes!" he silently cheered.
    After taking a shower, getting changed, and a few other things, Michael was finally ready to start the day. He walked outside of the building, simply walking around in the snow. With every step, a memory came to his mind of his previous adventures with his friends. Memories of Hailey, the girl's dorm incident, the car crash, and much more flowed back into his mind. It was hard letting go of Hailey when she left for the music institution, but Michael would have to move one.
    "Man, it's slippery." he said with a chuckle, nearly falling flat on his face after stepping on some ice.
    Michael looked up at the slightly cloudy sky. This was his university. It was almost like his home...
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ventez
    Vincent glared back at her for a while, not really wanting to say anything. She was just staring at him. It almost annoyed him. What did she want?
    My best guess would be that she wants to know what you're thinking...
    Really? Well I'm thinking about why she's staring at me...
    "Bad memories?" Vincent asked, breaking the awkward silence and stare. "Like what?"
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ventez
    Vincent glared at Corentine through tired, but focused eyes.
    It seems Unda picked a small country girl...
    Should I be afraid? Vincent thought, sarcastically.
    Once you've seen her fight, you tell me that...
    "As said before, I'm Vincent." he said, a bit fascinated by her blue eyes. "We've met."
    Vincent looked at Mark for a little while.
    This guy's desperate for her... he thought with a chuckle
    Post by: Ventez, Dec 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home