Thank you for your time..... that's what she said.
The usual stuff. Rise Against, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace, My Chemical Romance, etc.
Just listening to some music.
Hey. what's up?
Wow. She must be, like, "Megan Fox" hot. @.@
Vincent carefully rested on a branch in the forest. His eyes were glaring at a large black bear slowly crawling out of the bushes. It walked towards the pond, then began drinking the water. "I don't want to hurt it..." he whispered. I want to kill it... Quickly, he jumped off the branch and landed perfectly on the bear's back, hanging on to it's shoulders as his mouth moved towards its mouth. The bear stood on its back feet and roared so loudly that the ground shook. It swung its claws towards Vincent, but ended up only clawing at its own back. With no time to spare, Vincent pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed it right below the bear's neck. The animal roared even louder as blood dripped down its back. Vincent then jumped off the bear's back for a moment right before landing again on its shoulders. Then, he sunk his teeth into the bear's neck. There were a few moments of silence as Vincent swallowed the blood, then the bear fell to the ground, dead. "At least it wasn't a human..." he whispered. A white bird came flying into the forest and landed on his shoulder. You're late...very late... Vincent said to the bird through his mind. There was some business to attend to, and I expect you not to react so angrily to that. I won't be alive forever, you know. Yes, but I will be...
Username: Ventez Name: Vincent Masters Age: 20 Race: Vampire Contry of birth: Free People of the Ice Contry alliend with or wind folower: Light Republic Magic/powers: Incredible physical and mental speed. The ability to change his eyes for night vision or to see things more closely. Slightly heightened strength. Apperance: Vincent Bio: Vincent was found several years ago deep beneath tons of snow by the Free People of the Ice. Everyone thought he was dead, but they were wrong. He was actually quite alive, but in a different way than the rest of them. He could not age and was completely immortal. Because there were no laws, Vincent was free to walk among other people without having to worry one bit. Only recently have people began to realize what Vincent was. A vampire. However, Vincent knew this from the beginning, but was worried that people would try to kill him. Instead, he was accepted and began to feel more normal as other vampires arrived. Now, he wishes to help the world finish this battle, and hopes to learn more about himself in the process. Other: He manages to control his thirst for blood. He carries around a magical white bird with him at all times. Phil D
OoC: Rissy never replied to my character... ._. *sulks*
Wow...lucky... *wishes I had grandparents in a movie* -_-
I saw it. The movie was entertaining and a good laugh, but not really the kind of movie you wish you could watch over and over again. Pretty much, it is a good movie for DVD.
This movie is very confusing at first. However, it all comes together in the end. All in all, it was a pretty good movie with a sad/happy ending.
This looks pretty stupid and boring. The acting already looks bad and the storyline seems crappy as well...
This is gonna be a tough movie to pull off. I'll be impressed if they manage to do it well...
I want to see this movie as soon as I can. It looks pretty awesome.
It looks terrible. Same old boring old stuff. A Message to All Movie Makers: STOP WITH THE DEAD CHILDREN, IT'S OLD MATERIAL NOW!!!
Username; Ventez Character Name; Darren Von Masters (Gotta love the 'Von') Gender; Male Age; 27 Race; Transformer Transformation; A winged golden lion. (How epic does that sound? ;D) Power: When transformed, the ability of flight and speaking with other animals. Appearance; Darren Bio; Darren began living away from his rich family at the age of 17, and surprisingly decided to live in a simple home deep in the forest. There, he discovered his powers and ability to transform. At first, he used them simply for having fun and exploring the world around him. However, recently his family was killed by mysterious creatures, and Darren realized what he really needed to use his powers for. Now Darren leaves the forest to help the world which is in grave danger... Personality; Nearly always has something to say, adventurous, outgoing, and daring. Other; DoomsDay is a National Holiday D; Color burns my eyes... By the way, nice new name, 'Rissy' :D
Josh continued to stare coldly at Arriel, wishing he could change everything that had happened in the previous days. How had everything come to this? What had happened to the kingdom he once knew, that now lay around him as a hopeless land? But, none of that really mattered. All of the dead bodies, all of the debree, it disappeared in his mind. The only thing he saw was Arriel, her beauty almost glowing. Josh stepped forward. Arriel's back was turned away from him, so he gently turned her around to face him. They both locked eyes for a moment, then he leaned his head forward. After a few quiet tense moments, his lips met hers. A warmpth filled his entire body, and he felt Arriel's happiness and sadness. With all that had happened in the past, this moment stood above everything else. Josh's hands moved up her waist, then held her cheeks. Finally, he slowly moved his head back, and stared deep into Arriel's eyes. Everything about her, lay deep in those eyes. "I love you." he quietly whispered into her ear. The words echoed through his mind as he said them. I love you...I love you...I love you, Arriel... OoC: Probably gonna be the last post in this RP... =/
I like the nobodies. I mean, what's not to like? ;]
I would play it, unless Sora and Riku started making out or something in Hollow Bastion... *accidental mental picture* ._. If all the characters were gay, and there was no PDA, I'd still play it...